Start with a college teacher

Chapter 697 Research Competition

Chapter 697 Scientific Research Competition (2)

They have all heard that a friend of the charter king took away his collection for many years, including a lot of fine red wine.

Could it be that this person is Professor Shen?

"You took all the wine stored by the Chartered Ship King?"

This incident was widely circulated in Xiangjiang. Many people knew that Charter King had a lot of valuable wines in his collection, but they all disappeared later.

"It's just a part, I didn't take all of it. This red wine doesn't taste good, but it's good to use as a cooking wine for stewing meat. Didn't I say that the meat is rolling three times, and the gods can't stand still."

Everyone didn't know how to answer Shen Guanglin's words.

Everyone is rich, but when it comes to the level of waste, no one can catch up with Professor Shen.

Don't say what Professor Shen said is true or false, but I won't continue this topic from now on.

Everyone started drinking and eating vegetables with their heads sullen.

Hong Kong British people are also well versed in the essence of Chinese people's conversations at the wine table. After a while, Smith said straight to the point: "Now is the most dangerous time for Hong Kong's financial market. Can everyone raise some funds to tide over the difficulties and save Hong Kong? What about the people in the water and fire?"

A silence.

Although these rich people knew that they were invited to the banquet for this purpose, they didn't want to agree so easily.

During the economic crisis, if you have money, you still have to keep it in your own hands. I don’t know how long it will last.

Hearing Smith's question, everyone was thinking of the appropriate wording to decline the proposal.

Speaking of which, they don't have much money on hand now, and they are still waiting to chase the rise and the fall. Moreover, many people here are shorting Hong Kong stocks. How can they have time to rescue the market.

At this time, there are too many short orders in the futures index market, and there are not enough long orders.

Since Professor Shen was sitting at the top, everyone gave him the chance to answer questions.

Who made him the most honored guest.

"Yes! I completely agree. Great Wall Group is a Xiangjiang company and a company with conscience. Starting today, the stocks held by Great Wall Group will no longer be sold. Moreover, I also think: now is the time to come out to save the market!"

Shen Guanglin easily agreed to Smith's request.

However, the others didn't appreciate it, but felt that Professor Shen was really shameless.

They have cashed out all the stocks held by the Great Wall Group?Now pretend to be innocent again.

However, Smith will not give up. He continued to ask: "How much money can the Great Wall Group use to save the market?"

"All the money! Even, my laboratory has a lot of idle funds, which can be used first."


"I am optimistic about Xiangjiang's future."

At this stage, everyone is satisfied, and Shen Guanglin is ready to go back.

It's not that the banquet is over and he wants to go home to rest, but that he, Shen, is going back to the capital.

After all, he brought the students here to gather folk songs. Now that the investigation has been completed, they have to go back to class, and they won't stay for long.

So, on such a beautiful day, Shen Guanglin called the management staff of the Great Wall Group in Xiangjiang for a meeting.

At the meeting, he clarified the work that the group has to do now: "Next, we must fully support the decision of the Hong Kong government. Let us not be idle when they save the market. Let's act together and show our support to the Hong Kong government." support."

What about the Human Genome Project?
I can only pause with tears in my eyes.

In the end, everyone came to a resolution: a grand press conference must be held, and a high-profile announcement was made that the Great Wall Group would try its best to rescue the market.

Propaganda work must be done well, and face-saving projects must not be avoided.

In this stock market crash, most of the listed companies have suffered heavy losses, except Great Wall Group which does not have a listed sector, and their shares have been almost sold out in the past three months.

In Xiangjiang, when it comes to which company has the most abundant cash flow, it really must be the Great Wall Group.

This time, in order to save the Xiangjiang stock market, Professor Shen was extremely generous, and it can be said that he did not hesitate to do anything.

He even took out all the idle funds in Shen Guanglin's laboratory.

This money has nothing to do with the Great Wall Group. As the laboratory's own assets, it would be a waste to put the money in the account. Being able to enter the market is also a good use for so many idle funds.

In the future, not only the Great Wall Group will be a shareholder of the listed company, but Shen Guanglin Laboratory will also be a shareholder of the listed company in Xiangjiang.

Maybe they are still major shareholders of some listed companies.

