Start with a college teacher

Chapter 698 The Galaxy

Chapter 698 Galaxy (1)

For Capital University, it is not a pity to lose the leadership of the Human Genome Project; but it is a real pity to lose this huge amount of money.

That's right, Shen Guanglin said that he wants to carry out the Human Genome Project independently. If it succeeds, it would indeed be an honor for Capital University, but he won't give money to the school.

At least, in the next few years, Capital University will not be able to get money for the Human Genome Project.

What a loss that such a huge amount of funds cannot be applied for.

For Capital University, this is indeed the worst possible outcome.

Therefore, many people have reservations about Shen Guanglin's insistence on carrying out the Human Genome Project.

However, they could not object explicitly, because they and Shen Guanglin were "insiders".

The butt determines the head, and sitting here, they can only say: Professor Shen, please work hard, we are your strongest backing.

The Academy of Sciences has a different attitude.

The National Academy of Sciences has officially announced that it will represent the country in the Human Genome Project.

The person in charge is the delegation leader Han who was visiting together. The main participating units are the National University of Science and Technology, plus several universities in Shanghai and Wucheng. As for the universities in Beijing, sorry, I see you are too busy. , then don't participate.

Capital University and Wudaokou Technical School are perfectly excluded.

Last time, Shen Guanglin disgraced Head Han at the International Biological Conference, and Head Han spoke ill of Shen Guanglin after returning to his unit.

Then there is no more then.

The two are not employees of the same unit and have no jurisdiction over each other.

No one can help anyone.

For this reason, Head Han was incompetent and furious for a long time, and now he finally untied the knot in his heart.

Fortunately, Shen Guanglin boldly said that he wanted to set up the Human Genome Project sequencing group independently, otherwise he would have to compete with him for the leadership of the project.

Speaking from the heart, who can have the confidence to compete with this Shen?

At the very least, Head Han has no confidence at all.

Well now, the country has decided to join the Human Genome Project led by Watson, and Tuan Zhang Han became the project team leader, and his life dream has finally come true.

It doesn't matter whether you Shen Guanglin is good or not, it has nothing to do with me, I just need to do my job well.

In the future, I, Han, will make a big contribution in the history of biological development.

As for you, Shen Guanglin, can you compare with Watson?
Who are they?

The discoverer of the double helix structure of DNA, No. 1 of today's biology, the head of Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, has both strong military strength and incomparable prestige.

You, Shen Guanglin, are powerful and a character, but no matter how powerful you are, you are still a Chinese.

So far, no Chinese group has been able to defeat an advanced international organization.

Even the war decades ago was no exception.

Don't argue, everyone is tied, but no one admits defeat.

For this scientific research competition, the domestic media and the scientific and technological circles are not optimistic about Shen Guanglin, thinking that he is not good enough.

Professor Shen, don't mess around.

The country is determined to participate in this plan, so if you, Shen Guanglin, carry out this project independently, it is a bit of a waste of resources on purpose.

In this regard, there are many people who have opinions.

So, not long after Shen Guanglin returned to the capital, he was gearing up for preparations for the Human Genome Project when he suddenly received a notice: a notice about prohibiting Shen Guanglin's laboratory from carrying out the Human Genome Project.

Hey, who is this? An executive order has been invoked.

In the notice, there are several reasons for prohibiting Shen Guanglin from engaging in this project: waste of resources, waste of manpower and material resources are the main reasons.We are still a developing country, and our limited resources must be used wisely.

Since the Academy of Sciences has participated in the Human Genome Project on behalf of the country, and the results can be shared, there is no need for you to carry out this project alone.

If so, it does make sense.

However, Shen is very upset.

What should he do with the FLAG he set up at the beginning?
At the very least, it would be embarrassing for Shen to give up the Human Genome Project.

Moreover, for this project, he traveled all over the country and abroad, and finally raised so much money, what should he do with the money?
Is it really in the Xiangjiang stock market to eat interest?

Isn't this a loss of face and reputation? Who will donate money to him in the future?

For such a mandatory notice, Shen Guanglin looked annoyed and funny.

Looking at the signature of the notice again, it is a notice issued by the Academy of Sciences, so it will be fine.

I don't care what kind of courtyard you are!
I'm from Capital University, not from your Academy of Sciences, so you can't control me!

I have money, and I can spend it as I like, even if I light a cigarette and burn it, it is my freedom. You are sending this notice to disgust people.

OK!Shen's fighting spirit was aroused.

I'm going to prepare for the Human Genome Project now!

This is a top priority in the lab!

So, in less than a week, Shen Guanglin's Human Genome Project team was also established.

