Start with a college teacher

Chapter 693 Continued Deterioration

Chapter 693 Continues to Deteriorate (Today's Update)
No one expected that Nasdaq could drop its natural growth rate over the past five years in one day.

In fact, this stock market crash started from the moment the market opened, and it fell directly by 67 points at that time.

After that, there were more and more selling orders.

Only there is no buying.

Even, because the transaction volume submitted instantaneously was too large, the computer processing system went down.

Some investors, even if they submitted the sell orders in the morning, did not know whether their stocks had been sold even after the closing time.

Later, when they really knew their actual trading situation, it was already two or three days later.

However, at this moment, everyone already knew that it was over!
This is the consensus of almost everyone.

The New York Times reported the news of Nasdaq for the first time, which caused a great impact on a global scale.

Affected by the crash of the Nasdaq stock market, the stock markets of other countries around the world are also devastated and miserable.

And after a whole day of thrilling cliff-like decline, the stock market trading of this day is finally over.

However, everyone's heart has not let go.

Therefore, regardless of the fact that it was already night, these people also put aside their prejudice against Professor Shen and gathered at the house of the Chartered Ship King.

They couldn't care less about anything else, they just wanted to see if Shen Guanglin could look at the face of the charter king and give some advice to tide over the difficulties.

They have come here for comfort.

During the day, they still asked the teacher for their crimes, but at night, they were already begging.

Perhaps, the decline of the Xiangjiang stock market was indeed affected by Shen Guanglin's selling of stocks, but was the stock market of Citigroup Nasdaq also influenced by someone Shen?

Anyone with a normal IQ would not think so.

Xiangjiang lives in a corner, how could it have such a big influence.

There are many rich and powerful people who came to Charter King's house today, how much they hope that Shen Guanglin can tell them: this is just a sideways adjustment, and it is not a serious problem.

Unfortunately, Shen Guanglin didn't say that.

He said that this is only the beginning.

what happened?

Is it hard to say what happened? From the perspective of hindsight, it is actually not difficult to judge: After World War II, what was the development of the world economy and the development of the stock market? Not serious enough?
So why is the economic crisis breaking out now?
Who knows, could the crash of Nasdaq have something to do with someone Shen?
Everyone wants to say yes, but it is really too far-fetched.

However, the volatility and uneasiness in the Xiangjiang stock market was caused by Professor Shen on the one hand, so there is nothing wrong with that.

Shen Guanglin didn't accept this account, he said he didn't have it, it couldn't be, it didn't exist.

Although it was late at night, everyone still had no intention of leaving.

Today, it is a sleepless night for many Hongkong financial people, and even other financial people all over the world.

In particular, there is a time difference between Xiangjiang stock market and Nasdaq. Nasdaq will be closed soon, and it will not take long before Xiangjiang stock market will open again. Where will it go?
Everyone is the boss of a listed company, where is the stock price of their own company going?

No one has a bottom line.

"Professor Shen, you are a world-renowned scientist, please give me some more advice!"

Could it be that the prophecy given by someone Shen just now: "This is just the beginning", isn't that enough?

Of course not enough!And everyone doesn't want to hear such things, everyone just wants to hear some dry goods, dry goods that are useful to them, dry goods that can make them feel better.

Some people even said: As long as Professor Shen can point out a clear way for everyone, they are willing to eat the stocks that Professor Shen has not sold out.

Everyone is in a difficult time now, so don't bother.

There are not many stocks left in Mr. Shen's hands. Even if they really become waste paper, the loss will not be too great.

It can be said that Shen has landed safely.

As for how much cash the Great Wall Group currently holds, I really don't know.

As time went on, the night was getting deep.

Shen Guanglin didn't want to say more at first, but he couldn't bear everyone's expectant eyes, and even, there was a bit of prayer in these eyes.

All right, then someone Shen will say something nice and tell everyone to go to bed earlier.

