Start with a college teacher

Chapter 666 Don't be afraid

Chapter 666 Not Afraid (2)

Probably felt that I was persona non grata at the venue.

Shen Guanglin left the stage after finishing what he wanted to say, regardless of what Watson continued to say next.

Anyway, his mission was over.

Whether you accept the challenge or not is not up to you. The initiative is in the hands of someone like me, Shen.

Originally, Shen Guanglin's plan was to live from the contacts of international biological organizations. One chromosome is not too few, and three or five are not too many.

However, no one is willing to talk to him, everyone is very closed, and the cake is divided very neatly. If it is said that there is no peace in private, Shen Guanglin does not believe it.

Now, the situation has suddenly become like this, which has created a situation of scientific research competition, which is inevitable.

He had no idea what to do next.

In fact, on the other hand, the international biological team is not feeling well.

Shen Guanglin left, but the haze he left behind for everyone could not dissipate for a long time.

What Watson said didn't boost morale either.

Yes, you Watson is a Nobel laureate, Shen is not.

However, he is still young, and he already has several achievements that can win the Nobel Prize. It is because he is young and the number of years is not enough, so it is vacant.

Now, the entire Human Genome Project project has not yet started, and there are already bad omens.

Some people really want to say that Shen Guanglin is just talking big, and everyone should ignore him.

However, you must know that even the top scientists in the world have to admit that Shen Guanglin is a better existence than them.

At least, not weaker than them.

In the past, as long as Shen Guanglin wanted to study the project, he never failed.

It's just that Shen's time is too precious, and his hobbies are particularly extensive, which gives scientists in the same field some opportunities to participate without despair.

This International Biological Conference started in enthusiasm and ended in dullness.

"It's just nonsense, completely disorganized and undisciplined!" Head Han slapped the table, already a little out of anger.

A good international biological conference was abruptly disturbed by Shen Guanglin.

Head Han has already decided that he must complain against him after returning to China, and strive to get the higher authorities to deal with Shen Guanglin seriously.

I really didn't expect that Shen Guanglin would act so willfully and recklessly. What a bad influence this would cause in the world.

Even, he can't wait to return to the country at all, and now he will organize people to criticize him.

Shen Guanglin left without thinking too much. He went back to the hotel room and was ready to pack up his things for the next stage of his itinerary.

And the dean of the School of Biology of Jingcheng University came back with him, and it seemed that he had something to say to him.

After entering the door, the dean gave a thumbs up:
"Domineering, young man, you are so courageous! Professor Shen has the spirit of Zhang Fei and Zhang Yide. A roar at the head of Changban bridge scares Cao Cao's million troops away."

Shen Guanglin opened the suitcase and began to pack his things. Hearing the praise, he laughed, "Dean, I made you laugh. I was also in a moment of anxiety. I just uttered a few big words. It's not worth mentioning, it's not worth mentioning."

This time when he went to Fusang, Shen Guanglin still brought some gifts for his sister. He just stayed in the hotel for a day, so he didn't need to pack the suitcase, and he didn't mess it up.

However, according to the usual practice, Shen Guanglin packed up the hotel's gifts and handed them to the dean.

These are all good things, and they can be used for a long time when you bring them back to China, so you won’t lose face if you take them.

The dean took the things over naturally. This is what Shen Guanglin said yesterday. These towels, slippers, and storage bags are for colleagues to take back to China. Moreover, there are red envelopes of 500 US dollars per person. Only colleagues have a share.

"Xiao Shen, have you thought about what to do next? How should this matter end?"

The dean didn't come here to collect the trash, and he really cared about him.

After all, this Professor Xiao Shen is the God of Wealth of the school, and even the God of Wealth of the School of Biology.

Moreover, if his laboratory really takes over this big job, it will be the Department of Biology of Beijing University that will ultimately benefit.

The dean saw this very clearly.

If Shen Guanglin's laboratory can independently sequence the human genome, then all the teachers and students of Capital University will have something to do, and it can't be done in one year, it may take several years.

Thinking about it this way, he still looked forward to it: it seems that it is really feasible to do so.

The dean never dared to think of this before.

Now, when Shen Guanglin pierced the window paper, he discovered that there is really such a barbaric way of handling things.

However, it is estimated that Watson and the biological representatives of other countries are about to sit in wax.

Shen Guanglin also sighed:
"I don't know how it will end. It depends on whether someone who has been taken advantage of is willing to pay. After all, I have already issued a declaration to challenge the world. There are always some second-guesses who are willing to give it a try because they are afraid that the world will not be chaotic."

In fact, Shen Guanglin wasn't sure about this, but the big words had already been uttered, so he couldn't back down.

If it doesn't work, he can use the laboratory's own funds to complete the project, but it's not cost-effective to do so.

Donate first and see how much you can get.

In the scientific research community, don't be afraid of competition, competition can make progress.

Sure enough, when the dean of the School of Biology returned to the inspection team, the head of the group Han was calling everyone for a meeting.

The content and purpose of the meeting was of course to denounce Shen Guanglin.

He even wants everyone to be isolated from now on, everyone must write a book of criticism, and must condemn him well.

Seeing the dean coming in, Head Han looked down, but he managed to show some kindness: "Where's that Professor Shen from your college? Why didn't you come to the meeting? Did you look down on our inspection team?"

The others are also filled with righteous indignation along with Captain Han, are they looking down on us?
However, the people from Capital University did not speak. Isn't it normal to look down on you?We also look down a bit.

After all, people can have no attitude, but they can't have no position.

At any time, Professor Shen is a member of Peking University.

Although they are members of the delegation, they are also members of Capital University.

In particular, after Comrade Dean entered the venue, everyone has more backbone.

The dean spoke slowly, neither in a hurry nor angry: "Professor Shen has left just now, he is not a member of the investigation team, why did he come to the meeting? He already said this when he came, and his The travel expenses are borne by himself. Therefore, he is very busy, so he will not say goodbye to everyone."

Head Han originally wanted Shen Guanglin to repent, and then went to Watson and the others to apologize.

Unexpectedly, Shen Guanglin didn't even show his face.

Now, there is no chance of redemption, what should I do?
"Shen Guanglin is from your Beijing University! Hey! He is arrogant and domineering because he is favored and domineering. He has ruined the country's major affairs!"

The dean didn't like to hear these words: "What's wrong with our Peking University? Professor Shen is the pride of our Peking University. We firmly support his decision. Now, he said that he wants to set up his own sequencing team. Is this against the law? ?"

"That can't be announced in public at the International Biological Conference. This is an international conference. What do people think of him? courage?"

"Why? Back then, we were not afraid of the armies of the [-] countries of the United Nations. Are we still afraid of this small challenge?"

(End of this chapter)

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