Start with a college teacher

Chapter 681 Find a way

Chapter 681 Finding a Way (2)

"No way!"

Shen Guanglin didn't expect that Lao Dou came to him to talk about this matter.

Moreover, judging by the way he said with certainty, it seems that this is the case.

After all, Shen Guanglin was still young, and he hadn't been able to hide his emotions and anger, but Shen Guanglin's face collapsed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In fact, Shen Guanglin was already angry, especially since he drank alcohol, it was even harder to suppress his emotions.

Lao Dou pretended not to see the change in Shen Guanglin's face, and continued, "Are you trying to say that you and Lao Zhou are obviously recommended by your school, don't you?"

Lao Dou's tone was still relaxed but somewhat serious.

Shen Guanglin nodded expressionlessly.

The news he got was indeed like this, and it was no secret at Capital University.

However, when did the school change the recommendation list and why didn't it tell him.

"How do you know?" Shen Guanglin couldn't help asking.

He was even thinking that this old Dou came to him because he wanted to win the chance for his son to be a member of the faculty.

"Although I am old, I am still a committee member after all, and I still have one vote."

Old Dou smiled wryly, and he continued: "I didn't mean to change your name to Dou Wei's, and we haven't carried out any activities, otherwise we wouldn't have told you now?
Shen Guanglin half believed what Lao Dou said.

"What's the situation?"

Shen Guanglin really never thought that his nomination would be replaced.

From what he thought, the headmaster had already shown his credit for this incident, so if he changed his mind temporarily, wouldn't he be afraid of completely offending me, Mr. Shen?

However, what Shen Guanglin didn't know was that they had actually made other arrangements, with the purpose of "stealing the beam and changing the pillar" and "saving the country with a curve".

Shen Guanglin is not RMB, even in Beijing University, not everyone likes him.

Among them, one of the vice-principals has always been particularly unhappy with Shen Guanglin. That person studies condensed matter and is highly respected. Long before Shen Guanglin became famous, that person's grades and reputation have always been good.

Moreover, as early as many years ago, he was already a member of the academic department, otherwise he would not have become the vice principal.

At the beginning of the 863 project, the reason why Shen Guanglin failed to enter the physics group was also due to the backstab of his own school.

This time the list of alternate members was selected, and the plan of Capital University was to let this member submit the list. What everyone didn't expect was that this person secretly changed the list because of "selfish motives".

By then, the uncooked rice will have been cooked into cooked rice, and the wood will be turned into a boat. Besides, Dou Wei is also a staff member of your laboratory. Professor Shen, don't be too stingy.

Those who make a big deal, don't stick to the little things.

Perhaps, Shen Guanglin was persuaded because of this, and there was nothing he could do about it.

If he really couldn't appease his anger, at worst, he would pull out that vice principal who did bad things for himself.

People have already thought about the countermeasures.

If Lao Dou hadn't known about this situation in advance and informed Shen Guanglin in advance, when the responsibility for this matter was investigated after the incident, he would probably be the one who took the blame.

Moreover, he is already a member of the academic department, and he has no desires or desires, even if he really offends Shen Guanglin completely, it doesn't matter.

He's just a piece of hob meat, you really can't do anything about him.

If Professor Shen still wants to continue to hang out in Capital University and enter the ranks of academic committee members through this circle, he can't completely tear himself apart with the school, right?

Probably, that's what they planned to do.

"Are they exchanging benefits?" Shen Guanglin asked suddenly.

"Of course! This year's funds and study places will be fully tilted towards Beijing University. Moreover, they guarantee that Lao Zhou and Dou Wei will be able to pass the selection and become official committee members."

Therefore, the change of the list is really a good thing for Capital University.

After all, it will be a matter of time before Shen Guanglin becomes a committee member of the Faculty, but these two are not necessarily so.

Now that two members of the Faculty can be elected, and it is a certainty, it is a very cost-effective deal for Capital University anyway.

The senile plaque comrade from the Academy of Sciences also immediately found the common ground of everyone's interests.

Therefore, Capital University sold Shen Guanglin in an instant, and deliberately did not tell him the truth.

Otherwise, the prosperity of the world is all for profit, and the hustle and bustle of the world is for profit.

Indeed, without today's meal, Dou Wei would have had the opportunity to be a member of the academic department.

But so what.

Dou Wei works in Shen Guanglin's laboratory, and he doesn't know how awesome the committee will be in the future.

What kind of life is he living now?Who gave it?
Now Dou Wei can go abroad if he wants to go abroad, and the houses he lives in are all super luxurious suites that others can't imagine.

Moreover, there is also a photovoltaic greenhouse that can generate electricity, and there are endless vegetables throughout the year.

