Start with a college teacher

Chapter 667 Antimatter

Chapter 667 Antimatter (3)

Shen Guanglin didn't stop in Tokyo, he went straight to Kyoto by Shinkansen.

Heroes not only have careers, but also beauties.

Hungry you!
With the progress of the times, communication is now more convenient.

Mobile phones have begun to spread in developed countries. Although the speed of domestic promotion is relatively slow, the shadow of big mobile phones has also appeared in Shencheng.

Therefore, before Shen Guanglin came to the capital, he called ahead of time, which was not counted as an investigation.

Of course, there is no need to check the post.

Shen Guanglin knew very well what Li Li usually did, and there were always spies reporting to him.

Although Shen Guanglin is often not in the capital, he still knows a lot about his sister's situation.

Of course, if someone really dared to pester his sister regardless of life or death, Shen Guanglin would not mind showing him what it means to be desperate for life or death.

Anyway, the country of Fusang is very strange, and there will be black and astringent.

Money is very important here, and someone Shen is not short of money.

He spent a lot of money on his sister, famous cars, famous watches, famous treasures, famous brand clothes.

Although Li Li didn't pursue these things, she didn't refuse when Shen Guanglin bought it and sent it over.

Therefore, although Li Li was just an ordinary graduate student at Kyoto University, her attire scared away many admirers.

Everyone weighs their own strength, and then they can retreat.

Shen Guanglin came out suddenly in the laboratory, surprise was inevitable, she knew he was coming, but she didn't expect him to come so soon.

"Brother Guanglin, aren't you in a meeting today?"

The younger sister is such a reserved person, she didn't even rush up to give him a hug, but spoke very softly, as if they just met yesterday.

When the others saw Professor Shen come in, they bowed politely and left, leaving the two of them alone.

I don't know if I don't see her. Only after meeting him did Shen Guanglin know that he missed her.

Therefore, Shen Guanglin set up a special project team to study cameras, also thinking that one day soon he could use video calls or Internet video chats.

Li Li didn't take the initiative to come over to give hugs, but Shen certainly wouldn't be a modest gentleman.

He took the initiative to walk forward, hugged her from behind, looked at the physical model she was making, and helped her analyze the problem together.

Well, my sister has grown up.

Regarding physics, especially theoretical physics, Shen Guanglin has not studied for some time.

Speaking of which, Shen Guanglin really didn't care enough about Li Li. He only knew about buying luxury goods, but he didn't know what his sister was researching recently.

It wasn't until he came, touched it, and saw it that he realized that she was studying black holes.

Black hole is the name of a kind of celestial body that exists in the cosmic space in the modern general theory of relativity.

By definition, the gravity of a black hole is so powerful that the escape velocity within the event horizon is greater than the speed of light.

Therefore, a black hole is a celestial body whose space-time curvature is so large that even light cannot escape from its event horizon.

As early as 1916, German astronomer Karl Schwarzschild obtained theoretical data about the existence of black holes through calculations.

In real history, on April 2019, 4, mankind’s first photo of a black hole was released. The black hole is located in the center of a giant elliptical galaxy M10 in Virgo, 87 million light-years away from the earth, and its mass is about 5500 billion times that of the sun.

However, Li Li is studying black holes, should he be so powerful?
Looking at the densely packed calculation draft, Shen Guanglin felt very distressed. He rubbed her face, then Li Zi, did it work so hard to make Li Zi so small?
The younger sister did not stop Lushan's Claw, but asked in a low voice, "Brother Guanglin, do you have any good suggestions?"

Shen Guanglin smiled wryly, he really didn't do much research on this.

Although Shen Guanglin is awesome, his knowledge is broad but not refined. About black holes, he only knows superficially.

However, to say that there is profound research in this area, it is the English physicist Stephen Hawking.

Hawking is physically disabled, he is an expert in this field, and the book "A Brief History of Time" is very good, and it is called "the best-selling book that cannot be read" in later generations.

In that book, Hawking tried to answer some theological questions, such as whether time has a beginning, whether space has a boundary, in short, it’s just amazing.

Hey, Hawking in this era has not published "A Brief History of Time".

About the black hole, someone Shen can also show off.

Although, as early as 1973, Hawking, who was already paralyzed and unable to speak, believed that after investigating the quantum effects near black holes, he believed that black holes emit radiation like celestial bodies, and the temperature of the radiation is inversely proportional to the mass of the black hole, so that the black hole will slow down due to radiation. Slowly becomes smaller, but the temperature becomes higher and higher, and finally ends with an explosion.

This theory is so powerful that it is known as the greatest physicist after Einstein.

Now, Shen Guanglin has also won such a title.

However, after that, Hawking changed careers and began to study quantum cosmology.

Of course, their achievements are also very fruitful, and they have proposed the no-boundary condition that can solve the problem of the first push in the universe.

Shen Guanglin suddenly felt that he seemed to be able to put on a show in front of his sister.

"It's like this. I said this casually. If you listen to it casually, it may not be right. Suppose a pair of particles will be created at any time and any place. The created particles are positive particles and antiparticles. In this way , there will be two kinds of objects in the universe, which are positive matter and antimatter.”

Speaking of this, Shen Guanglin suddenly realized that he could open a new topic in theoretical physics, and the name was called antimatter.

In later generations, antimatter and gravitational waves are one of the main achievements of the physics world in the 21st century.

Shen Guanglin suppressed his excitement for a while, blowing the hair next to his sister's ear and said: "

At this time, if the process of creation occurs at the edge of the black hole, assuming one of the particles is sucked into the black hole, the other particle will escape.

If it is assumed that antiparticles carry negative energy and positive particles carry positive energy, and the antiparticles are absorbed by the black hole, then the energy of the black hole will decrease until one day the black hole disappears completely.

Starting from this aspect, you can study a lot of content. "

The more Shen Guanglin talked, the more excited he became, and the more his sister listened, the more focused she became.

When it comes to who is the closest person to Shen Guanglin, many people think it is his elder sister Li Rong, but only his younger sister thinks it is her Li Li.

After all, Shen Guanglin is a physicist, and her younger sister has been studying physics. She thought that she was about to catch up with Brother Guanglin, but she didn't expect him to point out so many research directions in a casual sentence.

This is a subject of several research directions, what should we do?

Regarding the study of black holes, the study of physics topics can be done later. Now, they have more important things to do.

After searching for a long time, it's time for some practical interaction.

The two of them packed their things and went home as a matter of course, and then turned on the squall mode.

An hour later, the two of them cleaned up and chatted about homework.

At this time, talking about physics is a bit boring. Li Li talked about another thing:

"Brother Guanglin, I heard that you did something that caused a sensation in the entire biosphere in Tokyo?"

"Have you heard all this?"

Shen Guanglin said that the news spread really fast enough.

"Of course, there are people from Kyoto University who also participated in this biology conference. Before noon, they passed on the news."

Speaking of this, Li Li admired Brother Guanglin even more. With just one sentence, he cast a shadow over the entire Human Genome Project.

Everyone was worried whether what Shen Guanglin said was correct, so some people even asked Li Li here.

Li Li herself was also curious, and asked Brother Guang Lin what he planned to do next.

No plans at all!

Shen Guanglin came out to relax, not to find trouble.

"Let's not talk about this matter first, let's go! Go out with brother to relax."

Shen Guanglin didn't stay in Fusang for too long. After receiving Li Li, Shen Guanglin took her to Xiangjiang.

It is said that Xiangjiang was about to experience a stock market crash in the second half of 1987. Should it be time to sell those stocks it holds?

(End of this chapter)

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