It has been weak for so long before, and the country has waited for him for so long, but there has been no progress.

Now, being stimulated by the notice from the Academy of Sciences, Shen Guanglin's fighting spirit came immediately.

In fact, the Academy of Sciences also did the work of Jingcheng University. Don't let Shen Guanglin continue this project, but Jingcheng University refused.

Speaking of which, they couldn't control Shen Guanglin either.

Moreover, some time ago, the two sides were having an unpleasant dispute about the by-election of the faculty members. The school is trying to find ways to mend the relationship between the two parties, and it is even more impossible for them to become deadlocked at this time.

The affairs of the members of the academic department have been delayed, and there is no firm belief about when the by-election will be held.

Not so fast.

In order to annoy people and gain momentum, Shen Guanglin specially allocated a brand new scientific research building at the biological base, and erected several large characters that could shine on the upper floor: Human Genome Project Project Team.

This is still a colorful signboard, it can be bright for a long time at night, it can also illuminate a long distance, and it will change color.

According to the pilot, when the plane flew by at night, the words Human Genome Project could be clearly seen on the ground.

Moreover, the logistics support conditions of the project must also keep up.In the future, most of the people in the scientific research building will be students. It doesn't matter. Bicycles, dormitories, and cafeterias are all ready, and they are all prepared according to the highest standards.

Since the horse is going to run as hard as it can, it is natural to let the horse eat as much as it wants.

Shen Guanglin's laboratory is recruiting again!
This time, instead of only recruiting 10 or 20, he would directly start with 100. If it wasn't for the lack of management personnel, he was going to clear out all the people from the Biology Department of Beijing University and Wudaokou Technical School.

Hmph, let's see who is faster and who is more ruthless.

No way, after another two years, there will be another student organization making troubles, and the students in the biology department will not have time to participate.

Saving a life is better than building a seven-level pagoda.

Therefore, the gene sequencing team of Shen Guanglin's laboratory was established hastily!

Shen Guanglin organized a mobilization order. He personally served as the team leader of the project team, Xiao Ma was transferred from the leukemia project to serve as the deputy team leader, and then divided into several teams, each with a team leader.

Everything is ready-made, the framework is built, and the project team is established in this way.

There was no cannon fire, no ribbon cutting, no red flags waving, and no crowds.

However, those who should know know it: Shen Guanglin's Human Genome Project project team was established.

Moreover, the international media also reported on this incident.

Shen Guanglin VS Watson, who will have the last laugh?
To be honest, there are not many people who are optimistic about Watson internationally, but everyone is more optimistic about Shen Guanglin, which is exactly the opposite of the domestic view.

The domestic media and scientific circles in this era are really a bit "worshiping foreigners" and not having enough confidence in Shen Guanglin's ability to defeat Watson.

The international viewpoint is much more objective. Shen Guanglin's advantages and abilities are beyond Watson's comparison.

It's just that this project probably won't make money. Is it necessary for Professor Shen to go through all this trouble?
Don't care if it's necessary or not, since it's already reached this point, even if it's not necessary, he, Shen, will hold his nose and do it.

Although Shen Guanglin has never studied biology, he also knows that humans have 23 pairs of 46 chromosomes. If you really want to sequence it, as long as the tools are in place, it is not difficult.

And the testing tools, if his lab was behind, were no more advanced.

After all, even international test groups have to buy their equipment.

Even if there is no need to make a mistake in the middle, the test instrument itself is developed by the Great Wall Group, and it is invincible.

The project started, and Shen Guanglin decided to start with chromosome 3.

This is not a random choice, there is a reason for choosing chromosome 3.

Although the Academy of Sciences did not tell the public, Shen Guanglin knew that what Huaxia was assigned was the 3 million base pairs on chromosome 3000.

What I, Shen, have to do now is to finish this matter before your work has started.

Wait, let's see when I post it.

Shen is not a person who bears grudges for a long time. If there is a grudge, he will avenge it on the spot.

Thus, the sequencing of the Human Genome Project began quietly.

No one knows how the Academy of Sciences is progressing, but Shen Guanglin's progress here is extremely fast.

Someone has test equipment, and data flows out like water.

However, they soon discovered that the computers were simply not enough to analyze the results.

Personal computers in this era are still 10M ultra-large-capacity computers, T?What kind of unit is that.

Moreover, the CPU of computers in this era is calculated in K, and such hardware cannot well support the smooth development of sequencing work.

The use of supercomputers is imperative.

However, Shen Guanglin is not a know-it-all, so where can there be a supercomputer?

Someone recommended Galaxy.

(End of this chapter)

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