Chapter 690 Smash the plate (2)

Mosaic Villa is located in the south of Xiangjiang Island, the location is not too remote, and the people living around are all heavyweights.

Shen Guanglin looked down on this villa a bit, but in the eyes of others, it was still a mansion with one roof and one roof in Xiangjiang.

Nie Xiaoqian drove the car tremblingly, and the car went up the winding mountain road, and the desolation became more and more desolate, she was a little afraid.

I heard that some bigwigs like to be in the car the most.
Especially, she is wearing denim shorts today, her legs are very long and white, Shen Guanglin has unconsciously seen them several times.

If Boss Shen made a request, would she take the initiative to meet him, or would she symbolically resist and then go forward.

Oops, I shouldn't eat that head of garlic at noon, it tastes a little bit in my mouth.

The car was very silent. Nie Xiaoqian was playing a female ghost, but she was not a real ghost.

Seeing the surroundings getting more and more desolate, she had no choice but to find something to say: "Mr. Shen, I heard that the ship king lives near here?"

"Yes, his house is just another intersection away." Shen Guanglin glanced at the roadside scenery and said very familiarly.

The greening here is very good, the trees are tall, and it looks a bit desolate, but it is actually a very secluded mountain path.

"I heard that Superman Li also lives here?" Nie Xiaoqian continued to ask.

"Oh, the location of his house is a bit farther away, but I haven't been there specifically."


"I do not like him."

In recent years, the richest man in Xiangjiang has changed frequently, and Li Chaoren has also acquired a lot of assets in these years, and he has faintly become the richest man in Xiangjiang.

However, Shen Guanglin still didn't like him.

Li Chaoren talks about patriotic businessmen and philanthropic pioneers every day, but Shen Guanglin knows what their father and son will look like in the future, so he just doesn't like them.

No matter how well you pretend, there will be a day when you reveal your secrets.

"Why?" Nie Xiaoqian expressed her incomprehension. Now Li Chaoren is a celebrity in Xiangjiang and is very famous.

"Because he's just a businessman, I look down on him." Shen Guanglin replied in such a calm manner.

"Oh." Nie Xiaoqian stopped talking.

It was only at this time that she felt that Mr. Shen was a well-known university professor. In Professor Shen's eyes, even if he was as rich as Superman Li, he couldn't fall into the eyes of Professor Shen.

Shen Guanglin smiled, "You don't have to look at me with such admiration, and don't think that those rich people are just so powerful. Another day, I'll show you how they look devastated."

Nie Xiaoqian was skeptical.

In the past two days, my aunt's kitchen is all authentic Jinling dishes.

Fortunately, Shen Guanglin's taste coincides with Shen's family's taste very much. For traditional Jinling cuisine, he eats a mouthful of oil, and he likes it very much.

Just after Shen Guanglin moved into the Mosaic Villa, the media finally began to report: Wanwan is open for veterans to visit their relatives.

Speaking of this matter, Old Shen is more concerned than Shen Guanglin, because it is also related to his elder brother.

No, he originally decided to stay in Xiangjiang for a long time to play with his grandchildren, but now Lao Shen couldn't bear it anymore and wanted to rush back to Jinling.

What are you doing back to Jinling?
Of course, it was to see if there were any returning veterans from Jinling. If you had something to say, you could ask them about the whereabouts of your elder brother.

Of course, Shen Guanglin was in favor of such a move.

On the third day after Shen Guanglin and the others arrived in Xiangjiang, Da Liu finally came back.

Boss Shen is here, and it's not a solution for him to keep hiding.

Moreover, if Shen Guanglin hadn't summoned him, he might have stayed in hiding for a while longer. If this was the case, he must have missed a big deal.

Because, after Liu reported his work, Shen Guanglin was very angry, and he almost scolded Liu's head out of his head.

Da Liu obeyed Shen's instructions, and the stock has not been sold out yet!

Shen Guanglin had been explaining this matter for so long, yet he actually ignored Shen Guanglin's words.

You know, up to now, Great Wall Group still holds a quarter of the original total stock in its hands.

