Start with a college teacher

Chapter 699 Battle in Changsha

Chapter 699 Battle in Changsha (2)

Speaking of the research and development process of the Huaxia supercomputer, I have to mention the Galaxy.

As early as the reform and opening up, the country decided to study large-scale computers, and this matter was led by the National Defense University.

Mr. Ciyun served as the commander-in-chief of this task.

After several years of hard work, in 1983, they successfully manufactured a supercomputer that is not only in line with China's national conditions but also compatible with international mainstream supercomputers. The number of calculations can reach [-] million times per second, filling the domestic gap and reaching the international advanced level. .

This is an achievement second only to Citigroup and Fusang Kingdom. Shen Guanglin was very happy to hear that, and decided to go to Shacheng in person to see the pride of China in this era.

Shen Guanglin didn't have any relatives or friends in Shacheng, but Lao Li did.

This old guy has a lot of contacts, and he himself graduated from the Harbin Military Industry, and the National Defense University in Shacheng inherited the main body of the Harbin Military Industry.

Therefore, when Shen Guanglin wanted to look at Galaxy Computer, he really found the right person. Old Li's classmates were teaching at the National Defense University. With them, the matter was half done.

Shen Guanglin wrote a letter of introduction for himself, then asked Lao Li to say hello, and then got on the plane to Shacheng.

Shacheng is a famous historical city. Although there are no historical relics anymore, its name has not changed for 3000 years, and it has a sense of history when you hear it.

Of course, if it weren't for the Wenxi fire, if it weren't for the three battles, there might be a lot of historical heritage left here.

It's a pity that the country is rejuvenated by many difficulties, and Shacheng is the epitome of the many disasters and disasters of the Chinese nation.

The plane landed in a place called a big pallet.

Shen Guanglin thought that someone would come to pick him up, but he didn't see it. When he walked out, Xiangjiang River was not far away.

This is not the Huanghua Airport of the later generations at all. The Huanghua Airport is still under construction. There is no Shonan Satellite TV building in this era, and Shacheng is not an entertainment center.

The area of ​​Shacheng has always been small. Shen Guanglin in his previous life came here. He once went to Juzizhou, climbed Yuelu Mountain, and looked at the huge statue of the young leader.

However, Orange Island in this era is full of orange trees, and many farmers live here to cultivate.

In Shacheng in early November, the wind is cold.

Shen Guanglin was standing by the Xiangjiang River, looking at the head of Juzizhou in the distance, full of thoughts.

Speaking of Juzizhou, the most famous one is probably "independent cold autumn, the Xiangjiang River goes north, and the head of Juzizhou".

In fact, in the Song Dynasty, someone also wrote a poem about this small island:

"What's the matter with the west wind? It sweeps away the pedestrians, and the troubles are like washing. The ups and downs and steam billows are all rolled up, and a piece of Xiaoxiang is clear. Alcohol and sickness frighten autumn, poetry worries into the temples, and the scenery is thousands of miles away. The story of the palace of Chu is a time to pay for the water.

Bought a flat boat on the river, cleared the clouds and waves, and went straight to the end of Jinsha.Go back to the valleys in the south of the Yangtze River, don't use it to find sister Yue.The cup of wind and dew is deep, the clothes of hibiscus are cold, and the smile is proud in the haze.The thatched cottage is the same as before, and Wolong knows who started it. "

During the Three Kingdoms period, this was the dividing line between Wu State and Shu State. The east of the river belonged to Sun Quan, and the west of the river belonged to Liu Bei.

Later, after Guan Yu lost Jingzhou, all of this belonged to Sun Quan, including the Tianmen Cave in Zhangjiajie, which was formed in the sixth year of Wu Guoyong'an, that is, during Sun Xiu's period.

In fact, history has misunderstood people. Liu Bei never admitted that the country he founded was the Kingdom of Shu. He has always regarded himself as a big Han orthodox.

During the Three Kingdoms period, there was no such country as Shu.

