Start with a college teacher

Chapter 680 Backstab

Chapter 680 Backstab (1)

The recent period is the happiest time for Shen Guanglin since he traveled.

Even he has already figured out how to brag about his awesome time to his grandson when he gets old.

Moreover, in order to show his professional dedication, he left the vast amount of work in the laboratory undone, and even taught undergraduates, without missing a single class.

Cherish this few good times.

In the future, it will no longer be Professor Shen who will teach you, it will be Committee Member Shen.

Faculty committee members can teach undergraduates, how noble is this?
The current freshmen are undergoing military training.

This year is the second year of the comprehensive promotion of military training for freshmen. Although Shen Guanglin does not lead the freshman class, he still expresses condolences to the students who participated in the military training.

Without him, Shen is in a good mood.

Everyone has worked hard in military training, let's eat a watermelon to relieve the heat at night.

This is also the sweetest watermelon you have ever eaten in your life, and it will be remembered for a long time.

The current university military training is still a one-month rigorous training, which will continue from September 9st to the National Day.

In a few years, another way will be implemented for university military training. Starting from about 1990, military training will take a whole year, and the four-year university will become a five-year university in the future.

The reason why such a strict military training system is implemented is also for the good of everyone.

In this society, there has always been a kind of good called I am for your own good, and there is also a kind of cold called your mother thinks you are cold.

Before Shen Guanglin knew it, someone was already doing good things for Shen Guanglin.

Just when Shen Guanglin was smug and thought that everything was safe for him to be a member of the academic department, a researcher in his laboratory, Mr. Dou Wei's father, Comrade Dou, had something to do with him and asked him to go there.

It's been a long time since I saw this stinky old man. What's he up to lately?
What else can I do? I am too busy taking care of the kids at home.

Dou Wei is not single anymore, he is married and already has a child.

Dou Wei is already considered a senior figure in Shen Guanglin's laboratory. Now he is in charge of the personnel and training work of the biology group, and he no longer continues to fight on the front line of scientific research.

Speaking of it, scientific research really depends on talent, and Dou Wei and his classmate Lao Kong's talent is not enough.

At least, compared with those gifted students in Shen Guanglin's laboratory, their talents are not outstanding.

That being the case, it is quite good for them to stop being responsible for specific scientific research work and turn around to start education and training work.

In a laboratory, if the 'teaching' work is done well, sometimes it is more important than the results.

This is also the reason why many doctoral students cannot graduate.

At Capital University, there is no shortage of geniuses and gifted students.

On the contrary, what they lack is a good teacher and a good learning environment.

In Shen Guanglin's laboratory, all these conditions are met, it is really a unique and superior condition.

No matter what age, the students of Capital University are famous for their eagerness to learn.

They are smarter than you and work harder than you. If you say they are not successful, who will succeed.

Moreover, in order to provide them with better learning conditions and experimental opportunities, Shen Guanglin's laboratory has almost become a training base for interns.

Moreover, the reading room of their laboratory costs more than the average university library.

Not for anything else, just to give students an opportunity to get in touch with the world's cutting-edge technology.

Since the successful development of insect-resistant cotton, Dou Wei can be said to have plans to "retire to the second line". It is much better for his wife and children to be hot on the bed than to work overtime every day, and he does not have to worry about hair loss. Why not do it.

Moreover, with the advancement of cadre rejuvenation, this is a good thing.

Wouldn't it be nice to have grandchildren at home?

In particular, Shen Guanglin provided them with good living conditions, and Committee Member Dou was even more satisfied with these.

They now live in Tiangong No. [-], a high-end residential area.

There are not many people living in Tiangong-[-], they are all the veterans of the laboratory and the core figures of the Great Wall Group, and Dou Wei's family is one of them.

Moreover, the vegetable greenhouse on the top floor of Tiangong No. [-] has been transformed into a photovoltaic sun room.

After Shen Guanglin's aunt went to Xiangjiang, it became Lao Dou's favorite and private kingdom.

During off-duty hours, when Shen Guanglin and Dou Wei found the roof, Lao Dou was looking down at his vegetable rack.

This kind of vegetable greenhouse is not affected by the seasons. This is a cucumber that was just planted not long ago. The melon seedlings have not yet pulled the vines.

The weather in September is already cool outside, but it is still hot inside the greenhouse.

The old guy did not know where he got a large basket of dried cow dung, broke it up a little bit and buried it near the roots of the cucumber seedlings.

Moreover, the whole shed was warm and had a sour smell. Shen Guanglin wanted to go out as soon as he came in.

However, the old guy didn't care about it at all, a large piece of wet blue vest was moving forward with the Maza, working very hard.

Shen Guanglin stopped coming in from a long distance, and shouted loudly with a smile: "Old Dou, you are not old yet, do you still have the energy to take care of this? Where did the cow dung come from? This is a rare thing. "

"If you don't care about this, what do you eat in winter? I have to ask you where this cow dung came from. It was pulled by your precious cloned cow."

