Chapter 676 It's None of My Business (1)

Li Kui probably met Li Gui, but Li Gui was handsomer, and he didn't seem to be too afraid of Li Kui.

Shen Guanglin was as calm as an old dog. He even took a sip of the warm tea soaked in wolfberries, waiting for Nakamura to make a move.

Sure enough, Nakamura Shuji started talking, and described one thing in a long way: that is, he is also researching blue LED.Moreover, from what he already knew, he had been involved in Shen Guanglin's laboratory longer than Shen Guanglin's laboratory. For this reason, he brought a stack of evidence.

There are copies of the experimental records and the records of the papers published. These are all in Fusang language, but Shen Guanglin can understand them.

Regarding this, Shen Guanglin is noncommittal, please continue your performance.

Nakamura Shuji is a person who wants to save face, but he doesn't know how to perform next.

Because Professor Shen didn't question what he said.

However, Shuji Nakamura's performance is over, and there are others waiting.

At this time, not only Shuji Nakamura stood up, but also Isamu Akasaki, who also stood up and said: He and his laboratory have been researching blue LEDs since 1966, with a longer history and more achievements.

Moreover, they had prepared gallium nitride by vapor phase deposition in the previous year, that is, in 1985;
Moreover, they published "Realization of p-type GaN doping" last year, that is, in 1986.

These are the most critical steps in the manufacture of blue LEDs, and these results and papers were published before the results of Professor Shen's laboratory.

Just showing these papers and results took up a lot of time for this lecture, which is already a bit too long, and additional money is required.

No, within a short while, there was a thick stack of documents on Shen Guanglin's desktop, a small part was from Nakamura, most of them were from Isamu Akasaki.

Their work is still very sufficient, and each of the participants at the scene also distributed a copy, and everyone in the audience watched and nodded.

Hey, your sense of participation is very important.

In short, what they mean is: before Shen Guanglin, they had actually realized the preparation and production of gallium nitride, and completed the design of the doping process.

For all the above, I asked Professor Shen what he thinks?
Moreover, everyone in the audience should have been prepared long ago, as if they all understood the stack of articles at once.

At this time, they all looked at Shen Guanglin together, and even the media kept taking pictures and videos.

This is a very important historical moment. It would be better if Professor Shen suddenly changed his face and retorted irrationally.

This is probably forcing the palace, Shen Guanglin is not sure.

Fortunately, when Shen was determined to enter the LED industry, he had this mental preparation.

Therefore, for this kind of scene, he didn't panic.

Originally, this achievement was invented by Fusang people. Originally, they won the Nobel Prize for this achievement.

Now that you have made up your mind to grab other people's achievements, don't be afraid of others coming to your door to question you.

After listening to their scrambling complaints, Shen Guanglin's expression was very calm, not flustered at all, but speaking slowly:
"It seems that Mr. Nakamura and Akasaki are both my colleagues. There is a saying in Huaxia, which is called 'I am not alone'. I am very grateful to the two of you for your contribution to the development of blue LED. You have done a good job. "

This tone probably means that the seniors are commenting on the homework of the younger ones. Shen Guanglin did a good job of this condescending attitude.

Of course, it's not that you are older, so I should respect you, and it's not that your staged results come out early, so I should admit cowardice.

Shen Guanglin's words were inside and outside, and he didn't mean to back down at all.

There was nothing wrong with what Shen Guanglin said, but it just made the listeners very uncomfortable.

A young man named Amano Hiroshi in the Akasaki team expressed strong dissatisfaction with this: "Professor Shen, don't you feel it, our research history in this field is much longer than yours!"

"And then?" Shen Guanglin asked indifferently.

"You should show respect for your predecessor's career and contribution!" Amano was very dissatisfied with Shen Guanglin's perfunctory attitude. This person shouldn't have this attitude, and it also didn't match their expectations.

In their imagination, either Shen Guanglin was furious and refused to admit this matter; or he was terrified and had no way to deal with this matter.

Unexpectedly, Shen Guanglin was still calm at this time.

"I didn't show disrespect to these two colleagues? First, I didn't question their achievements, and second, I didn't question their character. Moreover, I also expressed my gratitude to them for their efforts in the development of the LED industry."

There is nothing wrong with Shen Guanglin's words, why are you so anxious to get angry?

Indeed, he didn't say anything harsh, but it just made people feel uncomfortable.

Of course, Hiroshi Amano was not satisfied with this. He continued to question: "Professor Shen, shouldn't you share the honor of inventing and discovering the blue LED with the two predecessors?"

Shen Guanglin spread his hands lightly, "Have they made blue LED?"

Sure enough, this is the fatal blow!
No matter how hard they try and how close they get, they haven't made blue LEDs so far.

This is the key.

It's good that they have produced gallium nitride, but they haven't completed the finished manufacturing of blue LEDs so far.

Moreover, Shen Guanglin has even prepared white LEDs and color LEDs, which is more than eight blocks away from you.

You know, from the preparation of blue LEDs to white LEDs, and then to colored LEDs, there is still a long, long way to go.

Perhaps, some technological breakthroughs are just a piece of window paper, but if no one breaks through it, it may not be possible to cross this field for decades.

And what Shen Guanglin is best at is to poke the window paper, and he has pierced more than one window paper.

In fact, for the Fusang audience, Shen Guanglin's words were really not pleasant.

The audience started buzzing and screaming, and everyone was probably complaining about them.

Shen Guanglin also said in his previous lectures that the biggest obstacle in the manufacture of blue LEDs is the manufacture of stable gallium nitride.

Now, Isamu Akasaki has prepared gallium nitride a long time ago, isn't there any credit for it?

of course not.

Shen Guanglin glanced at the crowd who were about to move, and said quietly:

"The work and efforts of Mr. Akasaki and Mr. Nakamura are very good, and I have no intention to question them. Before today, I have not met the two gentlemen, and I do not know the specific work content of the two gentlemen. The results of their work were not shared with me.

As for the matter of honor, it is false and useless, and it is not something that anyone can take away if I give it to.

In the past few years, I have made too many scientific and technological achievements, each of which is world-class, and each of which has competitors.At this stage of my life, am I still afraid of more or less honor? "

Pretending to follow the wind, always with me.

"You mean you are willing to share this achievement with them?" Hiroshi Amano was very pleasantly surprised, he did not expect Professor Shen to be so great.

However, Shen Guanglin certainly didn't mean it that way, Hiroshi Amano thought too much.

"Let me correct you a little bit. They are not employees of my laboratory. They each have their own research institutions. As for where their research results have reached, that is their business, and it has nothing to do with me, Shen Guanglin.

How the outside world judges is a matter for the general public to judge, and it has nothing to do with me.

In the world of scientific research, it seems that there is no private giving and receiving. "

This is an obvious rejection.

It is okay for them to strive for honor, but they should seek it from the international community themselves, not from Shen Guanglin.

This direction is not going to work.

Amano wanted to continue messing around, but Shen Guanglin was not ready to continue answering questions.

This is the end of today's lecture, there is a lot of overtime.

Shen Guanglin stepped off the stage very easily, and was about to go back to the hotel to rest.

Even the little Fusang secretary assigned to him was asking: "Professor Shen, isn't the result of the two of them worthless? They made the staged results earlier than you, shouldn't they Share some credit?"

It turned out that even she had the same idea. It is estimated that this is also the common idea of ​​Fusang people.

Shen Guanglin replied softly, "The key question now is, have they made blue LEDs yet?"

"Just give them time and they will."

Shen Guanglin smiled.

In the world of scientific research competition, the last thing you can give is time.

(End of this chapter)

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