Chapter 679 Veto (2)

Unbeknownst to Shen Guanglin, there was a war of words and guns going on.

This is an internal meeting of the Academy of Sciences, which is a closed-door meeting, and the minutes of the meeting are not allowed.

This meeting was very strange. It was about the selection of new faculty members, and it was only aimed at Shen Guanglin.

In this era, in the field of scientific research, when it comes to the number of academic committee members, the Academy of Sciences is the largest.They were originally professional researchers, and they produced a lot of results in the early years, so it is not surprising that there are many production committee members.

"We can't let Shen Guanglin pass the nomination now, otherwise, the others will really just run with him, and this will also be detrimental to the future scientific development of Huaxia."

This is what a faculty member with age spots said. He not only opposed Shen Guanglin's election, but even opposed Shen Guanglin's nomination.

This meeting was also held at his strong request.

However, there are also some people who don't understand, "I think Xiao Shen is pretty good. He has scientific research ability and patriotism. What do you mean? Crack down on dissidents? Repel the backward?"

In fact, this is already a very severe accusation.

But the senile plaque scholar didn't care. His meaning was very obvious. As long as Shen Guanglin was nominated successfully, no one could compete with him in terms of hard power with Shen Guanglin's outstanding military achievements in the past. Therefore, his election is Of course, everyone can't just sit back and ignore this situation.


The ass decides the head. Since everyone is a member of the Academy of Sciences, it is right to oppose the election of other people, not only for Shen Guanglin, but also for Liu Guanglin, Li Guanglin, and Wang Guanglin.

After all, strictly speaking, everyone is still a competitor. If he comes, the others will not be able to come.

"Then what you mean is that we don't vote for him when we vote."

Everyone understands the meaning of age spots, and no one opposes it. This is a matter of position, and position determines principles and attitudes.

You know, this year's by-election, there are already more than a dozen candidates on the list, and there are only two people who are actually added.

If Shen Guanglin passed the election, would the Academy of Sciences and other institutions have one less chance?
However, age spots are not all that is meant.

He asked everyone to discuss: If Shen Guanglin is elected as a member of the academic department, what kind of changes will it bring to the structure of the national scientific community?
Many people are unwilling to talk about this topic. If you tell us not to vote for him, we just don’t vote for him.

Senile plaques are not forgiving, "Have you ever thought about how long Shen Guanglin can stay in the scientific research field if he is elected as a member of the academic department under the age of 30?"

This question stopped everyone.

For a scientific researcher, especially a scientific researcher at the committee level, he can still say he is young at the age of 80.

Putting this situation on Shen Guanglin's body, this is a 50-year scientific research career. Who can compete with him in the future?

"I'm afraid this will form the largest academic group in China, which will be detrimental to the healthy development of the scientific community."

Age spots made a conclusion.

In fact, it hasn't been a year or two since they suppressed Shen Guanglin, and it's not just because of jealousy.

Everyone can see very clearly that Shen Guanglin will not be able to stop him in the future. While he is still young and his influence is not big enough, he can be stopped for as long as he can.

If Shen Guanglin really became a member of the academic department, then who can restrain him in the future.

So, that's the theme of their meeting.

That being the case, let's join hands and let him lose the election.

Speaking of which, everyone didn't do this once or twice, it's just that the person they are facing now is more famous.

"That won't work. We have to exclude Shen Guanglin during the list selection stage, and we can't let him enter the big list." Senile Spot insisted on this.

This is not good, after all, this is a candidate submitted by Capital University, and their school has a lot of academic committee members, so there are still qualifications for nomination.

"That's not okay, he must not be allowed to pass the primary election! Otherwise, in the formal selection stage, if Shen Guanglin loses the election, what will everyone think?" Senile spots insisted on this point, but Shen Guanglin could not be allowed to pass the primary list.

"No need to do this, everyone has the right to vote, and the number of people in Beijing University is not enough. Isn't it normal that Shen Guanglin lost the election?"

Some people were dissatisfied. After all, the Academy of Sciences had a numerical advantage. As long as they united with some people casually, they could exclude Shen Guanglin.

"You can't say that. When it comes to the selection stage, if Shen Guanglin really loses the election, then all the committee members will count as one, and they will all lose."

"Why, who dares?"

"The people of the whole country dare! The media reporters dare! Let's talk about it, are there any more brilliant scientists than Shen Guanglin in these years? Is there anyone who can compare with him?"

Everyone stopped talking, "If I had as much money as him"

These words are very unfounded. After all, Shen Guanglin is a genius scientist, which is already recognized by the whole world.

"Since he can't compete, we can only prevent him from passing in the primary election stage. This is the best way to deal with it."

"However, the primary list has already been handed in, and Shen Guanglin is on the list selected by Capital University. What should we do?"

"We can only let them withdraw the list?"

"how is this possible!"

Those who were able to attend the meeting at the venue were all scholars who were familiar with the rules. They felt that Shen Guanglin was the son of Capital University after all, so what kind of conditions would they have to ask them not to elect Shen Guanglin.

Senile spots thought about it, and said like a strong man cutting off his wrist: "Nothing is impossible! It depends on whether we are willing to offer conditions that satisfy them?"

"What conditions?"

Some people don't believe that what conditions can they offer to make Jingcheng University change its attitude? Although the Academy of Sciences has a great influence, it can't be able to order Jingcheng University.

The senile plaques look like they are holding wisdom pearls: "As long as we promise, all the committee members of these two departments will be given to Capital University this year, provided that they don't recommend Shen Guanglin."

Everyone was silent, but someone couldn't help but asked, "What enmity do you have with Shen Guanglin to target him like this?"

"What kind of hatred can I have?" Age spots smiled ugly, and said: "He didn't offend me, so what kind of hatred can I have? Have you ever counted how many high-impact factor papers are published in SCI journals in a year?" , how many have been published by Shen Guanglin's laboratory?"

Everyone stopped talking.

This is really incomparable.

It's not that no one has counted this data, it's just that people are unwilling to publish it after it is counted.

Among the world's top journal papers, the number of papers produced by Shen Guanglin's laboratory accounts for more than half of China's current papers.

Everyone's annual report is not very easy to do. The real data can only be seen after the papers of Shen Guanglinlin's laboratory are excluded. Otherwise, everything is meaningless.

Thinking of this, everyone laughed wryly.

"Is it a crime to produce many results?"

"Although it's not a crime, it's not necessarily a good thing. Don't think too much about it. Professor Shen Guanglin and I have no enmity. On the contrary, I also admire him very much.

He is young, smart, capable, and patriotic. If he only made the achievement of insect-resistant cotton, I will definitely elect him as a member of the academic department, and no one will stop him.

However, he has made too many achievements, almost monopolizing high-end hot topics in physics, chemistry and biology, and even has ideas in other fields.

It is said that even in the military industry, he came up with a lot of ideas when his father-in-law was in power, and the results were remarkable. "

Senile spots seem to be very familiar to Shen Guanglin. He is too old to do scientific research, but he has been paying attention to the Chinese scientific research community, and has been paying attention to Shen Guanglin.

"You follow him so you target him?"

"Yes, I must stop him, let him produce more results, and become a bureaucrat later."

(End of this chapter)

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