Start with a college teacher

Chapter 678 Alternate Member

Chapter 678 Alternate Committee (1)

The spring night is short and the day is high, and since then the king will not go to court early.

Shen Guanglin is currently facing this kind of situation.

Since arriving in Fusang, Shen Guanglin said several times that it was time to go back, but he was reluctant to act.

Ruanrou Township is a tomb of heroes.

Fragrant cars and BMWs are noisy together, and there is a passionate young man in him.

Back then, it was early summer when Shen Guanglin came out, but now it will be the beginning of autumn.

That's it, he has no intention of going back yet.

You know, Shen Guanglin's laboratory has a lot of things to do recently and is very busy. Without this boss, it is difficult to make decisions on many things.

But Boss Shen just misses overseas and refuses to come back.

During this period of time, in order to report work, they in the laboratory did not know how many phone calls they made across the ocean, and the bills were enough for how many people's salaries for a year, but Shen has remained unmoved and is still at ease in Kyoto.

Of course, there were two reasons for Shen Guanglin's refusal to go back. One of them was because of the beautiful woman in his arms, and he couldn't think of leaving; the other was because he was suffering.

You know, before leaving China, Shen Guanglin was full of ambition and said that he would raise enough money. At that time, he felt that raising money was easy, but now, it can be said that there is no income.

If he went back like this now, Lao Shen would lose his face a bit, and he would be ashamed to meet Jiang Dong's elders.

You know, until now, apart from Pfizer's routine donation, the only funds that Shen Guanglin has actually prepared are the funding from the Department of Energy of Citigroup and Michael Jackson's private donation.

As for other people and other units, even the old partner Takeda, they didn't get a penny out of it.

Things didn't go as smoothly as expected.

In Hong Kong, in New York, in Tokyo, and then in Kyoto, Shen Guanglin went to four places in just a few months, but the result was the same, which was embarrassing.

There are indeed a lot of rich people in these places, but people really lack interest in investing in basic technology.

Probably, this is also because investing in these projects does not bring them returns.

Even for Pfizer, it is because they can share the benefits brought by PCR, because the fat water has not flowed to outsiders, and it is not a loss at all to open one more project team and earn more money.

Therefore, they are willing to allocate funds to invest in the Human Genome Project. As for others, they have no such motivation at all.

It is difficult to do things.

Since he could not raise enough money, Shen Guanglin was not in a hurry to go back.

Anyway, the Human Genome Project still has a long way to go from its initiation to its completion.

This job might take ten or eight years, and it won't end so easily.

Until one day, around the beginning of September, Shen Guanglin suddenly received a call, and ran back obediently without saying anything.

This call from the school is a good thing: he, Shen Guanglin, is about to be nominated as a member of the new by-election!
Of course, at this stage, it is only the nomination of alternate members, and the number will not be counted until the members have formally voted.

What a surprise!

It’s too unexpected!

is this real?
Seven years, seven full years!

Shen Guanglin was overjoyed when he heard the news. What he thought about day and night was to become an honorable faculty member.

Now, is the dream about to come true?
You know, in Shen Guanglin's memory, as long as he becomes a member of the academic department, it is equivalent to getting a top-sealed sword, and he can simply rule the world wantonly.

Moreover, as long as you become a member of the faculty, you are an expert in all aspects.

From the national economy and the people's livelihood to trivial matters, as long as there is opposition from the members of the academic department, no matter how clear the matter is, it will have to be reconsidered carefully.

In a word, the status of faculty members is too high, and their influence is too great.

Shen Guanglin did not expect that when he was less than 30 years old, he would really have the opportunity to enter this rank.

Incredible, unbelievable!
Knowing that he was about to be nominated as an alternate member of the Faculty, Shen Guanglin didn't stop for a moment, and flew back directly on the nearest plane.

The sky is big and the earth is big, nothing is as big as this year's by-election of faculty members.

In Shen Guanglin's mind, everything had to give way to the committee by-election.

For this, any price can be paid.

So, Mr. Shen was still in the capital yesterday, but he returned to the capital today.

