Start with a college teacher

Chapter 668 Fundraising

Chapter 668 Fundraising (2)

No one knows the poor in the busy city, but the rich has distant relatives in the mountains.

Knowing that Professor Shen was haunted in Xiangjiang, many people rushed over overnight.

Everyone has their own thoughts.Some want to know about LED products, some want to learn about the research and development of leukemia treatment drugs, some don’t think it’s a big deal to watch the excitement, and some really want to donate money to his biological projects.

Of course, the reporters were the first to find Shen Guanglin. There was no other way. It was their job to find someone.

But to be honest, the reporters in Xiangjiang are almost the most unscrupulous, but they are also the most popular and "obedient" group of people.

For real bosses, they are very polite and hardly report any negative news about them.

Now, Shen Guanglin is already considered a hidden boss in Xiangjiang. If they want to interview him and report him, it depends on whether Boss Shen agrees or not.

Previously, Boss Shen was mentioned in some media reports, and the newspaper office was doused with petrol that night.

To say that the people who are most able to integrate into Xiangjiang society are people like Shen.

Fortunately, for this interview, Boss Shen is still reasonable, he said that there is no problem, and he is willing to accept the interview.

In the end, it was Ming Pao who interviewed him, which was chosen by Shen himself, for no other reason than to see a living novelist.

If you really think about it, Mr. Cha is actually a historian, and writing novels is just a means for him to increase the sales of newspapers.

In fact, since 72, Mr. Jin has closed his pen, but there will be a wave of rumors in the world every once in a while, saying that he has new works coming out.

Ask a thread!These people are playing around the edges of the law, doing disgusting things, using "Jin Yongxin" as a pseudonym, and writing novels that are neither yellow nor black, and have no integrity or lower limit.

Shen Guanglin was interviewed by Ming Pao. Of course, the reporter was not Mr. Cha, but a young and beautiful reporter.

This is also Shen's request.

It's pleasing to the eye.

Facing the media, Shen Guanglin talked about his recent achievements, emphasizing the power of LED products and the difficulty of developing leukemia therapeutics.

Of course, LED is powerful. Wu Zhongxian, the king of variety shows, went bankrupt because of investing in LED.

However, what everyone wants to know the most is of course the recent uproar about the Shen Guanglin laboratory singled out the entire international biosphere.

The little girl got the instruction, and asked very straightforwardly: "Isn't Professor Shen afraid of failing and losing the good reputation he has accumulated? Didn't he ever think of failing?"

of course not!Shen Guanglin also asked straightforwardly: "Back then, when the volunteers crossed the Yalu River, they probably didn't think about whether they would fail."

This is a sensitive topic, so I can't say much about it.

The reporter changed the method and asked: "Since Professor Shen has decided to carry out this scientific research competition, what about the source of funding?"

In fact, this is also a problem that Shen Guanglin delineated, and he has already prepared for it.

"There are several ways, first, to raise donations from the international community, which may solve part of the funds. Second, myself and the Great Wall Group hold some shares in Xiangjiang listed companies. Now, for the cause of all mankind, we have decided to share them Take it out and sell it."

In fact, this was Shen Guanglin's goal.

Because, if there is no reasonable reason to sell, it will cause a stock market panic.

But if there is a normal reason, it is much more reasonable.

At the very least, shareholders will feel more at ease knowing that they are selling their shares because they are raising money for the Human Genome Project.

They may say that Professor Shen and the Great Wall Group are really great, and then curse in their hearts, they are really stupid.

The purpose is achieved and the interview is over.

Sure enough, the media began to report wildly: Shen Sheng was raising funds for scientific research and wanted to sell short the shares he held.

This is not just for fun, Shen Guanglin really made people start to slowly sell all the shares they had.

After all, it is already July, and October is only three months away.

Sure enough, there was no panic in the market, and some stocks even rose slightly.

For so many years, the Great Wall Group has held so many shares of listed companies, and they are actually very nervous and dissatisfied.

Moreover, Da Liu has also operated one or two companies over the years, repeatedly jumping around, tossing them to death.

After all, the Great Wall Group holds so many shares in these companies, it is not difficult to acquire them, which also makes some people really sleepless.

Now, the Great Wall Group is finally about to sell its shares, and everyone celebrates.

Media reports finally attracted other people.

On this day, Shen Guanglin was watching a movie shooting, and someone came to him again.

This is a foreign devil with blue eyes and blond hair. He is a man, and he is still a middle-aged man.

Under the witness of the bodyguard, Shen Guanglin met this person.

