Start with a college teacher

Chapter 665 Accept the challenge

Chapter 665 Accepting the Challenge (1)

Facing Shen Guanglin's declaration, everyone was stunned.

For a while, everyone held their breath, no one spoke, and quietly watched Shen Guanglin pretending to be aggressive.

In real history, there are really people who have done this.

That was Citigroup's instrument giant PE Biosystems. They hired biologists to form their own project team. Sure enough, they completed the sequencing work ahead of the international gene sequencing team.

Moreover, the entire project only cost 3 million U.S. dollars, which is far from the 30 billion U.S. dollars planned by international organizations.

After this battle, they became famous, and it can be said that they have gained both fame and fortune.

Not only has he successfully gained fame, but he has also reaped continuous benefits.

Seeing that Watson rejected his request for outsourcing, Shen Guanglin also came up with this idea on a whim.

What's the matter with the International Biological Organization? Now that I have money and leisure, I can definitely fight.

Shen Guanglin's brain moved extremely fast, which did him no loss at all, it was stepping on the top position of the International Biology Group.

Such an opportunity may not come once in ten years.

Moreover, I won't lose money at all. After all, the main detection equipment, the PCR instrument, is manufactured by myself, and scientific research competition with international organizations can also promote the sales of this instrument.

This is two copies of money.

Now, Shen Guanglin proposes that he will bypass the International Biological Organization and conduct human gene sequencing alone.After listening to it, everyone felt that something was wrong, but they couldn't tell.

Technically speaking, no one can deny that the technical strength of his laboratory is not good.

After all, his lab has successfully studied targeted therapy drugs through genetic technology, which is the purpose of the Human Genome Project.

At the beginning, Dabelko used the example of Shen Guanglin to persuade Citigroup to set up this project team, but he did not expect Watson to become the leader after the project was established.

Dabelko didn't even expect that Shen Guanglin would challenge this project alone.

This is people with a broad mind.

Technically speaking, Shen Guanglin's laboratory has no problems at all.

What about financially?Will someone donate to him?
Is there really someone who wants to fight against the world's biological world?

It's hard to say.

Although Shen Guanglin's laboratory has not been established for a long time, it is already a world-renowned laboratory.

In his lab, as famous as R&D efficiency is their fundraising ability.

This has made many laboratories envious. Among other things, even Watson's Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory relies on government funding.

However, people all over the world have known for a long time that all the funds of Shen Guanglin's laboratory are obtained through donations. They have never received a penny from the government, and have never undertaken any proposition projects from the government. .

After all, people have this hard power, and there are always some inexplicable bigwigs who are willing to donate money.

For example, if a certain boss is interested in some scientific research fields, what should he do when he wants to make a breakthrough in some areas, but cannot find the direction?
It doesn't matter, donate money to Dongfang Shen's laboratory!
Maybe they really set up a project team in this regard.

As long as the money is in place, anything is possible.

Even, an unknown source said that someone donated money to Shen Guanglin's laboratory to develop the elixir of life.

At present, football is one of the progress.

The research on telomeres is also one of the important progress.

Even, they have achieved results.

The anti-aging effect of football dilute is still very significant. Since using this product, many women have been able to save their aging faces.

Now, the football dilute project has made a profit, and Takeda is very satisfied.

Therefore, it should not be a big problem to find them to continue raising some money.

Shen Guanglin has always been a fast shooter. The research and development speed of Shen Guanglin's laboratory is extremely fast, sometimes even completely disregarding the fact that his colleagues have been researching for three to five years.

They didn't care about their first-mover advantage at all, they intervened as soon as they said they would intervene, and they agreed to a fair scientific research competition. As a result, Shen Guanglin's laboratory suddenly released the results.

Moreover, everyone is busy, seeing that Shen Guanglin's laboratory has stepped in, so hurry up and register the phased results, so as not to fail.

When they actually registered, they found that Shen Guanglin's laboratory had already registered the results.

so fast!
Even half a year is considered a long time for Shen Guanglin's laboratory to get involved in a relatively large research project.

Longer than this point in time, maybe they are ready to give up.

Feeling that it might not be too difficult for Shen Guanglin Lab to raise funds, some people immediately questioned the project itself: If you do this, will it be profitable in the future?

Of course it can be profitable.

Shen Guanglin talked about a common routine in later generations: as long as you have a database of human genes, you can conduct genetic testing and screening for individuals, so that you can predict the occurrence of diseases.

For example, a large number of genetic diseases such as breast cancer, coagulation disease, fibrous cyst, and liver disease can be predicted through genetic testing.

Think about it, everyone, if you have a family history of genetic diseases, don’t you want to test the genetic status in your body, will you get sick recently?How to prevent it, is it really not curious at all?
Moreover, Shen Guanglin also said that the testing fee does not need to be very expensive, after all, there are follow-up treatment plans waiting.

With so many people in the world, the pressure to make a profit is not great.

What next?Whether this meeting should continue or not, everyone was a little at a loss.

"So, you can now consider outsourcing the entire project to our laboratory. I can take a step back. Maybe it only takes 4 million US dollars to complete the entire sequencing work."

This is Shen Guanglin's original intention, it would be great to take over the work directly, saving manpower and material resources.

However, what Shen Guanglin said was in vain. Watson also won the leadership position with great difficulty, and it was impossible to give up.

Moreover, the Human Genome Project is an international organization, so it is naturally impossible to compromise with individuals.

At this time, some people took the opportunity to express their dissatisfaction with Shen Guanglin. They even felt that the promised dragon slaying boy seemed to have grown into an evil dragon.

Shen Guanglin himself also thought that being so strong might have a bad impact on his reputation.

In order to make up for the loss, he repeatedly emphasized to the media: human genetic data is the common wealth of all mankind, and the data we measure will not form patents, but will be openly shared with the world.

That's what he said, but Watson stood on the stage and announced the task assignment plan as if he hadn't heard Shen Guanglin's declaration.

How much money is paid by Citigroup, how many genes are tested, how much money is paid by England, how many genes are tested.

This was discussed before the meeting, and it was just scripted.

No way, he can't really hand over the project plan to Shen Guanglin's laboratory for execution, so what's the use of him?
Moreover, Watson himself is the person in charge of Cold Spring Harbor, and he is confident that the strength of his laboratory may not be inferior to that of Shen Guanglin's laboratory.

Can fight!
"Shen said just now that he is going to challenge the biggest event in the world's biological world. We warmly welcome and accept this challenge."

(End of this chapter)

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