Boss Shen is back?
It seems that everyone in the laboratory has not seen Boss Shen for a long time. When he appeared in the laboratory for the first time, everyone was still a little uncomfortable.

long time no see!

Hello Professor Shen!
Professor Shen, you are back!
However, now that Shen Guanglin has returned, everyone has their backbone.

What should we do with the laboratory affairs next? Boss Shen still needs to come over to preside over the overall situation.

After all, no matter whether it is leukemia treatment medicine or LED products, there are too many people who come to play the autumn wind.

It may be a bit too much to say that it is an autumn wind. It should be that there are too many people and units who have come to seek cooperation.

Some ministries and commissions even proposed that these two technologies should be nationalized, and the private sector is not allowed to own such advanced technologies that affect the national economy and people's livelihood.

That is to say, Shen Guanglin's good performance in the past, whether it is anti-insect cotton or hepatitis B vaccine, is beneficial to the country and the people, and he has made such great contributions to the country, so they expressed a certain degree of respect for Shen Guanglin.

Now that the boss is back, it is up to the boss to decide what to do next.

You know, Shen Guanglin has been out for several months, and it is time to find a chance to make up for the celebration party that was not held in time.

After all, our lab has nothing but money.

After all, Professor Shen is not a stingy person.

Shen Guanglin didn't think about what to do with the laboratory, and it wasn't the most urgent thing at the moment.

Back at school, colleagues saw that Professor Shen was back. Naturally, everyone first congratulated Professor Shen's work team on the famous Citigroup, and then congratulated him on being nominated as an 'Alternate Faculty Member'.

Shen Guanglin was also very happy about the congratulations from his colleagues, as long as someone complimented him a few words, there would definitely be a small gift.

That's right, Mr. Shen is so superficial and sincere.

Every time he goes abroad, nothing else, he must bring plenty of small gifts, and everyone is used to Professor Shen bringing everyone presents.

For example, this time, Shen Guanglin brought lighters for the male teachers, or something thieves; lipstick for the female teachers, which was similar to the brand of the car, and no one had heard of it.

The things rich people have to do are different from ordinary people. Even if they give gifts, they will not be so stingy.

This is a question of layout.

Although Shen Guanglin has no money, he has seen how rich people spend money.

In some urban novels, the male protagonist is already the richest man in the world. He treats everyone to KFC and thinks it is a good treat. This is a manifestation of being divorced from reality.

After handing out a round of gifts and greeting everyone laughing and joking, Shen Guanglin went to find the principal. This is the right thing to do.

Sure enough, the principal was waiting for him to come, and he knew that Shen Guanglin must also be anxious.

However, Shen Guanglin was not in such a hurry because the meat of the bun was not on the pleats. He still gave him a brand-name belt chosen by himself. Different people gave different gifts.

The principal didn't care about the gift, he didn't even look at it, and let Shen Guanglin throw it wherever he wanted. He also said that Professor Shen really wanted to be elected as a member of the department, and it was not that easy.

After all, the election of faculty members is not a routine, and there have been no by-elections for many years.

This year is indeed a rare opportunity, but only two people will be officially admitted this year, and there are more than a dozen competitors.

"So few?" Shen Guanglin was very surprised.

"Of course, otherwise, wouldn't the academic committee members go all over the place." The principal looked at Shen Guanglin, smiled and shook his head.

Shen Guanglin quickly expressed his gratitude to the principal and the school.

At the same time, this is the benefit of leaning against a big tree to enjoy the shade.

Shen Guanglin is a member of Capital University, so he is eligible to be recommended.

After all, faculty members cannot apply on their own initiative, and can only be recommended by veteran members.

Moreover, whether you can become a new committee member is not only determined by your grades and achievements, but also by whether you have been approved by other department committee members.

In other words, if you really want to enter this rank, you have a chance if you have no problem with IQ and EQ.

Shen Guanglin was recommended because Capital University is also a large producer of academic committee members. There are many committee members in the school. These are the most valuable resources of the school.

No, the opportunity has come, if they don't recommend their own people, who will they recommend.

(End of this chapter)

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