Chapter 692 Begins (2)

Friday passed, and the next two days were closed.

Shen Guanglin knows that after the next weekend, the stock market resumption on Monday will be the beginning of the world economic crisis.

It's just that he doesn't know who to tell these words.

These years, the charter king's health has not been very good, but he still invited Shen Guanglin to come over as a guest.

Shen Guanglin's stock has not been sold out yet, he is here to be a lobbyist.

The Chartered Ship King is one of the few friends of Shen Guanglin in Xiangjiang, so at such a turbulent moment, Shen Guanglin still came.

In Xiangjiang, he really had a good relationship with Shen Guanglin, who could be called Wangnian friends. One was the charter king and the other was Boss Shao.

Especially Boss Shao, his own funds are not too much, but he is extremely keen to donate to the teaching building, and he feels that the whole person has been dazzled.

Boss Shao said that the schools he donated would cover every university in every province, and even key middle schools in every city, and he would take care of them.

This is really a great wish. It is a blessing for people to live a long life.

For this, Shen Guanglin was in admiration.

Great Wall Group's so-called charity is a bit fake, it can only be said to be a win-win situation.

Because behind their charity is the shadow of real estate development, and Boss Shao's charity is the real charity.

The charter king is not so generous, but he donated a university, which is already very good.

If you don't take care of your hometown when you are rich, how can you take care of it?

"I heard that you are having trouble with those chaebol leaders?"

Chartered Ship King is not in good health, he has stopped drinking and drinks tea instead.

What's more, what they brewed was the Dragon Well tea that Shen Guanglin gave him, which was not expensive, but delicious.

Shen Guanglin likes to drink tea, and he also likes to drink black tea, but he doesn't drink that kind of pretentious tea. The mother plant of Dahongpao is indeed a good thing, but the traces of pretentiousness are too strong, which is not suitable for Shen.

Shen Guanglin said no to the charter king's question: "No, I just want to sell the stocks I own. Is it still popular in Xiangjiang to buy and sell by force? I have stocks in my hand, of course I want to sell them."

Shen Guanglin's tea art is really good, but the tea set of Chartered King is not good, it is just ordinary JDZ porcelain, not the official kiln of Ming and Qing Dynasties, and lacks the style.

Shen Guanglin himself has a lot of Ming and Qing official kiln porcelain, but this is his treasure, and he is a bit reluctant to give away old bags.

"They complained to me, saying that you ruined the harmonious atmosphere in Xiangjiang, and wanted you to wait a few days when selling stocks, so as to save face, you are not willing to do this."

It seems that someone came to Ship King to apply eye drops to Shen Guanglin.

The person who has a good relationship with the ship king, except for Shen Guanglin, is probably the Superman surnamed Li.

"Is it because I sold Cheung Kong?"

"Not entirely true, they said that you don't give Xiangjiang business interface a face, they are even going to boycott your Great Wall Bank and Great Wall Group."

Oops, it really is.

The Great Wall Group is okay, but the Great Wall Bank is really troublesome.

After all, these listed companies have really carried out a lot of business in Great Wall Bank. Shen Guanglin's move really didn't consider whether it would affect Great Wall Bank.

Oops, it's easy to think about.

It seems that the Chartered Ship King is still doing his best. He really treats Shen Guanglin as a friend, and feels that he shouldn't make too many enemies.

However, Shen Guanglin was angry and felt uncomfortable.

Lao Maozi only hit one guy, and he was besieged by the whole world; Shen Guanglin hit six in one breath, and it is impossible for them to show no sign.

Thinking of this, Shen Guanglin feels that the matter of the Great Wall Bank is not that important in the short term, and the most important thing is to make himself happy.

"Why should I give them face? My experimental research group wants them to donate money, but they won't."

Speaking of this incident, Shen Guanglin was also angry. Last time he came here, he accepted an interview from Ming Pao and raised donations from all over the world.

The results of it?
Recruited to a lonely.

The charter king saw that Shen Guanglin didn't care about their threats, so he didn't continue the topic just now, but asked, "How much is your project team short?"

"There is still a hundred million short, are you willing to donate?"

Lao Bao asked casually, and Shen Guanglin answered casually.

"It's ok, as long as you open your mouth, there's nothing wrong with it. I'll have someone prepare it when you want it." The charter king was serious.

"Are you serious?"

"Of course I'm telling the truth. At my stage, will money still be short? Money is just a number to me."


"Damn what?"

"Damn it was pretended by you."

The two laughed loudly.

The chartered boat king is so old and sophisticated that he can understand the stalks in Shen Guanglin's words.

Shen Guanglin hadn't thought of asking the boat lord for money before, but he was just thinking that he and the boat lord were friends, so it wasn't easy to go to the boat openly.

But since the Chartered Ship King has already come to him on his own initiative, there is no way to refuse him.

It's not good to hurt a friend's heart.

That being the case, let the Great Wall Group also donate some money, add up to 3 million U.S. dollars, and the matter will be considered a successful conclusion.

Among them, the Department of Energy of Citigroup raised 1 million, Pfizer 5000 million, Michael Jackson 1000 million, and the remaining 4000 million was covered by Ship King and Great Wall Group.

In this way, Shen Guanglin, as a guest, lived in the chartered boat king's house.

The next day, Sunday, many people came to visit Charter King, just to ask him how his talk with Professor Shen from the Mainland was going.

What they didn't expect was that the Lord was actually there.

Shen Guanglin was reading the newspaper on the terrace, and then he saw some people asking for news about Professor Shen.

"Professor Shen, why are you suppressing our company's stock?"

"It's not a suppression, it's just a normal sell-off. I just want to get out early, and I won't be able to get out if it's too late."

What do you mean?
Just read the news.

This morning, Citigroup's finance minister announced in a televised speech that if West Germany did not lower interest rates, Citigroup would let the dollar continue to fall.

Ordinarily, this is part of the Plaza Accord, but West Germany has resisted the pressure, and Fuso has no autonomy.

It's bad news, though, and bad news with global implications.

On October 10th, Monday, Xiangjiang’s stock market opened first. At first, everyone wanted to raise the market value suppressed by Shen Guanglin, but the Hang Seng Index was bleak, plummeting 19% that day.

Everyone looked at Professor Shen in the wrong way.

It's not really going to be a big event, is it?

Nasdaq opened later than Xiangjiang stock market. As a result, before everyone knew why, the Dow Jones index plummeted by 508.32 points, a drop of 22.62%.


This is the reaction of everyone.

Everyone gathered at the house of the Chartered Ship King.

"Professor Shen, tell me, will the Nasdaq's success last night have a big impact on the Xiangjiang stock market?"

Needless to say, it must have been catastrophic.

Everyone knew in their hearts that they just wanted to seek comfort from Shen Guanglin.

Shen Guanglin didn't want to be merciful, because it had nothing to do with him, he just said something lightly, this was just the beginning.

(End of this chapter)

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