Chapter 671 Party (1)

Knowing the cause and effect, Shen Guanglin couldn't laugh or cry.

Is this patriotic overseas Chinese?If you don't even love your own people, who else will you love?

Just for the purpose of deliberately finding bad people to do good things, this kind of "patriots" doesn't matter if they don't love them.

Wang Zhu is also a talent. When he was working part-time, he still knew how to make a small fuss for himself. He really didn't wrong himself. This kind of personality is my favorite, Mr. Shen.

Of course Shen Guanglin would protect his own people, and he already regarded Wang Zhu as his own.

A cook, a cook who doesn't give himself a little kick isn't a good cook at all.

Everyone's silly people know that they stir-fried vegetables and brought them home to feed the little white-eyed wolf.

I don’t know what’s going on recently, some popular novels pushed by some platforms are Siheyuan, Shazhu, Qin Huairu.
A certain point is still restrained, and it has finally become less recently; but it is full on a certain point, which makes people's brains swell and stomach sour.

Shen Guanglin also bought courtyard houses in the capital, and he bought quite a few standard and non-standard ones.

Moreover, some of his courtyard houses are also rented by others. Li Rong is collecting the rent. I don't know how the current rental market is and how long it will take to pay back.

Facing this woman who came to make trouble, Shen Guanglin looked very pale, and couldn't help thinking: "Forcing employees to eat leftovers, isn't there any law that can govern it?"

If it is in the country, there is really no such thing.

But in Citigroup, it is really possible, provided that there is a strong team of lawyers.

In Citigroup, as long as you have money, you can sue anything. It doesn't matter if you want to sue the president. As long as you have a lawyer, you can do whatever you want.

Um?Lawyer team?

Someone Shen happens to have a team of lawyers. Pfizer is actually a litigator company, and they have kept many litigators for a long time.

However, now it seems that this team is not needed at all.

The proprietress surnamed Li saw that Professor Shen was here, and Wang Zhu was a student of his school, so she didn't say anything, and ran back in despair.

Before leaving, he didn't leave a harsh word to meet the occasion.

She even hoped that Shen Guanglin hadn't seen her at all.

Unfortunately, she was disappointed, it was impossible.

Shen is not a person who holds grudges, and his memory is not very good, but he still recognizes this Ms. Li who has a lot of things.

Recently, a large part of the reason why he didn't stay in the capital was because he wanted to avoid people like Ms. Li, which was very annoying.

Those pharmaceutical factories, those who seek medical treatment, those who seek to make progress, as long as they can make some connections, all find Shen Guanglin, just to get a little dirty.

Shen Guanglin was so irritable that he wanted to die.

Unexpectedly, after hiding here and there, I met again here.

Meeting is also fate.

Since Professor Shen's memory is not very good, Shen Guanglin was followed by an assistant when he went out.

Of course, it is also afraid that the spark of science and technology that flashes of inspiration will be extinguished.

No, he immediately ordered his assistant: If there are Chinese and overseas Chinese from Citigroup going to treat leukemia, they must be treated well and treated seriously.

Especially the patient surnamed Li and his family members should be more careful and meticulous.

No matter how much money should be charged, there must be no less.

The assistant nodded to show that he understood, and would convey it immediately later.

Li Li was dissatisfied after listening to it, and asked softly: Does brother Guanglin have any objections to our surname Li?

If it was Li Rong, Shen Guanglin's ears would probably be twisted.

Oh, there is another person named Li here, Shen Guanglin is the son-in-law of the Li family.

Accidental injury, definitely an accidental injury!

The one Shen loved most in his life was Li, for example, Li Rong, Li Li, Li Yuanyuan
Hey, why did Li Yuanyuan get in here?

Thinking of the beautiful teacher who taught at the Shanghai Drama Academy, Shen Guanglin couldn't help but want to see how the progress of his skyscraper construction was going.

I haven't seen it for a long time, and I don't know how many floors it has been built.

Moreover, why did Teacher Li Yuanyuan go recently?Since Hong Li's "Red Sorghum" was cut off, has she become popular now?

Speaking of which, Hong Li and Li Yuanyuan are both from Quancheng. Since they are fellow villagers, it doesn't matter who plays the heroine of the movie.

It's just that Lao Mouzi lost a concubine, so he probably won't divorce his sister-in-law. Will he have a gourd baby in the future?

Thinking of "Red Sorghum", Shen Guanglin suddenly thought, wouldn't this movie win an international award?Did you go to the competition?
Not really.

The filming history of this film has changed. Due to Shen Guanglin's influence on this era and the entertainment circle, this film has not yet been released in China.

so slow?
That's right, it's just this slow, slow work will produce fine work.

Thinking about the movie, Shen Guanglin didn't watch the rehearsal and hurried back to make a phone call.