There was no unpleasantness between the two parties. The man also introduced himself. His name is Brown, George Brown, and a Citiman.

Social courtesy is essential, and out of courtesy, both men said it was a pleasure to see each other.

Next, what's the matter with me, Mr. Shen?

Brown explained that he was representing Citigroup's Department of Energy.

Come to Xingshi to inquire about the crime?Shen Guanglin frowned, am I afraid of you?


He's here to provide support.

"I heard that Professor Shen wants to organize another project team for the Human Genome Project. We welcome it warmly and are willing to bear part of the funding."

What Brown said is very sincere. Citigroup’s spending logic is very strange. They are very willing to spend money on sabotage and some inexplicable things.

real or fake?

Shen Guanglin was very surprised that there was such a good thing.

Such good things can really happen, Brown is serious, and he let Shen Guanglin see his certificate, which is real and effective.

It turned out that their plan was not to put their eggs in the same basket. Shen Guanglin is a world-renowned professor and has the opportunity to complete this project. Therefore, they are willing to invest, as long as Professor Shen's achievements can be shared by then.

Seeing their behavior, Shen Guanglin hesitated instead.

Whether or not to accept this funding is a matter of careful consideration.

Shen Guanglin didn't answer on the spot, but went back and thought about it, and felt that there should be no risk, so he gave the other party a clear reply.

"It is okay to provide funds, but the amount of funds cannot be less than 1 million U.S. dollars, and the donation information cannot be made public, let alone interfere with the normal operation of the project team." Shen Guanglin put forward several requirements in one, two, three, four, five, otherwise, he Would rather not have the money.

Brown is also a little bit embarrassed, "Then how do we know the progress of your project?"

This is okay. It is no problem to know the progress of the project. You can know it at any time. Their laboratory has no restrictions.

Moreover, Shen Guanglin was even thinking about it, he is now fighting the landlord, if he is not afraid of hurting the enthusiasm of the other party, he can even play against you with his cards revealed.

So, of course it's okay for them to want to know the progress, even if they leak the news to their project team, it's not a big deal, he's not afraid.

So it was finalized that Brown would donate money on behalf of Citi Energy.

However, regarding other sources of funding for the Human Genome Project, it is still a difficult problem.

In particular, Takeda Company did not intend to donate money, which was beyond Shen Guanglin's expectations.

Takeda has always been relatively shrewd, and has a good relationship with Shen Guanglin.

This time they refused, which surprised Shen Guanglin.

They probably don't see the rabbits and don't scatter the eagles. After all, they have donated the biological team of the Fusang Kingdom, and they feel that they can't take both sides of the matter.

Therefore, when Shen Guanglin said that he wanted to set up the Human Genome Project project team, they were not very enthusiastic, and even talked about other things.

Short-sighted little devil!

No wonder people always say that devils basically don't understand strategy. They think their tactics are particularly powerful, but they don't know that they are short-sighted and a frog in a well.

In later generations, when there was a war between Russia and Ukraine, Fusang was more anxious than his master when punishing Lao Maozi.

As a result, they listed him as an unfriendly country, and he objected; they directly canceled the negotiations on the four northern islands, and they expressed strong dissatisfaction.

It's amazing to think about it. You have frozen other people's assets and banned trade with others. Do you still want to ask others to pretend that nothing happened.

However, it is not without good news.

As one of the shareholders of PCR, Pfizer is supportive of Shen Guanglin's opening up of the second battlefield.

Moreover, since this happened, hasn't the sales of PCR increased again? Professor Shen is still very good, not only good at scientific research, but also good at business.

He just said a simple sentence at the meeting, which not only put the International Organization of Biology on fire, but also let the world know the importance of PCR, and at the same time, increased his popularity.

It's a lot of success in one fell swoop.

As for whether there are other rich people who want to donate?

There really is!

No, they invited Shen Guanglin to visit Citigroup, saying that they wanted to meet Mr. Shen, a tech star, and they were willing to donate money, not only to the Human Genome Project, but also to other projects.

Is there such a good thing?Shen Guanglin happily agreed, don't shudder to make money.

In a few years, there will be no such good things. At this time, it is not necessary to pretend to be arrogant.

To be honest, Shen Guanglin has never been to New York, a world-class metropolis, after traveling.

What Wall Street, what Times Square, in Shen's eyes, are all floating clouds, without any feeling of longing.

It’s different now. When I heard that the bigwigs on Wall Street wanted to donate money, I suddenly felt that the stench of capitalism’s copper is actually not so bad.

Moreover, the LED screen in Times Square is about to cut the ribbon.

(End of this chapter)

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