"Tomorrow, the Xiangjiang stock market will not continue to fall!", this is the conclusion made by Shen Guanglin.

"Really?" Everyone didn't believe it.

In this case, as long as it falls a little less, it is a victory, let alone not falling at all.

This is what Shen said. If you don't believe it, you can verify it when the stock market opens the next day.

Everyone still doesn't believe it, but they don't know how to refute it.

Shen is really going to rest.

In fact, in real history, when the stock market crash occurred in 1987, Shen Guanglin was not even a cell.

However, there were records on various media and TV about the Xiangjiang government's rioting operations during the stock market crash, and Shen had heard a little bit about it.

Somebody Shen knows that the Hong Kong British government is also studying countermeasures, and the result of their final decision is: after the Hang Seng stock index plummeted on Monday and the Nasdaq crashed, the Hong Kong stock market had a miracle on Tuesday. Like stabilized.

Of course, the reason for the stability of the stock market is not how stable Heung Kong Financial is, or how much rescue funds the government has provided.

Instead, the Xiangjiang Stock Exchange directly announced that the stock market will be suspended for four days starting from Tuesday and will resume next Monday.

Hey, I won't let you play anymore, and the stock market will naturally stop falling.

No profit leads to no extinction.

Because of this, many people jumped off the building a week late. It is impossible to say that their measure can really save many fragile lives.

It's just that this kind of practice will probably cause doubts in the society, and it will also hurt credibility, but they really did it.

When it comes to the degree of shamelessness, they are really much more powerful.

In the face of everyone's confusion and expectations, Shen Guanglin did not explain much, but said firmly: "I don't know about other stock markets. Tomorrow's Xiangjiang stock market will definitely not fall again."


"Really! Than real gold."

Shen Guanglin asked everyone to go to rest early, the British Hong Kong government will consider a rescue plan, and the Hong Kong stock index will definitely not fall again the next day.

When Shen Guanglin said that, everyone wanted to believe it, but they couldn't believe it.

Citigroup's stock index has fallen so much, how could the Xiangjiang stock market not be affected.

Maybe it will turn into the Great Depression of 1929.

Citigroup is a country known for its economic freedom and development, known as the lighthouse country.

Their stock markets have fallen so much, it is impossible to say that there is no impact on Xiangjiang's stock market.

Maybe, some people in Xiangjiang are going to jump off the building.

The incident of jumping off the building is said to have happened in Citigroup, and billions of assets were destroyed, so what else can we do without jumping off the building.

Shen Guanglin shook his head, and everyone will know tomorrow.

The next day, everyone really knew the correctness of Professor Shen's prediction:
The Xiangjiang stock market will indeed not continue to fall, because it is closed!

The TV media reported early in the morning: In view of the fact that yesterday's stock market transaction delivery has not been completed, the market will be temporarily suspended for four days to give everyone a cooling-off period.

This is the same as getting married. The couple will first live apart for a year, giving everyone a cooling-off period, and finally see if they really want to separate.

Only at this time, everyone in the Great Wall Group, including Da Liu, felt: Professor Shen is really far-sighted.

There is a basis for everything people do, and they never aim at nothing.

Originally, Da Liu still had a lot of opinions on Shen Guanglin, but now he admires him very much.

Anyone with a discerning eye knows that the stock market must be over at this time.

The boss even foresaw a global economic crisis!

"Professor Shen, here's our chance!" Da Liu ran to Shen Guanglin like a dog's leg to express his thoughts.

Shen Guanglin knew what he meant, but he still asked, "What opportunity?"

"Opportunity to make money! Since the stock markets around the world are plummeting, we can now make a lot of money by shorting US stocks or the Nikkei, even the Hang Seng Index."

This is what many organizations are doing.

For these people, they may not be happy to let them add to the icing on the cake, but thieves are good at making things worse.

However, Shen Guanglin said: I am a well-known scientist in the world, and I am a decent person.

(End of this chapter)

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