Start with a college teacher

Chapter 682 Punishment

Chapter 682 Punishment (2)

The next morning, there was a slight breeze and no dew.

Shen Guanglin went to the school and went to see the principal while pretending that he didn't know anything.

He didn't come to question why, but to exchange emotions on a daily basis.

"Xiao Shen, you're here." The principal took care of everything, but still took time and smiled to chat with Professor Shen.

Professor Shen is the treasure of the school, everyone should take good care of him.

The two of them chatted for a while, and talked about the Human Genome Project. How will Professor Shen plan to carry it out?
Shen Guanglin said that he hadn't thought about it yet, and he probably had to wait for a while, because the money hadn't arrived yet.

Then, he asked, what is the state's attitude towards the Human Genome Project, and has it allocated funds?
No, the country is also watching.

In this matter, to a large extent, the country's attitude also depends on Professor Shen's attitude.

In other words, in this matter, Shen Guanglin has already influenced the country's decision-making.

Probably, as long as Shen Guanglin is determined to carry out the Human Genome Project alone, the country will support him to a large extent.

The Huaxia people do not lie to the Huaxia people, and their own people cannot tear down their own Taisar.

Therefore, everything is waiting for Shen Guanglin to express his opinion.

Everyone was chatting happily, and Shen Guanglin suddenly asked straightforwardly: "Principal, there is no problem with the number of candidates for my school committee. Should you take the initiative to do some work? Isn't there a saying called 'running into Beijing', If I don’t do some activities, why do I feel that I have no bottom.”

"Running into Beijing" is a buzzword of the times, which means that grassroots units apply for funds, projects, and special policy support for local units by going to some national ministries and commissions to solicit relationships, take favors, make friends, and say good things.

Shen Guanglin's tone was relaxed, as if he said it casually, but it was not easy to deal with this matter.

The principal's face was obviously stiff, but he still smiled and said:

"No need! Professor Xiao Shen, you can rest assured to go back and wait for the news. The school has already handed in the list, and it was handed in by Vice President Yang himself. However, you have to be mentally prepared, after all, you are still young. , this is the first time to participate in the selection of the faculty members, anything can happen, so don't put too much hope, the most important thing is to participate."

In addition, the principal encouraged Shen Guanglin earnestly, congratulated him on his achievements and expressed his expectations for future work.

In short, the future is bright, but the road is tortuous. You, Professor Shen, will definitely be able to become a member of the Faculty in the future, there is no doubt about it.

Then, the two ended the conversation like this.

The old fox!
Sure enough, he asked Vice President Yang, who didn't deal with him, to submit the list. The calculation was really good, but someone has already leaked the secret.

Shen Guanglin wanted to expose him, but he still didn't do it. He also smiled casually: "That's good, I'm afraid that the school will make a mistake in the list submitted, and if I am not the nominated one, then how bad it is." Well, I was happy for nothing."

When Shen Guanglin left, the headmaster had a slightly embarrassed expression.

The next week was cloudless and calm.

Shen Guanglin is a good and qualified teacher in the school every day to teach the students.

These days, in places unknown to everyone, Commissioner Dou has become a trapeze artist and started a national roaming mode.

Tired and happy.

Commissioner Dou felt that he had never spoken with such confidence before. It is really comfortable to spend this kind of money casually and wish for random days.

After going from school to school, and from research institute to research institute, Committee Member Dou made a face-to-face survey across the country.

Even if you are old friends, you still have to walk around more. It is not surprising that there are many people.

Fortunately, everything went smoothly.

Good news came one after another. Everyone is aware of Professor Shen's achievements and contributions. Since you intend to come here to make friends, then I don't want to offend you.

Therefore, when committee member Dou intervened, everyone was very friendly and expressed their willingness to cooperate with Shen Guanglin's laboratory. Naturally, they were willing to elect Professor Shen as the new faculty member.

According to the plan formulated by the three-person team at the beginning, it can be said that the progress is quite smooth.

Until the last day of submitting the list, Shen Guanglin was waiting for the school to change its mind and tell him the truth, or change the list of recommenders, but unfortunately: no.

All are waiting for the dust to settle.

The next morning was another sunny day without wind and rain.

Shen Guanglin had just arrived at the school and was about to start class. The principal sent an assistant to look for him and said he wanted to talk to him about something.

Is it finally coming?Please start your performance.

Shen Guanglin came in knocking on the door with ease.

Everyone is still a harmonious scene.

"Xiao Shen." The headmaster weighed his words, and said in a heavy tone: "There is something I didn't handle well. That Yang Fuyuan, that is, Vice President Yang, he is not a son of man, it is simply too hateful!"

"What's wrong?" Shen Guanglin asked cooperatively.

"He actually changed your quota secretly, without even going through the school, and he made his own decisions! He just did whatever he wanted!" The principal was filled with righteous indignation, intense emotions, and the same hatred.