This time, Shen Guanglin decided: In some business sectors, they are no longer just directors, they want to complete the holding.

It's useless to save face for these people. They are rich and unkind, and their management skills are not good. It's better for someone like me, Shen, to arrange someone to manage the business.

Hearing that Professor Shen Guanglin was leaving, many people came to see him off.

After this stock market crash, everyone, including Da Liu, has lowered his attitude a lot.

Through his own wise decision, Shen Guanglin exchanged all the shares held by the Great Wall Group into money.

Now, if they hold these funds and re-enter the stock market, they may more than double their wealth.

The Xiangjiang stock market turmoil is over.

As for how to "rescue the market" next, it needs to be operated by professionals.

Professor Shen really loves Hong Kong. In order to save the Hong Kong stock market, he really mobilized all the rich funds of the Great Wall Group, and also invested all the spare money in the laboratory.

After all, the laboratory won't be able to spend that much money for a while, and when it really needs to be spent, the money will probably turn into more money.

The time to go out this time was very short. When Shen Guanglin led the team back to the capital, no one knew that Professor Shen had gone out to save the world and returned.

However, for the students, this trip to Xiangjiang is really a good experience.

Although Professor Shen didn't take them around every day, they were greatly touched by being able to see Xiangjiang's life.

It turns out that capitalist society is not as beautiful as imagined, and they will jump off the building.

Not far from the hotel where the students were staying, there was a jump from a building. An investment manager failed to speculate in stocks, and fell to the ground like a pool of rotten meat.

China's economy in this era is relatively closed. The impact of the worldwide economic crisis on China cannot be said to be non-existent, but it is actually very limited.

Stock market crash?

Then it collapses, what does it have to do with us?
It will take more than three years for Huaxia to resume the stock trading market. It will not resume stock trading until the end of 1990.

Speaking of which, stocks have changed the history of China.

This is also the true historical story that Professor Shen told the students on the way back.

In real history, the road protection movement that led to the outbreak of the [-] Revolution actually originated from an economic crisis.

Before the road protection movement, the entire Shanghai, including those who built the railway, had almost laid the foundation for bankruptcy and reorganization after they failed to speculate on Nanyang's rubber.

In short, this is a hairy thing, far from being as good as it is written in the history books.

As for the economic crisis that was taking place in 1987, everyone only saw such reports in the media, and then there was no more attention.

Shen Guanglin was a little tired after returning to school, and he didn't even want to go to school.

Still, work in his lab must continue.

Because, the scientific research competition of the Human Genome Project is finally about to begin.

An international biological research group led by Watson finally announced their ambitious sequencing plan.

Moreover, they also welcomed the fact that Shen Guanglin's laboratory wanted to participate in the scientific research competition to a certain extent.

However, seeing that Shen Guanglin has not acted for a long time, and his payment has not been in place for a long time, the government has already made a choice.

They chose the Academy of Sciences.

Huaxia officially joined the Human Genome Project led by Watson.

Their specific participation plan is as follows: the government allocated 2000 million yuan, led by the Academy of Sciences, officially joined the Human Genome Project led by Watson, and successfully received 1% of the sequencing tasks.

However, what was a bit inconsistent with everyone's initial expectations was that Jingcheng University and Wudaokou Technical School were not qualified to participate in this research group, and they were excluded.

And the reason why they were rejected is also very simple. Both these two schools and Shen Guanglin's laboratory are not clear about it. The projects led by the Academy of Sciences do not lack capable personnel.

Moreover, in the field of scientific research, the University of Science and Technology is an existence that is not weaker than these two schools in this era.

However, the development of the school is also related to the local economic development. Huizhou is poor, so the development of the school is slow, and with the passage of time, it will soon fall behind.

In later generations, except for Shanghai and the capital, universities in other places have a downward trend.

Shen Guanglin was urged to return to school, what about the Human Genome Project?
What else can I do, the money is in place, then continue to follow the plan.

So, less than a week after the official establishment of the International Biological Group, Shen Guanglin's laboratory issued a declaration: Shen Guanglin's laboratory officially launched the Human Genome Project.

We have money, people, and advanced equipment.

Let's get busy together.

However, as soon as the project team was established, Shen Guanglin's laboratory encountered another problem: they did not have a supercomputer

(End of this chapter)

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