This is the fault of Da Liu, he is not willing to sell it at all.

What, you are the boss and I am the boss?

Shen Guanglin was so angry that he even cursed Jinling words, if you can do this job, do it, if you can't do it, get out.

Of course Da Liu wanted to get out, but he couldn't bear it.

His industry also depends on the resources provided by the Great Wall Group, and he dare not offend Professor Shen at all.

Shen Guanglin was very angry and everyone was very anxious.

Even during the meal, Da Liu didn't dare to toast with Shen Guanglin anymore.

On the contrary, the beautiful Guan next to her was eager to try, toasting frequently, her eyes still charming, she was only two golf balls away.

Faced with this situation, no matter how angry Shen Guanglin was, he couldn't get angry in front of women.

However, he didn't even drink a glass of wine, just picked up half a bowl of rice, and then he was going to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.

go for what?
Sell ​​stocks.

He didn't even ask Liu to send him off, so he asked Nie Xiaoqian to drive.

In the past few days, Nie Xiaoqian has become Boss Shen's full-time driver.

Moreover, just near Central, she has already met the middle-aged man named Lin Jianyue twice.

I couldn't even hide, but I ran into him again at the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.

However, she only has Professor Shen in her heart. Such a man is attractive, and knowledge of baby products is useless.

Now, it is time for everyone to go to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange to show Professor Shen's extraordinary courage in stocks.

Shen Guanglin's students are also having fun these days. They have successively visited Xiangjiang University, Polytechnic University, and University of Science and Technology.

This morning, they were watching an internationally renowned professor doing experiments at the Polytechnic University. They never thought that the most internationally renowned professor was actually their boss.

At this time, they were suddenly summoned by Professor Shen:
This afternoon is a separate topic, the purpose is to let them see what is economics and economic laws.

Kill two birds with one stone.

The stocks held by Great Wall Group will be sold out anyway today.

You know, today is October 10th, and the Great Wall Group still holds so many stocks, Shen Guanglin is of course in a bad mood.

How long has it been since Shen Guanglin decided to sell the stock?
Oops, Shen Guanglin doesn't like this Big Liu more and more.

Da Liu still doesn't know that he is wrong. You must know that the stocks currently held by Great Wall Group are all high-quality stocks carefully selected by Da Liu.

It would be a pity if such stocks were sold.

You must know that in recent years, the economy of the entire world has been improving, and there has been no bad news recently.

Some time ago, Professor Shen said that he would sell the stock, and he sold it for 8 million U.S. dollars, which is as much as the funds raised by the International Biotechnology Group. There is no need to continue to sell it.

Shen Guanglin was still relentless.

Da Liu's complexion is very bad, but the company belongs to Shen Guanglin, he is the boss, so how to make decisions has nothing to do with him.

"Students, let's take a look at this graph. This is the trading graph of the Xiangjiang stock market that day. Today, I will tell you a reality, how the stock market is manipulated in the capitalist world."

Really?so amazing?

Everyone still doesn't know what will happen next, Shen Guanglin has already listed a stock at 80% of the current price.

Moreover, all of them were hung up.

What Professor Shen said about manipulating stocks is so unpretentious, rough and vulgar.

Ordinarily, the stock market in Xiangjiang was quite stable this morning, with stocks rising and falling.

Until, when Shen Guanglin's big sell order came down, the stock immediately turned from green to red.

Is it amazing?
Seeing that everyone was silent, Nie Xiaoqian boldly asked, "Professor Shen, is this manipulating stocks?"

These days, she followed Shen Guanglin everywhere, and she became more courageous.

"Yes, or you can do it too."

Shen Guanglin instructed that there are still 6 stocks here. You can list them all, and the price is 8% or 9% off at the current price.

of course it's true.

At this time, Shen Guanglin decided that even if his bones were broken, he would sell the stock.

Nie Xiaoqian took the stock operating machine tremblingly, and carefully looked at the current stock trading price. She really filled in the data according to the price between 8% off and 9% off, and pulled the value to the maximum.

All six stocks were sold in one go, which is a smash.

(End of this chapter)

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