"What? Changed my name?" Shen Guanglin was also taken aback.

"Yes." The headmaster said with a sad tone. The school's original plan was to recommend him, Shen Guanglin, and Lao Tian from the Department of Chemistry. However, for some reason, Vice President Yang secretly changed his name.

"Who did it change? Did it change to Dou Wei?" Shen Guanglin asked in a flat tone.

"You already know it's Dou? Fortunately, Dou Wei is a subordinate of your laboratory. There is still some way to fix this matter. Anyway, the fat water has not flowed into the field of outsiders. The most urgent thing now is to think about some remedial measures. Immediately ask someone to announce it, saying that you took the initiative to give up this by-election to Dou Wei, and the school will report to praise you for your kindness."

The principal showed that he wanted to work hard to save the situation, and he was very concerned about Shen Guanglin's reputation.

It's just that everyone is a thousand-year-old fox, why are they still playing Liao Zhai?

Although Shen Guanglin is young, he has passed the test in acting. His focus is not on changing his name to Dou Wei, nor how to restore his reputation, but on Vice President Yang who has done something wrong at the other end:
"We don't worry about other things. You should first talk about how to deal with that self-assertive Vice President Yang."

The principal was also taken aback for a moment, and then responded:
"Of course it must be dealt with seriously! We can't let the hero bleed and shed tears. In my opinion, let him retreat directly. It's not good to always occupy the position of the corpse, jealous of the virtuous and capable, and occupying that position like this."

What Ling Ran said was to the effect of condemning Vice President Yang for breaking the rules of the game from Shen Guanglin's standpoint.

Indeed, for an ordinary leader, ending his political life is the most uncomfortable thing.

But it's different for academic committee members. They have this status, and no matter where they go, they are respected.

"Is that all? Isn't there a criticism or something? Shouldn't people be punished for their mistakes?"

Shen Guanglin was naturally dissatisfied with this, he chased after the principal to ask, and he was a bit reluctant.

"But, after all, Lao Yang is an old comrade and a member of the academic department. It's not good for us to take it too far, right?"

The principal's acting skills were still flawless, but he changed his face very quickly, immediately withdrew his intense emotions, and began to find protection for Lao Yang.

"What's wrong? He tampered with the school's resolution. Shouldn't he be dealt with seriously? Isn't the serious deal you said a bit serious enough? I have made so many contributions to the school, so I have to suffer such injustice Injustice? Why should he?"

The more Shen Guanglin talked, the more excited he became, and he even seemed to be performing deliberately.

However, what he said was true. After Shen Guanglin arrived at Beijing University, how much he had contributed to the school. Even on the school committee, no one dared to say anything wrong about Shen Guanglin.

Moreover, Shen Guanglin asked several other members of the academic department in private, but they didn't know about it, and they all firmly supported Shen Guanglin's election as a full-fledged member.

Of course, maybe they might change their minds behind their backs, but this possibility is very small.

Everyone has a good relationship on weekdays, there is no need to turn their faces at this time, and there is no hatred between us.

It is estimated that the reason why Shen Guanglin was replaced by the by-election was an exchange of interests reached by the upper circle.

If we were to tear ourselves apart with Shen Guanglin now, the school would not be able to afford the loss.

You must know that now a lot of funds are applied for by relying on the results of Shen Guanglin's laboratory. If he loses this title, if he leaves the school and goes to other places, he, the principal, may lose his job.

Therefore, the perfect solution that was originally conceived is not perfect at all now.

In the previous idea, even if Shen Guanglin's name was changed to Dou Wei's, even if Shen Guanglin was unhappy, he could only recognize it with his nose, and the dumb would eat coptis.

Otherwise, it means that Shen Guanglin is narrow-minded and has no tolerance for others.

Even if he was angry, even if he had an attack, it is estimated that Shen Guanglin would only attack Dou Wei.

Really did not think of something, Shen Guanglin didn't care about it at all, he didn't want to restore his reputation, nor did he want to find remedies, but instead grasped the details.

Why did Vice President Yang want to replace his by-election quota?
As for who to replace, Shen Guanglin didn't care.

Even though you have thousands of reasons, you violated discipline.

Anyone who violates discipline will be punished, unless someone instructed Vice President Yang to do so.

There are so many academic department committee members in the school, and they don't know about it. This is not a collective decision. If you don't believe me, ask everyone to confront it.

There is no need for confrontation. We are all family members, so we should save some face.

There is no way, the school can only issue a notice of criticism.


In view of Comrade Yang Fuyu's dereliction of duty and reckless behavior, which caused heavy losses to the school, he is now severely criticized and educated, and will be recorded as a major demerit once.

Academic Affairs Office of Capital University. September 1987, 9.

(End of this chapter)

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