Chapter 696 Banquet (1)

The decline of the Hang Seng Index on October 10 was the starting point of the Xiangjiang stock market crash, but it was not its end, and neither was October 19.

Xiangjiang's stock has finally resumed trading as scheduled after a four-day suspension, but it might as well be gone.

October 10 is a day that can be recorded in history for the Xiangjiang stock market.

On this day, from the opening of the market in the morning, there was no buying order at all in the entire stock market, and it was all selling orders.

In just one day, the Xiangjiang stock market fell another 33%, completing the world's largest single-day drop in history.


Moreover, if the decline on October 10 is added, 19% of the entire Xiangjiang market value has fallen in two days, which is almost cut in half.

The four-day suspension proposed by the Hong Kong government did not bring a turn for the stock market, but further caused panic and psychological damage.

Finally, the sign of jumping from a building finally began to appear in Xiangjiang.

Not only is the stock price jumping off the building, but there is also a live-action version of the jumping off the building.

People have a herd effect. If one person chooses to jump off a building, others will follow suit.


The society panicked, and the media finally began to appeal: the government and the rich should hurry up to rescue the market. If the Hong Kong stock market is not rescued, it will really be over.

The response of the Hong Kong government is also very fast. In particular, they have noticed the Great Wall Group, which has performed unusually in this stock market crash.

So, they took the initiative to interview Da Liu.

But Da Liu wasn't in the mood to deal with them at this point in time, he hadn't wiped his shit clean yet.

You know, Da Liu himself has a listed real estate company called Hua Ren Real Estate, and its market value has fallen by more than 50% at present, and Da Liu himself is feeling very uncomfortable.

Regarding the matter of the Great Wall Group, it doesn't matter what Da Liu said.Professor Shen is the chief scientist of the Great Wall Group, and his attitude can represent the Great Wall Group to a certain extent.

Therefore, if you want to talk to the Great Wall Group about serious matters, Professor Shen is the right one.

Therefore, in order to save the market, the British Hong Kong government organized a semi-private banquet, and specially invited some influential figures in the Hong Kong economic circle to attend, and everyone discussed the countermeasures together, among them were Professor Shen and Liu Shou Here comes the invitation.

This banquet was held at a well-known restaurant in Xiangjiang. Although the scale was small, it was of a high level.

Shen Guanglin came late, and when he followed Da Liu in, he found that there was no room to sit.

Of course, there are still seats on the dining table, but the rest area is full.

The private room was very large, and there was a sofa resting area next to it, but when Shen Guanglin and the others entered, it was already full of people, so there was no choice but to enter the dining area in advance and sit down.

This is a typical Chinese-style restaurant. Western restaurants have never had these private rooms, and they mainly serve dine-in meals.

All those who like to arrange seats in boxes are generally Chinese. The Hong Kong government has also adapted to this style.

"Professor Shen, please sit down first."

The person in charge of receiving them was a Chinese official surnamed Zeng. After hearing the introduction, Shen Guanglin felt that he knew this person. This Mr. Zeng would be the head of Hong Kong in the future.

Probably, that is, during his tenure, Xiangjiang completely abandoned the public housing low-rent housing plan, which is also the reason why Xiangjiang's housing prices remain completely high.

"Where do we sit?" Da Liu looked at the empty round table and asked proactively.

When attending a business banquet, it is very learned to choose a seat.

As long as there are Chinese people, there is a sense of ranking.

Especially when eating, where you sit determines the dignity of your status, which is especially important.

Shen Guanglin is also an ordinary person, if it is really arranged for him to sit at the door to pick up the food, it is impossible to say that Shen Guanglin doesn't mind.

Even, he has the possibility of leaving directly.

Huaxia people have always been very particular about the ranking. Seeing that Professor Shen and Da Liu didn't take the initiative to choose the position at the door, this Mr. Zeng didn't know how to arrange it.

Although Da Liu is considered a romantic figure in Xiangjiang, among all the prominent figures in Xiangjiang present, except for the government staff, he is the youngest among them.

Young people, shouldn't they sit at the door?

However, it was impossible for Shen Guanglin to choose the position at the door. He deliberately didn't choose it, since he chose to surrender his status.

At this time, some people chatting on the sofa also saw Da Liu and Shen Guanglin who had nowhere to go. They actually knew Da Liu, and they deliberately did not speak, pretending not to see them, and continued their previous topic.

However, their eyes betrayed them. How these two people will be chosen is related to their attitude towards Xiangjiang's business community.

However, this Mr. Zeng didn't know what was in his mind, so he led Shen Guanglin and the others to the upper seat, which was where the most distinguished guests would sit.

"Professor Shen, how about you sit here."

He did not have good intentions for this arrangement, and he was not respected enough to sit here.

"it is good."

Shen Guanglin nodded slightly, and he actually agreed!

The staff surnamed Zeng was taken aback, and immediately didn't know what to say, even the people who were watching were dumbfounded: What kind of operation is this?
Young people don't talk about martial arts, you are fighting for the C position.

