Start with a college teacher

Chapter 687 Selection Criteria

Chapter 687 Selection Criteria (1)

Everyone was very happy to learn that Professor Shen Guanglin's laboratory was selecting candidates.

Today in 1987, for college students in Huaxia, there is no shortage of opportunities to open their eyes to see the world.

After all, no matter how isolated this era is, there are still newspapers and television.

Although the routine shown on TV is still the same: the leader is very busy, the people's life is very happy, and the foreign country is chaotic.

But even so, everyone can still see some changes in the outside world.

However, they still lack an intuitive impression of what a world-class laboratory looks like.

I can only guess wildly based on my imagination, the auntie in the kitchen of the laboratory will definitely not shake her hands.

Until, Shen Guanglin's experiment was established, developed, and became famous.

No matter the teachers of Beijing University or the teachers of Wudaokou Technical School, their lifelong dream is probably to build and own a laboratory like Shen Guanglin's laboratory.

In China, the ceiling of high-end laboratories is Shen Guanglin's laboratory, which does not accept rebuttals.

Even, in the world, no one can think of any laboratory that can surpass Shen Guanglin's laboratory by a head.

In this era, no one can confidently say that our laboratory has better scientific research capabilities than Shen Guanglin's laboratory.

Some people even said when they were joking: Do you still want to build another Shen Guanglin laboratory?

Everyone's wish is beautiful, but the reality is cruel.

At least, in China at this stage, even if you are a member of the academic department, the gap between their laboratory and Shen Guanglin's laboratory is still relatively large.

This gap is not only reflected in the gap in hardware, but also in software, and even in people.

For example, some laboratories of the Academy of Sciences have produced many good results in the past.

However, their talents have been solidified very strongly, and they have been lacking in mobility for a long time. They used to be talents, but they withered slowly.

Shen Guanglin's laboratory is different. Everyone is facing challenges all the time. What we believe in is that those who are capable go up and those who are mediocre go down.

And the so-called "mediocre" who are about to be eliminated in Shen Guanglin's laboratory are still the meat and potatoes of other well-known laboratories around the world.

Even, some people can be hired as lecturers or professors directly after they go out.

For the graduates of Capital University, if they can go to Shen Guanglin's laboratory to be plated with gold, it will be a shortcut to success in life.

China in this era actually still belongs to the third world.

There is still a huge gap between Huaxia's universities, even the first-class universities in China, and the famous universities in the world.

Of course, this gap only refers to the hardware school conditions and teaching quality, not the quality of students.

No matter at any moment, the quality of Huaxia students is the best in the world, and Huaxia people are also the smartest people in the world, bar none.

Now the person in charge of the Human Genome Project is Watson. In the future, he will study the IQ problem in human genes. He has proved genetically that black brothers seem to be the race with the lowest IQ in the world.

It is precisely because of this that he was expelled from Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.The laboratory even deleted all his honors and titles.Later, he really had no choice but to take out all the Nobel medals and sell them.

After traveling for so many years, Shen Guanglin has always known that Huaxia's geniuses not only exist in Beijing University, but also in Wudaokou Technical School.

Again, Maxima often exists, but Bole does not.

Shen Guanglin is that Bole, whoever he likes can really succeed, and he is that Maxima.

In fact, an ordinary person randomly selected from the two schools of Beijing University and Wudaokou Technical School is more talented than most of the scientific research workers in laboratories in the world.

The reason why they did not insist on developing in the field of science and technology is more because of the lack of conditions and the coincidence of opportunities.

However, in Shen Guanglin's laboratory, almost anyone can achieve success as long as they follow Professor Shen's work, without exception.

Up to now, everyone has almost reached a consensus: as long as they work in Professor Shen's laboratory for a period of time, no matter who they are, they will definitely be able to make a career.

It's that amazing.

In Professor Shen's laboratory, no one is empty-handed and achieves nothing.

But the crux of the problem is how to enter this laboratory, which is the most difficult.

After the exam was over, everyone didn't go far. The teacher went out with the list, and [-] students came in soon one after another.

Everyone is very young, both men and women, with a look of apprehension.

Looking at the students who stood neatly in a row and were trembling, Shen Guanglin was in a trance, as if he had returned to the Jinling Dynasty Hotel in the 21st century.

Back then, my mother Sang brought a group of young people in like this, and asked Shen Guanglin to order as much as he wanted.

Of course, if the dishes are not to your taste, you can change the batch.

However, this batch is the only dish to be ordered today. Shen Guanglin's goal is to select 30 out of [-] people.

Just as the teacher of Wudaokou Technical School was about to introduce the situation of the students, Shen Guanglin waved his hand and refused: "No, Shen's selection criteria are not based on the test results, he has his own criteria."

Of course, since they have passed the exam and have been screened, being able to stand here means that these people's basic skills are all right.

Shen Guanglin's criteria for selecting people can only be mastered by himself, which can be summed up in one sentence, that is, disappearing like a ghost.

"Has anyone ever won the top prize in the provincial college entrance examination?"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and five students stood up.

"Okay, five of your classmates have been selected."

The next selection was more casual. Shen Guanglin didn't ask any questions about his major, and just called the roll: "No. 1, No. 3, No. 6, No. 11,"

The students he chose were all good-looking students.

Is the selection so hasty?This is not a beauty pageant.

In this case, what's the point of taking the exam?
Of course it makes sense.

The purpose of everyone taking the exam is to be able to stand here and ask Professor Shen to turn over the brand, and whose brand is Professor Shen to turn over, this is Professor Shen's power, and no one can deprive and question it.

This is like the emperor's point of the number one scholar in ancient times. The one he points to may not be the No.1 in the first test.

Soon, fifteen people were counted out in this way, and it took only two to three minutes.

These fifteen students can report to Shen Guanglin's laboratory the next day.

Starting today, they are full-fledged members of Shen Guanglin's laboratory, the kind that can receive an employee number.

The employee number is an important honor of Shen Guanglin's laboratory, no less important than the Yun, He, Jiu, Xiao, Long, You, Si, and Haizi numbers of a cross talk group.

This was also defined by Shen Guanglin himself, and it is called the work number.

As long as you have been in the laboratory, even if you are just an intern, you must rank your job number. The higher the job number, the older your qualifications, and he is a senior.

Now, the job number of Shen Guanglin's laboratory is about to reach more than 600 people. Anyone who has obtained the job number of Shen Guanglin's laboratory is rushing to get it when they go out to find a job or study abroad.

On certain occasions, as long as I say the last word, which employee I am in Shen Guanglin's laboratory, he will immediately be half a head taller than the people around him.

This is a little secret circulated in the circle of high-end people.

This is also the glory brought to them by Shen Guanglin's laboratory, and it is an important mark in their lives.

When they were in a foreign country, everyone mentioned that they had worked in Shen Guanglin's laboratory together. This is a pure brotherhood.

Because they all have a common mentor named Shen Guanglin.

While Shen Guanglin's assistant was sorting and numbering the newly selected students, another teacher came in, "Professor Shen, do you want to see the grades of the freshmen?"

"Don't look at the grades. Is there any top scorer in this year's college entrance examination to take the exam?"

"Yes, this year's top scorer in the national college entrance examination is in the Department of Chemistry. There are also two provincial top scorers who did not take the exam. One of them majors in economics and the other majors in geology. They are both girls."

"Then let them all come over, and I will take them." Shen Guanglin is an old driver, so it is still possible to take these students.

"Do you also want to study economics?"

"You just let them come."

(End of this chapter)

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