Old man Dou laughed when he saw Shen Guanglin coming, and when he saw his son following him, he stopped working immediately: "Come on, come on, come on, let me rest for a while."

Dou Wei originally thought that according to Professor Shen's approachable character, he would go to work with him.

However, Shen Guanglin didn't. He covered his mouth and nose and stood at the entrance to ventilate, waiting for old man Dou to come out.

People are not omnipotent. Shen Guanglin can be courteous to corporals, but not to this extent.

This is also not in line with his personality that his fingers do not touch Yang Chunshui.

Usually, Shen Guanglin can't even grow flowers, let alone grow vegetables.

The old man Dou threw the cow dung basket to Dou Wei, rubbed his waist, pulled out a handful of shallots and a few green garlic from the shed, then shook the cow dung mud on his hands, and then said: "Let's go, let's My father and I went to drink tea, and recently relatives from my hometown brought some Linwu ducks, which grew up on small fish and shrimp, and I will cook a famous dish for you to try."

"Isn't it just a duck, what's the difference?" Shen Guanglin expressed his disbelief.

"It must be different. Some ducks are too fat to be eaten roasted, some ducks are suitable for stewing soup, and some ducks are best eaten roasted."

Speaking of eating, Lao Dou is very experienced, otherwise he would not have started to tend these vegetable greenhouses himself.

Growing vegetables is a memory engraved in Huaxia's genes.

"Then I'll be more respectful than obedient."

It was time for dinner, and Shen Guanglin couldn't help drooling when he thought about what to eat.

The two returned to Dou Wei's house talking and laughing.

The old lady and Dou Wei's wife are both here. The two women are also careful with a doll.

"Professor Shen, you are here." Seeing Shen Guanglin coming, Dou Wei's daughter-in-law hurriedly served tea and water.

"Thank you."

In fact, Dou Wei's daughter-in-law is also Li Rong's colleague, and of course Shen Guanglin also knows her.

She is quite satisfied with her current life. Her family is well-off, her father-in-law is a member of the academic department, her mother-in-law is a university professor, and her husband is also a famous researcher. Although she is a little older, what else can she think about? Professor Shen.

It was still early for dinner, so the old lady went into the kitchen to cook ducks, and the daughter-in-law nursed the children in the back room.

Shen Guanglin and Shen Guanglin played chess while chatting at the coffee table.

It's not chess, it's Go.

After all, as a think tank of a national scholar, only playing Go can show the demeanor of a celebrity. It is a pity that the old leader that Lao Dou follows does not play Go, but only likes bridge.

Therefore, in terms of playing Go, Lao Dou is not Shen Guanglin's opponent at all.

Shen Guanglin has received professional training since he was a child. If he didn't want to continue his studies, he might have to go on a professional path.

Of course, the professional road is not so easy to go.

For example, a certain chess king is already ranked No.1 in the world of Go, but he is still studying in university and has to pay the mortgage every month. It is not science fiction at all, and it does not have the style of a famous artist.

Before the flag was lowered halfway, Lao Dou's big dragon was beheaded mercilessly by Shen.

Just at this time, Xiao Dou also came back, and he couldn't stop.

So, everyone smoked and drank tea in the living room, chatted casually, and didn't say anything serious.

"Professor Shen has been abroad for several months, where has he been?"

"Citigroup's New York and Fuso's Kyoto stayed for a while." Asked freely, answered freely.

"It's all a good place. When I was young, I went to Citigroup for the first time. I saw a foreign woman in revealing clothes. After only one day, I had a pimple on my face and blisters on the corners of my mouth." Committee member Dou also said. A second person has reached the point where he can do whatever he wants.

Everyone laughed.

In fact, when people of this age go out, if they are not experienced enough to visit, they will also feel very uncomfortable when they see those ultra-short shorts.

Man, time flies when talking about this topic.

After about an hour, the old lady asked Dou Wei to serve the dishes.

After a while, a large pot of steaming braised duck was brought in. It was filled to the brim with an enamel washbasin with red Double Happiness.

The duck meat is burnt red, with green peppers and red peppers, it looks very appetizing.

Shen Guanglin rejected Niulanshan, went downstairs and brought up two bottles of Moutai, let's drink this.

Open up!
After everyone had eaten and drank enough, it was time to go to the study to talk about business.

"Xiao Shen, I'll just call you Xiao Shen, don't you mind." Lao Dou's expression became serious, probably because he was about to talk about serious business.

"You should call me whatever you want. We know each other so well, even if you call me son, I should answer it."

Shen Guanglin didn't want to be so serious, he still wanted to ease the atmosphere.

The old man Dou ignored Shen Guanglin's gag, but continued to say seriously: "Your school has recommended two candidates for faculty members, one of which is Lao Zhou from the Department of Chemistry, and the other is Dou Wei."

(End of this chapter)

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