Chapter 684 Boil (2)

It was such a happy decision.

Facing Committee Meng, a somewhat formidable enemy, someone Shen accepted.

"If you want to fight, then fight!" Shen Guanglin made a decision.

Since there are so many people who are willing to support him and want him to fight, what else can't be done.

Now, Shen Guanglin is no longer a novice just out of society. He has achieved very fruitful results in both physical chemistry and biology.

Moreover, these achievements have been so fruitful that even a blind person cannot deny it.

When they opposed Shen Guanglin, they could only object in terms of procedures, age, and qualifications. No one dared to comment on his achievements.

Now that he had made up his mind to start a battle, Shen Guanglin didn't think about anything else.

He relaxed and began to wait, he was waiting for Commissioner Dou to help him charge forward.

During this period of time, the school's attitude was the most confusing, but the two sides did not really tear their faces apart.

The public announcement list came out, and Shen Guanglin believed that the school must have seen Shen Guanglin's name, but they pretended not to see it. Only Vice President Yang came to surrender, and the others acted like I didn't know anything.

Everyone also analyzed the school's attitude. They just wanted to steal a chicken, and they didn't really want to turn against Shen Guanglin.

Therefore, Shen Guanglin worked, studied, and lived as usual, and quietly returned to his original life track, and went to class to teach as usual every day.

At this time, Shen Guanglin realized that he couldn't do without his classmates.

What he is most fascinated by is the sentence called by his classmates: Professor Shen.

To be the idol of the heaven's favored ones, his bones are a little lighter.

No, in order to teach without discrimination and to cultivate more outstanding talents, from now on, Shen Guanglin's laboratory will recruit students from Wudaokou Technical School.

This is the first batch, but not the last.

It is not a joint school, but to provide them with internship opportunities first.

When the news reached Wudaokou Technical School, everyone went completely crazy.

Finally, do we have a chance too!
You know, Shen Guanglin's laboratory is not far from Wudaokou Technical School.

Many students of Wudaokou Technical School have long been envious.

Why is there no Professor Shen in our school?
Now, Professor Shen is not just from Capital University, are you happy? Are you happy?

Moreover, Shen Guanglin has also decided that his laboratory will gradually separate from Capital University and become an independent laboratory.

Although it is said that leaning against a big tree is good for enjoying the shade, but this big tree does something bad to itself from time to time, and it is quite uncomfortable.

At such a critical moment, they could all exchange their own interests, which made Shen Guanglin very upset.

Of course, the school is not without good people.

The dean of the School of Biology, who didn't know what happened, came here specifically, "Professor Shen, I heard that you were cheated by Vice President Yang for this selection? But don't be discouraged. With your level, sooner or later they will ask you I'm taking you to the committee."

"I know." Shen Guanglin also wanted to see the true attitude of the dean of biology. Will he support him in the official vote later?
However, Mr. Dean is completely oblivious to what has happened.He was still making an idea there: "If you want me to say, you can try to join the foreign academicians of Citigroup or England, operate a little bit, let the wind out, and then no matter whether you agree or refuse, you can give the committee an army. Woolen cloth."

Hey, that's a really good idea.

Shen Guanglin is a self-proclaimed patriot and has no intention of changing his nationality, but it is still possible to be a foreign academician.

This thing is really messed up.

Moreover, Shen Guanglin and the dean are also old acquaintances, and he didn't want to hide it from him, so he said: "Actually, I still got the nomination, it wasn't the nomination submitted by our school, it was an additional recommendation from my friends." .My original idea was to have a double insurance, but it turned out to be really useful by accident.”


The surprise on Mr. Dean's face did not seem to be fake, he was really happy: "That's good, that's good! Don't worry, I don't dare to say anything else at that time, my vote is safe, and I still have a few I’m a friend, I’m also going to do some work, just wait, I’ll go right away.”

In fact, Shen Guanglin wanted to say that Commissioner Dou has already done his work.

But Shen Guanglin still thanked him.

By this time, he couldn't guess whether the attitudes of the committee members of his school were true or not. Let's just believe that they will support him when they formally vote.

As the saying goes, if you know yourself and your enemy, you will never be imperiled in a hundred battles.

In recent days, Shen Guanglin and Dou's father and son had more time to get together, and today another person was added, that is Lao Kong.

Lao Kong is also a member of his own family and lives in Tiangong No. [-], so there is no reason to exclude him.

"Colleagues who have worked with him all said that this is a person who must clean the meat when drinking soup, and he does not eat soft and hard meat, so it is very difficult to deal with."

The information is collected one by one.

A literary image emerged in Shen Guanglin's mind: an indomitable scientific researcher.

But he himself is the villain.

However, all the people in the scientific research circle, which one is not a person with a strong character, all of them are people with great perseverance.

There is no limit to learning, and the boring and boring scientific research is obvious to all.

Even counting the degree of boredom in detail, it is almost the same as the repetition career in the third year of high school.Year after year of scientific research is equivalent to year after year of high school repetition.

In fact, Shen Guanglin is not a person suitable for scientific research. He can't sit still. If he insists on working in the laboratory 7 days a week, it will kill him.

Moreover, it is very difficult to work 8 hours a day.

However, for other scientific researchers, even just an ordinary scientific research dog, if their working hours are less than 100 hours per week, it is irresponsible work and they must be fishing for fish.

You know, scientific research competition is cruel, if you don’t work like this, others will.

Fortunately, these people in Shen Guanglin's laboratory are not lacking in intelligence, hard work and hard work. They also have Professor Shen to guide them.

With such unique conditions, how could he not defeat others.

The daily routine these days is: everyone is full of wine and food, and then go home separately.

The Dou family father and son will continue to chat for a while, and the topic of course cannot be separated from Professor Shen.

"Actually, it's not easy for Professor Shen." Xiao Dou sighed.

"That is, how many people have been able to do this at such a young age since they have their own laboratory?"

"Tell me, can Professor Shen become a member of the department this time?"

"Do your best, and obey the destiny."

"According to academic ability, one counts as one. How many people in your committee can compare with him?"

"You can't say that. In the domestic scientific research community, when did you only look at ability?"

"It's a pity, my boss is still so young. If he joins the committee this year, in another 20 years, no, even in another 10 years, he will already be the predecessor of most scientific researchers. If he survives to the end , any old seniority will be killed by him."

"That's why Lao Meng and the others are afraid of him. If such a person is not your leader, but your competitor, you are also afraid of him!"

(End of this chapter)

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