Back at the hotel and avoiding Li Li, Shen first made an overseas phone call with Teacher Li Meimei and learned that she had gone back to school to continue teaching, so they made an appointment to have dinner and go shopping together on the Bund when they arrived in Shanghai.

Half an hour later, Li Li came back, and he called Lao Mouzi.

Lao Mouzi said that this movie is going to be released after the National Day, and there are still a few months left.

It turned out to be the case.

Shen Guanglin continued to ask: "Have you thought about participating overseas? Maybe you can win an award."


Lao Mouzi's answer was very straightforward, and he didn't even seem to be particularly concerned about the movie's release.

"Why?" Shen Guanglin asked, didn't directors want to win awards and become famous, didn't Lao Mouzi not?
"Why?" Lao Mouzi asked the same way, why did he go abroad to participate in the competition?

This, this actually stopped Shen Guanglin from asking.

Why do you want to go abroad to compete?Isn't it for winning prizes?

If you win an award, you will become famous, you will be able to make more movies, and you will have more female stars.

Looking at other people's hot cannons, gossip can be spread at every turn. Is it because the actress thinks his yin and yang face is very handsome?
Kissing that old tooth is probably going to be very emotional.

But why doesn't the current Lao Mouzi have such ambitions?

The reason was still influenced by someone Shen.

Now, Lao Mouzi is very busy.He wanted to shoot commercials, documentaries, and promotional films of the Great Wall Group. He was so busy that he didn't have time to immerse himself in film creation.

As for making movies, it doesn't make money to make that stuff, so why do you make it.

Just like Second-Hand Rose sang, whoever plays rock and roll for normal people, what's the use of playing it.

What he said made Shen Guanglin feel guilty.

You Mouzi stopped making movies, so how did you become famous?If you can't become famous, what should you do in Athens in 04 and Beijing in 08?

You know, in the 10 minutes of Athens, just that dance, Shen Guanglin collected the high-definition version and watched it carefully for more than 10 years, and I never get tired of watching it.

It's not at all like some moral hypocrites who want to read it, and then scold him after reading it.

Pooh! LSP!

When you go to the club, don’t you also like this tune?

Hey, when he was dancing, Da Tangtang was still a fledgling girl. When he crossed over, her child was born, it was a daughter.

While calling Lao Mouzi, Shen Guanglin suddenly thought, should he come and direct the unveiling ceremony?

After all, this is a big event for the Great Wall Group and LED's publicity.

If this matter is done well, it will cause a sensation all over the world.

Moreover, for Huaxia in this era, this is also a good window for publicity.

China now needs the approval of others. If Shen Guanglin makes such an achievement, if he blows up the market in Citigroup, after returning to China, there will be countless little girls following him and wanting to marry him.

Just think about it!
The more you think about it, the more reasonable it becomes.

Shen Guanglin asked Lao Mouzi to come over immediately, and gave him a week to arrange the program, make a good plan, and hold a grand unveiling event.

The scene must be shocking, there must be a breakthrough, and it must be attractive enough.

As for how much it will cost, that's not a problem.

If the owner unit doesn't want to pay, then Shen will pay by himself. The Great Wall Group has sold so many shares recently that there is nowhere to spend the money in their hands.

If you have money, the speed is different. Lao Mouzi came to New York the next day.

In fact, when Lao Mouzi was in the capital, he had already seen what LED screens were all about, and even wondered whether this thing could replace movie screens.

It seems to be really good, but the distance is a little uncomfortable, and the price is too expensive, who can afford it.

Therefore, being a billboard is its way out.

Moreover, Lao Mouzi has been shooting various commercials and promotional videos recently, and he is still very familiar with the LED product.

In particular, he is familiar with all kinds of LED application products.

Telling him to come over was indeed much better than thinking about it.

Although Lao Mouzi of this era is young, he still has some ideas. He proposed: Since we mainly display LEDs, it is best to display them at night, so that we can display more categories.

For example, LEDs for lighting, LEDs for colored lighting, LED lights for application, and LEDs for large screens are all new products.

At that time, if a small movie is shown on Times Square, will the publicity effect be better?

Sure it could be better, but is there a proper little movie to play?

As Lao Mouzi said, it’s just MTV or something, it’s just a small movie.

It turned out that this was the case, and it was different from what Shen had thought.

Although small AVI movies are exciting to think about, and many people have played them, for example, a certain Tianlun Times Square, a certain Fuye Plaza, a certain Yunhua Plaza, and a square in front of a railway station in Northeast China
However, forget it this time, it is indeed possible to use the MV to show it.

If there is naked eye 3D, the effect will be even better.

Since the budget was not short of money, Lao Mouzi boldly asked: Can you invite well-known and influential people all over the world to attend?
Who else meets this condition, except Shen, is there no one else?

Lao Mouzi smiled shyly, but there were actually some.

For example, Michael Jackson.

 One update today, no need to wait, the second update depends on whether it is tomorrow or when,
(End of this chapter)

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