Chapter 677 Twist (2)

Whoever makes the blue LED first will be the winner of the scientific research competition.

This matter was well judged, and there was no dispute at all.

Not even as bad as the Newton-Leibniz controversy over the invention of calculus.

This matter is very simple. Shen Guanglin's laboratory is the first to produce blue light LEDs, so they are the winners. In the world of scientific research competition, the winner takes all.

But here is Fusang, they don't admit defeat so easily.

This matter really did not end so easily, which can be seen from the media reports.

The tendency of media coverage is simply too obvious.In their report, Shen Guanglin is simply a demon. It is obvious that Shuji Nakamura and Isamu Akasaki have already developed the blue-light LED, but Shen Guanglin wants to intervene and steal the fruits of other people's labor.

It is useless to force an explanation. You cannot wake up a person who is pretending to be asleep, nor can you wake up a group of people who are pretending to be asleep.

At this time, Shen Guanglin couldn't leave even if he wanted to. If he left, that would be 'absconding in fear of crime'.

It's okay if you don't leave, then stay for a while.

These days, Shen Guanglin is doing research with Li Li every day at Kyoto University, which is also quite good.

Study black holes during the day and black holes at night.

However, no matter how hard the two of them work together, they cannot compare to Hawking. They have been thinking about this issue for decades.

In Shen Guanglin's view, what a woman, especially a beautiful woman, who has achieved such fruitful scientific research results, should just be honest with her husband and teach her children.

Therefore, for Li Li's hobbies and research projects, he gave full support.

Because, he knew, only in this way would she suffer from everyone.Because they can't compete with Hawking on this question about black holes.

However, this matter is not easy for Li Li to give up directly.

You can see that the Fusang people have never given up. They clearly know that they cannot compete with Mr. Shen in the invention right of blue LED, but they have never given up.

In Fusang, Shen Guanglin suddenly became a big star, and media reporters relentlessly interviewed him wherever he went.

Probably, they wanted to capture Shen Guanglin's distraught look.

But Shen Guanglin didn't. He was very well-mannered, but his words were a bit unbearable.

Because, he always stands at a certain height and condescends to look at the problem, but it is impossible to refute.

At this time, everyone doesn't want to listen to him, but they have to listen.

Everything is self-inflicted.

Shen Guanglin also did it on purpose.

No matter when and where, he, Shen, is always personable. If your perception is not good, it is because you are too sensitive.

Shen Guanglin now knows how to use language very well. He knows what you value, but he doesn't follow your words.

On the contrary, he can deliberately belittle what you value, which is to make people hate him, but there is no way to refute him.

I'm aggrieved.

When Fuso media wanted him to admit that the LED was not the result of him alone and should be shared by three people, Shen Guanglin still did not get angry, and he even said pitifully: "It is a great insult to Mr. Nakamura and Mr. Akasaki if you do this. Scientists are all arrogant and cannot stand such insults. You force them to bear scientific honors that they do not deserve at all. This is not helping them, but harming them."

Nani?Can you still say that?
In fact, both Nakamura and Isamu Akasaki probably want to share some honor.

But this matter requires the approval of Shen Guanglin.

After all, it was Shen Guanglin's laboratory that first made blue LEDs, and it was also his laboratory that first completed the research on white LEDs.

However, what they didn't expect was that Shen Guanglin would not share this honor at all.

You know, this is not a matter of sharing honor at all, it is all about interests.

The emergence of blue LED has subverted the traditional lighting industry. How big is this market?
Shen Guanglin would definitely not allow others to eat meat from his mouth, without even thinking about it.

Sure enough, when Shen Guanglin said this, they couldn't sit still. This is the winning player in Go.

Shen Guanglin had put them on the fire now, and he couldn't do without expressing his opinion.

It's just that the way these two people express their views is different.

Nakamura still has to face. He directly said in the media that he admires Professor Shen's outstanding achievements. In the matter of blue light LEDs, they lost the competition.

After all, a phased lead does not prove anything, only whoever makes the first result is the final winner.

However, Isamu Akasaki is another way of saying it.

He said that in his laboratory, any steps related to blue LEDs have actually been completed, but due to lack of funds, this achievement has been left behind, which is extremely unfair to scientists.

Moreover, he said it secretly.

Why, why does a laboratory in Huaxia have more funds than our laboratory in Fusang?

Here, some Fusang enterprises have played a role in helping the evildoers.

This remark is beyond words, and it is probably condemning a certain pharmaceutical company.

Shen Guanglin was waiting for this moment.

Sure enough, they began to disagree.

It's okay if there is a difference!

Shen Guanglin was most afraid that they would be monolithic, if they didn't even want to face, and stick to it like a bullshit plaster, it would be very uncomfortable.

Now that there is already a disagreement, it will be possible to break the situation by making the best use of the situation.

Takeda is not a small company, and there are many people behind them, so they will not be manipulated casually.

Sure enough, Takeda began to fight back. They wanted to express their opinions a long time ago, but the previous conditions did not allow it.

Now, under the guidance of Isamu Akasaki, the media tends to focus on crusade against them, and it is necessary to rush to tackle key problems.

Takeda used its own propaganda power to vehemently refute Akasaki's statement.

Since you are a scientist, you should not be so narrow-minded. You still have to see your own reality and how much you are.

A long history of research does not mean that there are many achievements.

You, Isamu Akasaki, have been researching blue LEDs since 1966. You have been researching for 20 years. What is the result?
The harvest is dismal.

As for Shen Guanglin's laboratory, it has only been researched for two years, and the results are remarkable, causing a sensation all over the world.

Is this really the reason for lack of money?

This is clearly a failure of human quality!

Why do some companies and institutions like to sponsor top scientists?

It is because they can produce results and bring returns to enterprises and society.

That's right, Takeda has sponsored Shen Sang's laboratory, but the research results of his laboratory, such as football porridge, can now bring Takeda a return that far exceeds the investment in the past.

Moreover, the leukemia treatment drug developed by Mr. Shen's laboratory has made many patients see the light and the hope of living.

Looking back, let’s look at Mr. Akasaki’s laboratory, what rewards did it bring?

It seems that I have never heard of it.

As a human being, especially as a scientist, if you want to be respected by others, you still need to know some shame.

As a result, public opinion was reversed in this way.

(End of this chapter)

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