Drinking Coca-Cola and driving the car, what else is there to be dissatisfied with?

Commissioner Dou has been a member of the Faculty for decades, and his living conditions are better than ordinary people, but the strength is very limited.

Probably, just a little higher social status.

Does Dou Wei have a low social status if he does not take a member of the academic department?

The researcher on insect-resistant cotton has always belonged to him, and Shen Guanglin never competed for it.

Professor Shen has always been a generous person, and he is willing to seek benefits from his subordinates. It is not worthwhile to offend him.

Therefore, for his own benefit, Commissioner Dou made a careful assessment.

He believes that it is more beneficial to make friends with Shen Guanglin than to offend him and obtain a false committee name.

Moreover, once the two families turned their faces, what could Dou Wei do?
It is very likely that what is pointed out by thousands of people will happen.

It was based on this situation that Lao Dou was not dazzled by the sudden happiness. Instead, he analyzed the situation soberly and told Shen Guanglin about it decisively.

However, for the young Shen Guanglin, at this moment, he was really at a loss.

He, Shen Guanglin, has been in Capital University for the seventh year.

Over the years, he has thought hard, how much money has he applied for for the school?How many honors have you received for your school?
However, it is somewhat unbelievable that the nominations for the by-election were changed as soon as they were said to be changed.

For Shen Guanglin, this is really not a small matter, he can't be generous.

If Shen Guanglin was not included in the nomination when the list of by-elections actually came out, what face would he have?
"Why did they do this?" Shen Guanglin was very puzzled.

Lao Dou is also a second person, he laughed, pointed out the truth, and said: "I'm afraid you have too many lackeys, and you will become a schoolboy that everyone can't control."

After a pause, he continued: "What they didn't expect was that our father and son have already become lackeys of your Professor Shen."

"Your words are too much, too much." Shen Guanglin can't directly admit that they are his lackeys.

However, the position of Lao Dou and Dou Wei is indeed firmly on Shen Guanglin's side. They know that the Dou family will have a future if they follow Shen Guanglin.

"Professor Shen, take a look at your scientific research achievements and the scale of your laboratory. Your achievements have exceeded half of those of Beijing University, right?
What about lab scale?Did all the outstanding students from Peking University’s biology department, physics department, chemistry department, mathematics department, and radio department go to your laboratory for internships? "

Dou Wei is not the background board, he also interjected.

"How big is this force, and they are all new forces, who can stop it? Wudaokou Vocational School?"

He, Dou Wei, also has a share in this power, and he is honored.

"Yes, aren't our two schools similar?"

"In my opinion, it's far worse! Where are the gifted students who graduated from Wudao Kongfu School? After studying abroad, will they come back? How can they compare with our students?"

Shen Guanglin thought about it, it really is.

With his own strength, Shen Guanglin has already changed the scientific research ecology.

Now, the first choice of Beijing University is not to study abroad, but to study and work in Shen Guanglin's laboratory.

Moreover, students from Shen Guanglin's laboratory can even go directly to foreign universities as professors.

Here is a more convenient path than studying abroad!

However, Shen Guanglin was still puzzled that Capital University would backstab him:
"The relationship between me and the school, isn't it complementary? My achievements are also the achievements of Beijing University."

"It's true to say that, but for the organization, this may not be a good thing, you are too big to lose."

This thing is annoying.

If there is no publicity at the beginning, everyone can still pretend that nothing happened.

However, this matter has spread in a small area, and Shen Guanglin is going to represent Capital University in the by-election of faculty members.

Now, he has been changed on the spur of the moment. This is somewhat annoying and embarrassing.

"Then what should I do? Go to the school and make a fuss?"

"It's not good, isn't that turning against the school?" Lao Dou disagreed with him.

Since he called Shen Guanglin over, he naturally thought of a way to deal with it.

"In the by-election of faculty members, the list is recommended by the existing committee members, and more than 5 committee members must jointly recommend it to be eligible. Now, I count one, and you are still short of 4 recommenders."

Shen Guanglin recalled it a bit, "You said I went to school to find four more heads?"

"What if the people in your school and they violate the law again, don't you want to lose someone again?"

This is also the reason Shen Guanglin thought about. After all, the committee members of the academic department are also human beings, and they still have to obey the school's arrangements, and he has not yet thought about whether to turn against the school.

Commissioner Dou continued to speak with a smile: "Xiao Shen, I heard that you are very rich, and money can turn ghosts around. The domestic universities and institutions that have academic committee members are not only in the capital city. I have worked for dozens of years. In the past year, I also know some friends, don’t you?”

The meaning of this is obvious, Lao Dou is willing to help him run this recommended quota.


(End of this chapter)

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