Chapter 694 Waiting (1)

Time, sometimes very long, sometimes very short.

When doing specific quantification, it represents a physical state and a unit of measurement, for example, one dong, two dong, three dong, ten dong, that's a bit bragging.

When not specifically quantified, it expresses a kind of inner experience, a state of mind, for example, expecting, waiting, probing, thirsty, feeling a little depressed.

In just one day, most of the people in Xiangjiang were really depressed, and everyone was living like a year.

The coverage in the media is simply horrifying!
This is a crisis more terrible than the economic crisis of 1929!

Citigroup lost 5000 billion US dollars in market value in one day, which is already several times the GDP of Xiangjiang.

As for the loss of Xiangjiang, everyone dare not mention it.

Moreover, the media did not let Shen Guanglin go, this time it was the Great Wall Group that they were thinking about.

According to media reports, it was Great Wall Group’s sell-off on October 10 that kicked off the Hong Kong stock market crash.

They said that they don't know what the Great Wall Group is going crazy about, why they want to sell their stocks, why they want to open Pandora's box?
If there was no Great Wall Group's sell-off on October 10, maybe there would be no decline in the Hang Seng Index on the 16th.

Typical deception.

According to their logic, perhaps, if the Hong Kong stock market does not fall, then the Dow Jones Index in New York will probably not fall either.

Or, the economic crisis would never have happened.

However, media reporters could not interview Professor Shen Guanglin, they could only interview Da Liu.

However, at this time, Liu had already cast all his admiration for Professor Shen, and the dissatisfaction in his heart had long since dissipated. Now he has become a loyal believer of Professor Shen, and his admiration for Professor Shen is like a torrential river.

Facing the media's hostile questioning, Da Liu was very angry. He shouted loudly:
"Our Great Wall Group is a responsible company. We are raising funds for the health and development of human beings. We only sold those shares when we couldn't do it. There is a good way, good is rewarded with good, evil is rewarded with evil, and the law of heaven is reincarnation. , we have to do good deeds, and then escaped the stock market crash perfectly, this is God's favor for us."

"Those tycoons in Xiangjiang who are rich and unkind, put all their money in the safe to rot, but they are unwilling to use it to support the development of technology and the progress of mankind. As a result, it was evaporated in the stock market. Who can blame this?"

Faced with such a just and stern rebuke, the media really couldn't find a suitable reason to refute it.

Now, the mood of Xiangjiang's media and investors is also very contradictory.

They hope that the rescue actions of other countries in the world will be effective, so that Hong Kong's stock market may also be saved.

However, if the stock indexes of other countries continue to deteriorate, the Hong Kong economy will not be much better.

The world is cruel.

The following developments really confirmed what Shen Guanglin said before: "This is just the beginning."

The Citigroup Dow Jones Index, known as the vane of the capitalist economy, continued its previous downturn on the 19th after the sharp drop on the 20th, and it is still all the way down.

Fortunately, Hong Kong's stock market did not open on October 10, so you can still deceive yourself.

What Professor Shen said yesterday came true!

Xiangjiang's stock did not continue to fall anymore, because it was suspended.

Things are so miraculous that the stock market was suspended, and it was suspended for four full days, which is simply unbelievable.

Speaking of which, although Xiangjiang is known as the world's three major financial centers, its stock market has never operated normally and has always been controlled by others.

Even after the return, it was still the English who controlled it.

Speaking of Xiangjiang’s court, it’s the same. Its highest judge is also a foreigner. Moreover, they threatened: We won’t send any more judges.

Some people were even terrified.

Due to the lack of a backbone, everyone still gathered at the ship king's house and invited Shen Guanglin to their salon

Now, the eyes of everyone looking at Professor Shen are completely different from before. They admire him so much.

Some people even think that Professor Shen is stealing the question. How does he know how the British Hong Kong government makes decisions?

You know, the decision to suspend the market is a temporary decision made at dawn, and the stock market will reopen at 9 o'clock.

Shen Guanglin didn't speak, he just glanced at everyone indifferently, and then went back to rest.

If you want Professor Shen to participate, you can, but Professor Shen's laboratory is still short of money, and it's impossible for everyone to prostitute for free.

To be honest, Shen Guanglin really didn't have a good rest yesterday.

The reason why I didn't rest well was not because I didn't have beautiful women to accompany me, but because I had too many things on my mind.

These days, Nie Xiaoqian, a long-legged girl, was his temporary attendant and secretary every day. Boss Shen didn't ask her to work, nor did she ask her to do anything.

Ever since Boss Shen's high-profile flirting operation, there are always various people trying to harass him, which is the reason why Shen Guanglin can't bear to be disturbed.

The most comfortable moment in life is when you go back to sleep.

Shen Guanglin loves to do this, he doesn't care how many distinguished guests Lao Bao has, he won't accompany him if he says he won't.

Shen has such a big heart.

It was all chaos outside, but he was still able to fall asleep normally, and had many frivolous dreams of youth.

In the dream, he dreamed of several long legs.

It's not just Nie Xiaoqian who has long legs, the DJ host of that radio station, what's her name, Zhou Huimin, she also has them.

The time came to 1987, and the famous beauties in Xiangjiang finally came online.

Shen Guanglin's Great Wall Group has collected a lot, and there are also many new ones. For example, the one who retired from this year's Miss Hong Kong beauty pageant has signed a contract to be an actor, and is going to marry Fatty Wang; The head of the jade girl has also become a signed artist of the Great Wall Group.

This era is really good, the goddesses are all young and young.

Shen Guanglin finally regained his energy, washed his face and brushed his teeth at the normal time, and then prepared to leave and go back to his home.

Although it's nice to live here, Charter King, but there are too many guests.

Moreover, there are too many old friends of the Ship King. It's not that Shen Guanglin doesn't want to give the Ship King face, but he doesn't want to give them face.

Shen Guanglin didn't want to see these guests who came here for fame, but he could still do this at the Ship King's house.

Now, the only one who can disturb him in real time is Liu who is jumping up and down.

In the past two days, Da Liu jumped up and down in a panic.

He looked at the slow-moving Shen Guanglin, and couldn't help complaining bitterly: "Mr. Shen, I fell again, and I fell again yesterday."

The Dow Jones fell again, but they couldn't participate.

But Shen Guanglin took it for granted, isn't it normal to fall.

"But, if we don't participate, we will really miss it!"

"This is not something we should be involved in."

Shen Guanglin saw it very clearly. At this time, you can be high-profile, but don't be offensive.

As time went on, further reports on the loss in the media came out.

The owner of Wal-Mart, currently the richest man in the world, lost more than $20 billion in just one day;

The future richest man in the world and the current high-tech upstart Bill Gates lost nearly 40 billion US dollars.

Even Wang An, known as the King of Computers in the Light of the Chinese, suffered heavy losses.

Of course, in the field of the Internet, there will be another big guy named Yang Zhiyuan, who also disappeared later.

Almost overnight, those investors who invested in the stock market went bankrupt, and news of some stock speculators who used leverage jumped off the building came from time to time.

Xiangjiang is actually quite stable, but everyone is waiting for the execution in four days.

(End of this chapter)

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