Chapter 688 Long Knowledge (2)

Just as the dust was about to settle, an elderly female teacher barged in.

She came to find fault.

She said confidently and with dissatisfaction on her face: "Professor Shen, it's not fair for you to do this! There are a few good students here, they are very good, and their academic performance is also very good. They also got high marks in the test papers of this exam. Moreover, Under my guidance, they have all published papers. I think you should admit them and give them a chance to study further.”

"No, my admission quota is already full."

Shen Guanglin refused. To give the students of Wudaokou Technical School a chance to join in, this already made the composition of the laboratory impure.

Moreover, no matter how good a person is, since he has already been eliminated, he cannot accept being tackled and talked about.

Even if you are a female teacher, you can't do it, and you can't do beauty tricks.

Well, it might be possible to practice beauty tricks, but no one is showing it to Professor Shen.

This female teacher is already middle-aged, so it's a bit unreasonable to make jokes about her.

"Professor Shen, what is your selection criteria? Why were they not selected?"

The female teacher expressed serious dissatisfaction. These are her most beloved students, just like her own children.

Shen Guanglin didn't want to explain the reason at first. In my laboratory, I can eliminate whoever I want, even if the fish that slipped through the net is a genius, there is no way.

Among other things, even Rebus missed Jack Ma.

Afterwards, Rebs also said that this braggart guy was annoying, who knew he would really be so awesome in the future.

However, Shen Guanglin also saw that the female teacher was always chasing after her, so he explained:
"My criterion for selecting people is that I see them more pleasing to the eye, so I am willing to take them and accept them."

This is the truth, Shen Guanglin's apprenticeship really has to consider appearance.

Appearance is justice, if you are too ugly, it is hard to think too beautiful.

If Shen Guanglin re-elects the candidate for the laboratory now, he probably won't choose the bald Zhang Cheng.

You know, Zhang Cheng is his number one general, indispensable, but he doesn't have too much hair.

Hearing this, the female teacher became even more unconvinced: "I just saw a classmate who looks, looks... Anyway, he is not as good as my student."

The female teacher was very unconvinced, even if it was a beauty pageant?Her students are not the ugliest either.

"Oh, those ugly ones are the top students in the college entrance examination, your students can't compare."

Shen Guanglin exposed the truth. For the top student in the college entrance examination, his conditions can be relaxed.

"Why can't it be compared? It's too superficial for you to use such a selection criterion. I have a student who was No.2 in the province when they took the college entrance examination. They are only two points away from No.1."

"These two points are the reason why they were not selected."

They dispersed, Shen Guanglin completed the selection task, and everyone went home.

Tang Wenqiang didn't even get back to the dormitory, so he already knew that he was admitted to Professor Shen's laboratory.

Couldn't be happier!
It was only today that he found out that Professor Shen's laboratory is so awesome, and then he was selected.

Could it be that he even guessed, the most unconfident exam in history, and even defeated those arrogant sophomore seniors?
I can't believe it.

The teacher who conveyed the information only told him that he had been admitted, and then did not say more.

As for who else passed the test like him, he had no idea.

Tang Wenqiang returned to the dormitory, and everyone was still reminiscing about the previous exam.

Everyone is very frustrated, is this the real college life?
Could it be that the exam questions in college are so scary?
After discussing for a long time, everyone fell into a deep sleep.

Tang Wenqiang didn't participate, but couldn't sleep.

Like him, there were two other champions who couldn't sleep.

October 1987, 10, the first day of formal classes for this semester.

Freshmen will not choose to skip classes at this point in time.

Tang Wenqiang wanted to escape several times, but he held back.

Everyone's military training has just ended, and they are not willing to throw away their military training uniforms, they are still wearing them.

Feeling like sitting on pins and needles, it was hard to make it to the time when there was no class after five or six in the afternoon. Tang Wenqiang ran in the direction of Shen Guanglin's laboratory happily and nervously.

Up to now, he has not told his roommates that he has been selected into Professor Shen's laboratory.

At the entrance of the laboratory, Tang Wenqiang met two other classmates with similar makeup to him, and they were also female classmates.

Everyone has dark faces and is wearing the same training uniform.

It seemed that he wasn't the only one who was chosen in the freshman year.

"Two students, do you know how many points we got in this selection test?" Tang Wenqiang asked proudly.

He really wants to know.

Since everyone is a top student, they still have a strong desire to control their test scores.

He didn't even know that his exam papers were discarded before they were formally graded.

This is the same as looking for a job. If HR mentions it to you: he has already put your resume in the company's talent pool.

In all likelihood, you will never even think about joining their company in this lifetime.

Unless you have the day of counterattack.

For example, go home and inherit billions of dollars, then turn around and buy this company, and come in and become the boss.

"Exam? What exam?"

The black girl was dumbfounded by his question.

"Haven't we taken any selection exams?"

"Then how did you get into Professor Shen's laboratory?"

"Because I am the number one student in the college entrance examination in Jiangsu Province!"

"Because I am the number one student in the college entrance examination in Lu Province!"

Tang Wenqiang said, I am the top student in the national college entrance examination, and I didn't come out to promote it.

Shen Guanglin personally received the three freshman cubs.

The configuration of one man and two women has to make people feel that this world is really full of yin and yang.

Not every woman who appears in this book is a beautiful woman.

These two girls have a good temperament. At first glance, they look like children who grew up in the city and have received a good education.

But to be honest, they are really not good-looking, they can only be said to be average-looking.

Did you see, Professor Shen didn't completely judge people by their appearance.

These three students are all champions this year, one is the national champion, and two are provincial champions. Boss Shen has a hobby of collecting champions.

The bald old Zhang made proper arrangements for the fifteen sophomores from Wudaokou Technical School.

They will live and study together with Peking University classmates without discrimination, to show that there is no barrier between them.

As for the freshman students, Zhang Cheng didn't think about how to arrange them.

Tang Wenqiang majored in chemistry, so it makes sense to train him from now on.

As for the other two, those who major in geology seem to be fine, since they are also science and engineering majors; and those who major in economics, what can she do in Shen Guanglin's laboratory?

Do you study economics?

Shen Guanglin said that he came to bring these three people in person, and they just studied economics, so let them see what kind of knowledge Shen has about economics.

Moreover, Shen Guanglin planned to go out again.

Where to go, when to go out?How long?
In just a few days, he will take the three little ones with him.

In other words, Shen Guanglin was going to take them out for an internship, and he came to teach in person.

Where do you go for an internship?

Hong Kong!

Professor Shen is going to save Hong Kong's economy, and then save the world.

 I was on a business trip today, I wrote in a hurry, and I didn’t check for typos
(End of this chapter)

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