Chapter 691 The Wind and Clouds (1)

A single spark can start a prairie fire.

One of the favorite things for the half-children of this age to do in winter is to start a prairie fire. A single match can burn down a river bank.

In the north, the most common thing for families with mutual suspicions is to take advantage of others' surprise and secretly order each other's straw piles.

Of course, in Shen Guanglin's time, it is illegal to do these things again.

However, sometimes, the development of some big things is the beginning caused by an inconspicuous little thing.

When looking back at the worldwide stock market crash in 1987, people can't help but wonder: how did it cause it, and how big was the impact?What is the fuse?
Even, many people believe that the trigger was probably Professor Shen's selling of stocks in the Xiangjiang stock market, which caused some panic, which in turn affected the whole world.

If that's the case, then someone Shen still has a strong record in the history of the world economy.

There is a clip in Master Xing’s movie "Mermaid". There is a big guy who likes to use a sprayer and has little hair. When he boasted, he said: I have never seen any scenes. The 1987 financial crisis
Indeed, how many times can a person encounter an economic crisis once every ten years on average?
If you can catch up once and play an important role in it, it will be a rare talking point for anyone.

Shen Guanglin thought so too.

At first, Shen Guanglin thought that if he could sell his own stocks before the economic crisis came, reduce some losses, and make a fortune silently, that would be fine.

After all, if you don't reveal your wealth, you still have to keep a low profile.

Now, he thinks a little differently.

Shen Guanglin felt that if he could show his face fiercely before the economic crisis broke out, it would be a pride worth remembering in his life.

If it's done well, maybe I can become the little butterfly that caused the hurricane.

If someone asks why Professor Shen wants to disrupt the world economic order, Shen can innocently say that I am just trying to fulfill my dream.

Let's suffocate our dreams together.

Shen Guanglin has hostility and anger, and he needs to vent it.

Therefore, Shen Guanglin was going to sell all the stocks in his hand in one afternoon.

These stocks, for Xiangjiang's stock market, really can't be said to be sparks.

Such a large sell order is enough to affect the development of the entire stock market in a short period of time.

Therefore, the moment these six stocks were listed, these stocks turned from green to red in an instant.

Moreover, the red is purple, and the red is shiny.

what happened?
what happened?
who is it?what happens?

Many people are puzzled, is there any major bad news?

No, everything is as usual, even the well-informed, they have not heard that there is anything wrong.

Shen Guanglin's sudden sell-off directly interrupted normal stock market transactions.

Everyone was overwhelmed by such a large sale order.

As soon as the market opened in the afternoon, the stock market, which was still booming, suddenly became turbulent.

All transactions have also come to a standstill, and everyone is staring blankly at the stock market curve, wondering what happened?
Panic, this is the unanimous performance of everyone.

A lot of people picked up the phone and asked, what happened?Natural disaster?Man-made disaster?Black Swan?
Some people who originally wanted to buy stocks have stopped buying. They have to wait for the news to settle before considering whether to take the next step.

Some people who were about to sell their stocks found that they had no bills, and everyone was watching, what happened?
The entire trading floor fell into panic and blankness.

Finally, some well-informed people still knew the source of the selling. It turned out to be Liu, a fan of the Great Wall Group, who were selling stocks.

Why?What do you want to do?
Sure enough, not too long later, Da Liu's phone rang, asking him to question him.

I just saw that Liu took out his mobile phone and answered the phone in front of everyone.

In fact, Shen Guanglin also has this kind of big brother. He thinks it's too ugly and doesn't want to use it. He might as well use a pager.

In the past two years, the pager has been unblocked, and Li Rong will call him when he has something to do.

This has actually affected Shen's daily life.

A question came from the other end of the phone: "Liu Sheng, what are you doing? Why did you suddenly sell our company's stock?"

It seems that Xiangjiang is small, but there are still well-informed people.

In such a short period of time, they were able to make a quick judgment and found the person involved, so they had to say something amazing.

Also, in Xiangjiang, only the Great Wall Group can take out so many stocks in one go.

Since then, things got out of hand, and Da Liu's phone calls kept coming.

Even Li Chaoren called to greet him, and his question was more tactful: We are all Chaoshan fellows, is it because he, Mr. Li, did something wrong.

If someone can become a superman, they still have two brushes, and their speaking skills are different.

Liu could only grumble and explain: "This is what the boss wants to do. In order to prepare the project funds for Professor Shen, I have no choice."

Da Liu said that this was not his intention, and he was no longer able to intervene in the operation of stocks.

However, although these companies are all listed companies with good performance, although they have a lot of money in their hands, they will not be able to spend so much money on bailing out the market at once.

Seeing that their stock market value is directly 8% off, they are also anxious.

Some people persuaded Professor Shen that we should sell it according to the market price, which would be a huge loss.

Shen Guanglin disagreed, and even revised the price, directly offering a 75% discount, or even preparing a 7% discount.

This trick was later used by a chain store that sells vegetables, called: Do not sell overnight meat.

After the evening, they began to discount the unsold dishes until the discount was [-]%.

Shen Guanglin didn't want to get a [-]% discount, he just wanted to stay until the market closed.

The business owners couldn't sit still, they didn't have the money to buy back these stocks, so they had to settle for the next best thing, and asked Liu if he could withdraw the sell order, and the terms were negotiable.

They can negotiate to acquire the stake, or give them time to acquire it slowly.

In short, the conditions are for big Liu to mention, anyway, they are the ones who admit cowardice.

Da Liu went to ask Shen Guanglin for instructions, is it okay to do this?
Of course they can buy back the stocks if they want to, but they can't withdraw the sell order. In any case, all the stocks will be sold out today.

Everyone is angry.

Doing business is based on human feelings. If you do this, how will you be friends in the future?
Shen Guanglin smiled. This is the second time he has come to Xiangjiang to collect donations. No one has contributed a penny to support the Human Genome Project.

If so, then we are not friends.

What Shen Guanglin thought was, this is my money, I am happy, I am happy, I am not used to you, what can you do with me?
Really can't do anything.

Da Liu has been scolded several times by Boss Shen, and he has long since dared not continue to fight for anything. Anyway, he has money and is willing to rush, so he can't get in the way.

And they were also angry when they heard that Professor Shen from the Great Wall Group was not allowed to enter.

Even, some people swear, don't want us to donate even a penny to your laboratory in the future.

Shen Guanglin laughed, you never donated money before.

Everyone's negotiations have collapsed, and it is bound to be reflected in the stock market.

You sold our stock, right? Isn’t it over when we buy it back?

Or say that the rich in Xiangjiang are united.

Everyone who has money contributed money and contributed powerfully, finally stopped the decline, and saw that the number of sales orders was decreasing.

However, Shen continued to remain unmoved, and the price was actually lowered by 5% every half an hour.

At this moment, all the retail investors were really bluffed, and they never rushed into the market again. Some people even thought, why not sell some of their stocks.

It was based on this thought that Shen Guanglin saved many people.

Finally, the stock market closed, and Shen Guanglin's stocks had not been sold out, but there were not many left. He also successfully lowered the stock price to [-]% off the original price.

(End of this chapter)

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