Chapter 673 Endless (2)

When the weather clears and the rain stops, you feel that you can do it again.

The next day, it was dawn.

Everyone observed closely the wall that was glowing and glowing all night yesterday, only to find that it is really a wall!

It's not a movie screen, it's glass and it's full of glowing dots.

The magic is that each small point can produce light of different colors, and as the number of light points increases, a colorful painting is formed.

That's right, this is an image made of dots of light!
This is Shen Guanglin's large LED screen priced at tens of millions of dollars!
It's been working fine since today.

Although, the scene has canceled the super loud speakers that made the noise most of the night.

But the built-in stereo in the building can still hear some sounds when you get close, but it's not as noisy as last night.

It cost money to be so noisy yesterday.

Last night, the police station in New York was also on duty all night, which cost a lot of money.

Throughout the day today, the screens were packed with people.

You know, not only MTV, but also Great Wall Group's advertisements are shown on the screen. Each advertisement is only about tens of seconds, and more than a dozen advertisements are played back and forth.

Of course, one of them is the rental advertisement of the owner unit, which means that those who want to advertise can contact us.

It turned out that it was just a super large advertising screen.

However, this advertising screen is quite unusual, it is "live".

No, on the second day of work, it even broadcast the Super Bowl.

This is the No. [-] sport in Citigroup. Everyone feels better watching the big screen than watching the game live, but the sound is a bit low.

During the day, the screen can be so clear, how did they do it?
In the next few days, everyone discovered that this screen has too many uses, and it can also broadcast news and NASDAQ stock transactions during key periods.

Presumably, this place will also be the object of crowd watching in the future.

Sure enough, the next day, the media was blown away.

They have reported that this is alien technology, is this a technology that the backward Chinese people can research?

But when they heard that this was the result of Dongfang Shen's research institute, they were silent.

Then, they shouted loudly, what are Harvard, Yale, and Stanford doing? Why haven't such outstanding talents been brought in yet?
It's not that he doesn't want to be attracted, it's that Dongfang Shen doesn't want to come.

However, this ad was well worth it, it was much more sensational than the press conference in Beijing.

It is also the advantage of being close to the water, and the Great Wall Group has taken advantage of the window period of advertising and renting.

There is also an agreement between them. In the future, even if the advertising space is full, there will be a permanent advertising space for Great Wall Group, which will last no less than 30 seconds and play no less than 24 times.

In terms of business model, Shen is already ahead of others with just a word.

There is no way, the traverser hasn't exerted his strength yet, and others are already astonished.

The unveiling event is the end of victory, and Shen Guanglin doesn't care what the follow-up fermentation will look like.

However, the event is over, and Shen Guanglin's trip to Citigroup is not over yet.

He will continue to visit Columbia University.

Columbia really earned it.

Professor Shen's lecture was packed.

Wang Zhu and Pu Bucheng wanted to listen to it too, but they didn't get a number.

They study economics and are relatively slow to respond to scientists.

Not to mention that Pu is not successful, even Wang Zhu didn't have a deep understanding of Professor Shen's greatness before he met Shen Guanglin.

That night, when the high-tech products of Jingda Shen Guanglin's team were unveiled, they really surprised the whole world.

Of course, it also includes a group of people from Columbia University, including Park Bucheng.

After Pu Bucheng went back, he also supplemented Shen Guanglin's basic information.

Well, the source of Shen's nature is complicated, and it comes from the surnames Ying, Si, Ji and Mi.

After Pu Bucheng's in-depth research, Professor Shen's ancestors should have come from the Bangzi Kingdom, and later lived in Jinling for a generation to reproduce.

It must be so!That's right, his original surname was Shen, but it was later rumored that his surname was Shen.

However, if Shen Guanglin heard this, I don't know if he would beat him up.

The lecture is over, and everyone is still full of ideas.

Shen Guanglin wanted to leave, but was stopped by people from the school. A lady surnamed Li came to the school because she was related to him and wanted to hear his opinion.

That's right, it's that hotel proprietress surnamed Li again.

The last time we met, Ms. Li, the proprietress of the restaurant, came back in a bad mood.

It's all because of Wang Zhu, an international student from Colombia, who indirectly offended Professor Shen, and even made her father's treatment process difficult.

Now, the old man of the Li family has been transferred to Huaxia for medical treatment, but they have not enjoyed God's treatment at all.

And, they also feel targeted.

Originally, they thought that since they arrived in Huaxia, would the medical and treatment expenses be lower?

not at all.

It still costs 2 US dollars a month for medical expenses, and what's more, hospitalization fees and special care fees are charged separately, which is very expensive.

Although this charging standard is not as exaggerated as US$500 a day, it is much higher than that of ordinary domestic patients.

Moreover, they can't have a temper, because they have come up with a charter: "Charging Standards for Overseas Patients".

If you don't want to be cured, you can leave.

Parents of doctors, what is your attitude?

That's their attitude.

Because they are laboratories, not hospitals.

Moreover, because Shen Guanglin's laboratory is not a hospital, he has not been treated for any disease, so he signed various exemption clauses first.

Each of these clauses is very scary, as if doing anything casually every day will kill people.

Wang Zhu left, and Ms. Li couldn't swallow this tone.

No, the LED screen is working normally. I heard that the engineering team from Huaxia has gone home.

She felt that her chance for revenge had come.

This time, she decided to go to the school to trouble Wang Zhu.

In particular, since Wang Zhu didn't come to work, not only have I and my husband been busy from morning to night, but business has even deteriorated.

Some old customers complained: This Sichuan cuisine is not authentic.

They are all a group of foreign devils, can you eat authentic Sichuan cuisine?

But complaining was useless, she called Wang Zhu to come back, but Wang Zhu refused.

Wang Zhu has already earned enough money, which is enough to support him to finish his studies.

This is because, because the opening performance was very successful and the advertising effect was good, all the advertising spaces were rented out within a few days.

Therefore, the owner unit rewarded all the staff with [-] US dollars each, even temporary workers Wang Zhu and Xiang Jun.

Now that he has so much money in his hands, Wang Zhu naturally doesn't need to work for $5 a day.

Besides, they are high-achieving students from Columbia University. After graduation, they go to work for Wall Street giants, so their horizons should be broadened.

Shen Guanglin held lectures again after stopping for a few years, and his charging standard was finally not 5 US dollars, but rose to 8 US dollars, which is still priceless.

Of course, today's lecture was very successful both in terms of scene and content.

There were many people at the scene, and Shen Guanglin also talked about a lot of dry things. She seriously talked about the manufacturing principle of LED and the invention process of gallium nitride.

After listening to the lecture, some people could not even stand on their feet.

However, everyone still felt that the trip was worthwhile.

Just when Shen Guanglin was about to say goodbye at the end of the lecture, the school told him another news.

A lady surnamed Li complained about the bad character of Zhu Wang, an international student of your Huaxia. It is said that this classmate graduated from your school.

When Shen Guanglin heard this,
You're not done yet, are you?
(End of this chapter)

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