Start with a college teacher

Chapter 683 Making Enemies

Chapter 683 Making Enemies (1)


Dou Wei's home.

Everyone sat around and had dinner together.

This time Li Rong also came with Shen Guanglin, everyone was acquaintances, this time it was not Linwu duck, this time it was a big goose caught from the biological base.

Tonight's main meal: iron pot with big goose.

It's been a while since I've been gone, and Committee Member Dou, who has been traveling for a long time, has lost weight, but he's also more energetic.

When the food came, he took a sip of Moutai, and then asked Shen Guanglin, "Do you know Meng Wei?"

With the passage of time and the fermentation of the incident, Commissioner Dou also knew who had an enmity with Shen Guanglin, and it was this old school committee member named Meng Wei.

"I don't know him. Should I know him?" Shen Guanglin also frowned, with a serious and surprised expression.

"He is the one who initiated opposition to your election as a faculty member, and his attitude is very firm." Committee member Dou said: "This person is still very powerful and powerful, and he is still the think tank of a certain leader, and he is a very influential person. "

Shen Guanglin thought for a while, but still shook his head slowly: "I really don't know him."

However, he tried to guess again:

"Could it be that he and his leader have conflicts with the old man of the Li family? It shouldn't be. The old man of the Li family should have a good relationship with the leader you mentioned."

Li Rong also chimed in. The old man and the leader were indeed not at odds, and she even paid New Year's greetings to the leader on behalf of the old man.

What's going on?
Commissioner Dou ate goose meat with lipstick, which was burnt with camellia oil, and it was very fragrant.

Camellia oil is a good thing. In the north, it is difficult to get tea oil. Even in the south, tea oil is a rare commodity.

In fact, Commissioner Dou was also very puzzled: "I still know about Lao Meng. It is said that he is not a small-hearted person. What is the purpose of targeting you?"

After all, there is no love without reason in this world, and there is no hate without reason.

If Shen Guanglin didn't offend him, there's no need for him to target Shen Guanglin like this.

Moreover, targeting Shen Guanglin in this way, how much benefit and price would it take to make Capital University change its mind.

Shen Guanglin thought and thought, but he also said that he didn't know anything, and he never took the initiative to offend anyone, unless he encountered it during a scientific research competition.

However, there are many people who lose to Shen Guanglin in scientific research. Could it be that they can't compete in scientific research because they are afraid of winning their opponents?

"Let's not think about him about this matter, you just pretend that nothing happened. Anyway, the list of by-elections has been confirmed, and several other committee members and I have already submitted your name." Committee member Dou Then he said: "It's time to break this convention. Whoever said that people from Capital University can only be recommended by Capital University, as long as they are committee members, they can express their opinions."

"Yes, this is what everyone expects!" Dou Wei also chimed in.

"Thank you!" Shen Guanglin toasted the father and son with a glass of wine.

After drinking, the chat continued.

Dou Wei is also very familiar with the relationship between Jingcheng University. When he thought of Shen Guanglin's flamboyant operations at the school, he couldn't help laughing: "Professor Shen, I heard that you insisted that our school punish Vice President Yang."

"That's right, people should be responsible for what they do, and the school has nothing to do with it."

Although Shen Guanglin had no actual loss so far, it was true that he was unhappy.

If there is really something, can't we open up the topic and sit down and talk about it together?

Surreptitiously engage in black-box operations.

Fortunately, Shen Guanglin has the aura of the protagonist, and fortunately, the father and son of the Dou family know current affairs, otherwise they would really be overshadowed by them.

"The list that will be announced tomorrow will be interesting."

"I'll wait and see, too."

The three of them laughed and waited to see what would happen after tomorrow.

Publicity is really a good system.

During elections, when promoting cadres, and when major decisions are announced, there will be a publicity period.

The announcement period is the most visible.

Reporting, exposing, slandering, spreading rumors, and slander all often occur during this period.

Many people were about to be promoted, but ended up falling on the step of publicizing, such examples are not rare.

The by-election of members of the Academy of Sciences was only publicized on a small scale, but it still couldn't escape the eyes of interested people.

Especially some people from Capital University and Mr. Meng from the Academy of Sciences were very surprised when they saw that Shen Guanglin's name was still on the list.

Yang Fuyu was one of the most surprised people.

He also didn't expect that when he was old, he would receive such a big penalty of reporting criticism and demerit.

For this matter, relatives, friends, and old acquaintances are all persuading him, why do you want to be an enemy of Professor Shen? What good can it do?
He is also suffering.

Everyone is in the physics circle. It is a fact that Committee Member Yang and Shen Guanglin did not deal with each other, but as both Masters of Beijing, he really would not deliberately change and replace Shen Guanglin's name.

These days, he's under a lot of pressure.