However, Shen Guanglin did not greet the people in the box to express his enthusiasm. He is a scientist, and he needs posture and reserve.

So, he just quietly looked at the Victoria Bay outside the window, and then really sat there waiting for dinner.

What's wrong with me sitting in this position? Shen Guanglin felt that he could bear it.

This was originally a banquet for closer friendship, not a formal meeting, but this meeting has become a bit disharmonious.

It's almost time, and the waiter quickly began to pass the dishes.

There was no way, Shen Guanglin sat there steadily, completely ignoring everyone's surprised eyes.

Someone muttered in their hearts: "I don't even look at how many catties I have, is that where you should sit?"

However, no one dared to question him face to face, and everyone could only give in to each other and sat down "at will".

Speaking of it, everyone is quite unhappy from the bottom of their hearts that these two young people can't figure out their positions.

However, they can only be MMP in their hearts and smile on the surface.

After all, their Great Wall Group is Xiangjiang's rising star, the flower of tomorrow.

Everyone sat down helplessly.

At this time, a tall and thin foreign devil came, this is a senior representative of the Hong Kong government, and he came in with a bottle of high-end red wine.

Everyone hurriedly stood up and said hello to the foreign devils, even Da Liu was no exception, only Shen Guanglin still sat firmly on the Diaoyutai.

The foreign devil's name is Smith, and he is currently the No. [-] figure in the Hong Kong government. He is mainly in charge of financial consultation. He really saw Professor Shen, who is firmly in the C position.

Smith was quite polite, and he greeted Shen Guanglin very seriously: "Professor Shen, I have long admired you."

It was at this time that Shen Guanglin returned the gift.

He, Shen, is a scientist, not a businessman, so he doesn't need to flatter him. If no one greets him, then he won't say hello.

The banquet officially begins after the host arrives.

"Everyone, come and taste it. This is the collection of Mr. Hong Kong Governor. I have known the Governor for more than ten years. I got him drunk yesterday, so I took this bottle of wine from his wine cabinet."

While talking, the waiter used a decanter to distribute wine to everyone. He was very stingy, and the average was only half a glass per person.

It is said that this red wine is a famous product of Bordeaux, and it is not easy to keep it for decades.

"Please drink this cup to the brim!" Smith raised his hand to toast.

Everyone raised their glasses and celebrated from afar.

Someone even shook the glass, watched the red wine slide over the glass wall, sniffed it lightly, took another sip, and then began to savor it with closed eyes. It is really a peerless wine!

In fact, Shen Guanglin also knows how to taste red wine. Although it is only arty and penetrating, he was also trained in banquet etiquette by his mother since he was a child.

However, depending on the occasion, Shen Guanglin's mentality is also different. He likes a saying very much, which is called: "Do whatever you want without breaking the rules."

Shen Guanglin has reached the stage where he can do whatever he wants.

For these things outside of him, he can now act according to his own ideas, and he doesn't want to and doesn't need to look at anyone's face.

Since the foreign devil Smith invited everyone to drink and said to drink to the full, Shen Guanglin was not polite, and he opened his mouth and took a big gulp, which was really full.

Then, under the watchful eyes of everyone, he picked up the chopsticks and began to pick up vegetables. Well, this celery is not paired with peanuts. Bad review, this white chicken tastes good, and the dipping sauce is great.

In fact, Shen Guanglin himself didn't realize that he was already a bit old-fashioned. No matter how delicious foreign wine is, it is not as good as old Moutai in his place.

However, some people don't think so. They despise Shen Guanglin very much, but they are very familiar with the history of these foreign wines. They are very familiar with the grape varieties, history, origin, climate, and brewing techniques.

At this moment, it seemed that they knew astronomy from the top and geography from the bottom, and they were omniscient and omnipotent, even more profound than Professor Shen's knowledge.

This professor Shen from the mainland is really ignorant.

However, even if he has no experience, Shen Guanglin is still the protagonist of this banquet.

Seeing that Shen Guanglin had finished his drink, he hurriedly arranged for someone to add it. Even Smith, a foreigner, asked him what he thought: "Professor Shen, what do you think of this wine?"

"Astringent and tasteless, tasteless, not as good as Moutai."

Everyone laughed for a while, seemingly harmless, but in fact it implied ridicule: People from the mainland, even scientists, are equally ignorant.

At this time, Mr. Zeng, who was in charge of the reception, took the initiative to explain for him in order to ease the embarrassment:

"Professor Shen has lived in the mainland for a long time, and he may not have drunk much red wine, so it is understandable that the drinks in the mainland are more flavorful. In fact, these are different fields, and everyone is good at their own field."

However, Shen Guanglin didn't like to hear these words:

"I really don't drink a lot of red wine, who told me not to save a little more. I also took hundreds of thousands of bottles of red wine from the charter king, what kind of broken Lafite, what kind of Romanee-Conti, In fact, it tastes the same, and it tastes better with some Sprite."

The laughter of the crowd stopped abruptly.

(End of this chapter)

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