Watching the river rolling northward, Shen Guanglin was reciting the poem with forgetfulness: "Qia, a classmate, is young and in full bloom; he is full of scholarly spirit, scolding Fang Qiu."

Then, a girl interjected from behind, "Comrade, this is Baxi Island, not Juzi Island. Juzi Island has to go north. Moreover, there is a Xiangjiang Bridge on Juzi Island, but there is no one here."

Shen Guanglin was so embarrassed that he made a fool of himself and was ashamed.

He turned his head and saw that she was a good-looking beauty, not too tall, with good body proportions, and she was also very beautiful.

There is actually a beautiful woman who took the initiative to strike up a conversation with him, it seems that he is still attractive.

"You are?" Shen Guanglin asked.

"I am your sister! You are my brother-in-law, and I am Li Rong's sister."

It turned out that this was Lao Li's daughter and an indirect acquaintance. She came to pick up Shen Guanglin, but she was late.

Shen Guanglin understood, "You are Uncle Zhou's daughter, right? I called him before coming here."

"Why, do you really think that romantic and talented people have affairs everywhere? I'm already a guest, and my children are all in Yuhong class. I heard that none of your children have children yet. Why? Do you have a physical problem?"

"No, absolutely not! I'm in good health, and I still have eight-pack abs." The elder sister Zhou spoke so aggressively that Shen Guanglin couldn't help it, and almost took off her clothes to show off her muscles.

"Don't be afraid of hidden diseases. Let's not hide them. Xiangya Hospital is the best hospital in the country. Your brother-in-law was circumcised after he got married."

Shen Guanglin couldn't answer these words, this elder sister dared to say it too much.

Moreover, Shen Guanglin believes that Xiangya Hospital may not be the best hospital in the country, right? Where do you put Xiehe?

After all, everyone is not familiar with each other, so Shen Guanglin did not refute:

"Sister Zhou, are you here to pick me up?"

"Yes! Let's go, I'll take you to the National Defense University."

After all, the woman turned around and left first, not like a southern woman, but like a big girl from the Northeast.

At the gate of the airport is the garrison of the troops, and Sister Zhou drove out a military jeep from inside.

Shen Guanglin followed her into the jeep.

Sister Zhou flicked the ignition on, put it in gear, and jumped out with a kick of the accelerator.

I go!The shock absorption is very hard.

Fortunately, this is a national road, 107, with farmland on both sides, where radish and cabbage are planted, which is in stark contrast to the desolation in the north.

I have to say that the greening of Shacheng is pretty good, with wild camphor trees everywhere, lush and lush, if it is not for the low temperature, it really cannot be said that it is already late autumn.

"You and my sister Li Rong are already married, right? You're not an unmarried brother-in-law, why are you so young?"

Driving is also boring. The eldest sister talked again, and she also said her name, her name is Zhou Huimin.

"I got the certificate." Shen Guanglin replied.

This is too different from Xiangjiang's Zhou Huimin's personality.

"Then we are really relatives. My father and her father are college classmates, and my mother and his father are also college classmates. They are in college." Sister Zhou didn't listen to her words when she was angry. The relationship between the two is clearly explained.

Then, she asked, "What did you come to Shacheng this time?"

"Look at the computer." Shen Guanglin didn't hide it. He even planned to order one from IBM if it couldn't be used in the country. Anyway, it wasn't short of money.

"Galaxy?" Sister Zhou asked immediately.

It seems that Sister Zhou also knows about it. After all, after the Yinhe computer was successfully developed, it was widely publicized in newspapers everywhere.

"Yes! I came here just to see how the Yinhe computer is doing. If possible, I would like to buy one." Shen Guanglin said his purpose.

"Buy it yourself?" The elder sister turned her head and glanced at Shen Guanglin. This doesn't seem like a braggart.

"Yes! It's for the laboratory. There is a big project in the laboratory recently, and the amount of data that needs to be calculated is very large."

"What project? Can it earn back the money for the computer? If it's theoretical research, just approve a note and borrow it, and it's over."

(End of this chapter)

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