Speaking of which, in the past few years, he just felt that Shen Guanglin threatened his position in the physics circle, and he just felt a little uncomfortable. He really didn't have much intention to target Shen Guanglin deliberately.

This time, he received the punishment, but it was hard to say.

There is no way, for the benefit of the school, he can only sacrifice his reputation.

Moreover, he didn't dare to think about what his colleagues and students at Capital University thought of him.

Let's just think that he, Mr. Yang, is narrow-minded.

However, when the public list came out, Committee Member Yang saw that Shen Guanglin's name was still on it, and he was completely dumbfounded.

What's the meaning?You made me a bad guy, and turned around and reported Professor Shen's name, didn't you?
You know, I also have old disciples, so what am I going to do to offend this promising young man?

Now, his disciples are about to rebel.

We are all well-tested cadres, and it is impossible to ask the school to explain it. He feels that he has done enough for the school, and it is not his responsibility to stop it now. He should also express his attitude.

After the announcement document came out, Shen Guanglin was still wondering what the school's attitude would be.

The whole day passed, and the school said nothing.

When it was almost time to get off work, Vice President Yang came looking for him on a bicycle.

"Professor Shen, I want to talk to you."

"Okay, let's talk about it." Shen Guanglin also wanted to see what the responsible committee member Yang wanted to say.

"Professor Shen, I think you know better than I do. I don't want to explain the twists and turns. However, when I formally express my position, please look at my attitude. I will definitely support you!"

It turned out that he came to ask Shen Guanglin for mercy.

Shen Guanglin has a bright future, and Vice President Yang doesn't want to offend him completely. There is a saying: Don't bully a young man into being poor, but the problem is that Shen Guanglin is not poor. Although he is still a young man, his influence is already enormous.

Under such circumstances, who would want to be Shen Guanglin's enemy?
Member Meng is willing.

"Why? Who changed the recommendation list?"

Committee member Meng at the other end also saw the publicized list, and he was so angry that he couldn't suppress it.

No one changed.

However, Commissioner Dou, Commissioner Zhang, and Commissioner Liu from the Construction Engineering Group re-recommended Professor Shen from Capital University.

"Isn't it recommended by Capital University?"

"Not really."

Senile spots did not take the initiative to find Shen Guanglin like Vice President Yang did. Instead, he approached Commissioner Dou angrily, very angry, "I heard that you recruited and recommended Shen Guanglin?"

"Yes!" Commissioner Dou readily admitted that he would not be "afraid" of him, Commissioner Meng. We are all committee members, and you are no more senior than me.

"It was recommended by me! Do you have an opinion?"

There was a bit of provocation in this tone.

"Why are you fighting against me?" Everyone came from that era, and they supposedly share a passion, but people who are used to sports often have bad tempers, and they are all straightforward.

"Because he is my son's leader, is that enough reason?" Facing the question, Commissioner Dou generously admitted his selfishness.

Moreover, Commissioner Dou is not happy anymore. To be a human being, you still have to recognize your own status. You can yell at your subordinates, but you can’t yell at me. I don’t accept your criticism.

"You!.Don't worry about it, I'm going to reject him for sure. When the time comes, don't stop me." Senile Meng Meng was really a little frustrated. He didn't reject Shen Guanglin in the nomination stage. In the later voting stage, that was true. Offending people's actions.

"Then let's each use his means!" Commissioner Dou didn't want to be amicable in everything. He was now on the side of Shen Guanglin, so he naturally considered the issue from Shen Guanglin's standpoint.

Let's wait and see, everyone!

Evening is still a time for everyone to get together.

At the dinner table, Shen Guanglin talked about Vice President Yang's begging for forgiveness, and Committee Member Dou also talked about Committee Member Meng's visit to Xingshi to question his guilt.

So fierce?Shen Guanglin asked what we should do next.

Commissioner Dou sighed, "Since you are going to take the road of scientific research, it's time to find a strong opponent."

"What do you mean?" Shen Guanglin didn't quite understand.

"Now you need to set up a strong and powerful opponent, and win the battle. This is the path you should take. Therefore, Committee Member Meng and his disciples and grandchildren are good training objects."

Shen Guanglin didn't understand, but Committee Dou understood. He was also thinking about Shen Guanglin. If Shen Guanglin wanted to enter the committee and develop strongly, he still needed some opponents.

If there is no battle of Liwei, it is impossible to say that you can walk calmly on the road of learning.

Therefore, it is also a good training for Professor Shen to regard this member Meng and his disciples and grandchildren as competitors.

Without combative proficiency and iron-blooded wrists, how to lead scientific competition?

Science is not a dinner party.

This is an enemy that Professor Shen should set up at this stage. Don't fight timidly, don't be like the light, defeat them, beat them, exclude them, under the king's banner, under the command of the soldiers, who would dare not follow?

Don't walk into that good night gently.

(End of this chapter)

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