Start with a college teacher

Chapter 672 Make Money

Chapter 672 Making Money (2)

Michael Jackson.

That's right, Michael Jackson in this era is already very popular, popular all over the world.

In 1971, Jackson released his first single "Got to be there", marking the beginning of his solo career.

In 1982, the best-selling album of Jackson's music career, "Thriller," was released, which earned him $11 billion.

In 1983, Michael Jackson participated in a TV program commemorating the 25th anniversary of the establishment of Motown Records, showing his special dance steps of moonwalk for the first time.

Since then, the "spacewalk" craze quickly swept the world.

Around this time, Michael Jackson became popular.

And by 1993, he was already able to burn people to death.

That year, Michael Jackson held a live concert in Bucharest, Romania.

As soon as he came out, MJ stood on the stage without moving for 3 minutes.

The audience cheered continuously, and the fans fell down one after another and were carried out of the venue for medical treatment.

At the end of a concert, 23 people died, and four or five thousand people fainted.

Nobody in the 21st century would believe this if it didn't really happen.

They are the cutest fans in the fan circle, but they dare not imagine that their idols can be really amazing.

Shen Guanglin sent an invitation to Michael Jackson to perform.

Probably, money can turn ghosts around.

Shen Guanglin soon met Michael Jackson himself. The two couldn't say they hit it off, but they had a very happy chat.

In fact, Shen Guanglin was already a celebrity in the world, and others wanted to meet him very much. Therefore, Michael Jackson agreed, not simply because of money.

When we met, the two chatted happily.

Moreover, what is surprising is that Jackson is not as old as Shen Guanglin, which is really incredible.

Why did I suddenly have a feeling of time and space disorder?

Shen Guanglin was born in 1997 before crossing, while Jackson died in 2009, when Shen Guanglin was only 12 years old.

Therefore, in Shen Guanglin's entire impression, Jackson was the heavenly king long ago, and had passed away long ago.

After he traveled through time, according to his age, he should be born in 1957, but he didn't expect that Jackson was actually born in 58, and he was one year older than him.

This is so embarrassing.

Could it be that Shen is in the 21st century, which is almost the same age?
Just think about it.

When Shen Guanglin crossed, the post-00s were already the heroines of the community. If they were placed in 09, they would still be children.

However, Shen Guanglin is still very happy to see Jackson, who is less than 30 years old now, and he finally knows that Jackson did not bleach his skin, but he did suffer from a disease called vitiligo.

In later generations, Xiaogangpao also suffered from this disease.

Vitiligo is hereditary, so female stars have never had children.

Shen Guanglin didn't know much about this disease. Probably, it was a genetic disease or an autoimmune disease.

Fortunately, Vitiligo is not contagious.

Jackson has had this disease for more than ten years. He asked Professor Shen, can this disease be cured?

Shen Guanglin is not a doctor, but he knows it can be cured.

In my impression, there are advertisements for the treatment of vitiligo everywhere on TV, especially in a certain provincial TV station.

This TV station is still interesting. The TV series are good, but the variety show is not good.

Every day, a group of valiant guys rush forward screaming, breaking through the barriers like special soldiers.

Or they can break through the Guandong.

Moreover, this TV station is always about infertility and vitiligo. It seems that the reason for infertility is that you have vitiligo and you dare not have children.

However, when it comes to academic issues, Shen Guanglin is still very cautious.

He said that there are traditional Chinese medicine in China who are said to be able to treat vitiligo, and some hospitals say it can, and there are also in Beijing, so he can recommend it.

"Is it possible to treat it genetically? Don't talk about genetic diseases. Targeted therapy, yes! That's the word."

Shen Guanglin shook his head, "It's not worth it."

"What if someone donated money?"

"Shen Guanglin's laboratory is a world-renowned laboratory. The biological group is one of the key groups of the laboratory. It has strong research capabilities. As long as the money is in place, everything can be done."

Shen Guanglin's promotion of his laboratory is really everywhere. This is his hard work for so many years, and he has always been proud of it.

Jackson didn't continue to talk about this topic, which made Professor Shen, who had been performing for a long time, a little embarrassed.

However, Jackson still asked: "I heard that Professor Shen came to Citigroup to collect donations?"

No, Professor Shen came to Citigroup to unveil the plaque. Isn't that the reason for inviting you.

This fundraising was like begging, so Shen Guanglin naturally didn't bother to do it.

In Shen Guanglin's laboratory, big money always asks for donations, and they have to pick and choose. We don't even bother to take a look at those who give three to five million yuan.

"I heard that Professor Shen is raising funds for the Human Genome Project, and sold a lot of stocks?" Jackson changed his words.

"You've heard all about this?" Shen Guanglin admitted this. This is his proud work. Which business war novel can perfectly use this opportunity to complete the layout of the 1987 stock market crash?
It's ingenious.

"Of course, I'm a fan of Professor Shen, and I often follow your news." Jackson was very modest. It turned out that they were fans of each other.

That being the case, Shen Guanglin stopped pretending, and he showed his cards: "Ashamed, ashamed, I am also your fan, but I don't often listen to your songs."

If you don’t listen to music, you’re still a fan, so what do you like?
What do I like, of course I like your dancing, especially the moonwalk.

Said, Shen Guanglin really did a few moves, this is a more mature space walk developed by later generations, Jackson was very surprised when he saw it, it's a bit amazing!

Of course it's great.

Since the space walk became popular all over the world in 1983, countless people have been studying this dance. In fact, some people have perfected and innovated it in later generations.

Jackson didn't even think that this dance was innovated by a scientist. Moreover, the innovation was not only the moonwalk, but also the mechanical dance.

Recently, Jackson has indeed been rehearsing the robot dance and moonwalk. He plans to start a world tour in September. Now he feels that he should postpone the concert because these dance moves will be added.

That's right, Shen Guanglin also became Jackson's dance teacher.

Well, Shen is not professional in hip twisting, but he can still exchange dance skills with Jackson, and there is no one else.

The two became friends.

Jackson made a promise to Shen Guanglin, saying that he wanted to donate money to Shen Guanglin's laboratory.

However, he doesn't have any money now, and he will have money after his world tour is over.

"Really, Michael Jackson will have no money? No, your records are selling so well, how can you have no money?" Shen Guanglin expressed complete disbelief.

Shen has only been a few years old, and he doesn't know how much wealth he has accumulated. Michael Jackson has been performing on stage since he was 5 years old. Will he have no money?

Jackson was so ashamed that the money was spent.

At this time, Shen Guanglin realized that Michael Jackson was still black, no wonder.

It’s really not discrimination against blacks. The financial management level and ability of black brothers are really limited.

In the NBA, there are too many black players who can't manage money, and retiring is tantamount to bankruptcy.

For example, the famous Anthony Walker, Yao's big brother Francis, and the awesome Iverson are all good players in bankruptcy.

Well, Shen Guanglin said, I'll wait for you to make money.

(End of this chapter)

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