Start with a college teacher

Chapter 700 Computers

Chapter 700 Computer (Today's update)
As the car was driving on the road, Sister Zhou asked Shen Guanglin if he was in a hurry to go to the National Defense University.

Don't worry.

Don't worry, let's have a meal and talk about it, it's time for dinner.

It is rare to come back to Shacheng, and it seems that sister Zhou is not hospitable. Sister Zhou wants to take him to taste the delicacies of Shacheng.

Shrimp taste?Sugar oil cake?Stinky tofu?

Can I still meet the beauties in Shacheng?

No, I really took him to dinner, and it was to a restaurant with quite a history.

When it comes to Shacheng gourmet food, where is the best food?

In this day and age, of course, it is another village restaurant.

Forget about the Fire Palace that Mao Diadia loves to go to.

Fire Palace is to Shacheng what Goubuli is to Jinmen, and Quanjude is to Beijing.

In later generations, the Huo Palace became a place to trap outsiders, serious locals, who would go to the Huo Palace to eat stinky tofu?

In Jinmen, Goubuli steamed stuffed buns are so greasy that people can hardly swallow them. They are a model of expensive and unpalatable, but in the 80s when there was a lack of food and clothing, they were really delicious;

In the later generations, the business of Quanjude in the capital city is still good. Although the roast duck is not very delicious, the fried dishes in it are not unpalatable, and it is also amazing.

In Shacheng, Youyicun Hotel also has some origins.

In the eighth year of Qianlong's reign, Jiang Pu, the governor, set up a Yamen in Zhongshan Pavilion, and named it after a poem by Lu You, a poet of the Southern Song Dynasty, "There is no way out when mountains and rivers are full of doubts, and the willows and flowers brighten another village".

Later, after liberation, a public-private joint restaurant was established here, also called "Yetuyi Village."

Youyi Village is one of the first batch of foreign affairs restaurants in southern Shonen. It is very famous and has recruited many overseas people who come here admiringly. It is a model of Hunan cuisine.

It's just that the Youyicun restaurant later turned from traditional Hunan cuisine to a fast food restaurant, probably closed down, and the store has also become a spring department store.

In all fairness, the taste of Shonan cuisine is good. The fish head with chopped pepper is one of its masterpieces, and the taste of the noodles is very good.

The girls in southern Shonan are also beautiful, and the south bank of Dongting Lake is a gathering place for beauties. Changde and Yiyang are all available, and they are also very good-looking.

Shen Guanglin looked at the woman who was busy going back and forth, and couldn't help asking: "Sister Zhou, are all the girls in Shacheng as capable as you?"

"You know Li Guyi, she is the representative of our southern Hunan."

Shen Guanglin, Li Guyi's teacher, still knew that she sang several songs in succession in the first Spring Festival Gala, which was very popular among everyone.

It's just, "Isn't she from Kunming? When did she become a representative of girls in southern Hunan?"

"He was originally from Shacheng, born in Kunming, and grew up in Shacheng. It's the same as Li Bai. Wasn't Li Bai also born in Suiye and grew up in Shuzhong?"

She was right.

Moreover, Li Bai lived in Rencheng in Qilu for a long time, and probably died of illness in Dangtu, which had nothing to do with fishing for moons in the water; on the contrary, Du Fu's death was related to water, and also had something to do with Shacheng.

Du Fu went from Shacheng to Hengyang to visit relatives, but failed and returned. He was caught in a flood and lived in Leiyang. He starved for many days.

It is common in Qi Wang's house, and Cui Jiutang heard it several times before.

that was nice scenery at Jiang Nan, met you again in autumn.

This poem "Meeting Li Guinian in Jiangnan" was written by Du Fu in Shacheng, and he also wrote many poems here.

This is indeed a famous historical and cultural city, not only the female mummy Xin Zhui, but also Jia Yi, Guan Yu, Du Fu and Zeng Guofan.

During the dinner, Sister Zhou talked about Shen Guanglin's research direction again, and asked him why he wanted to buy a supercomputer. Is it enough to borrow it, and there is no need to pay for it. She has this relationship and can be a matchmaker.

Shen Guanglin didn't hide from her, and said directly: He is now carrying out the Human Genome Project independently, and he needs to use a supercomputer to calculate and map the human genome, which can't be used up in a day or two.

I see,.

If you can afford to build a new supercomputer, then your Capital University is really rich.

Shen Guanglin blushed, petty money was all petty money.

Sister Zhou asked another question, what kind of Human Genome Project do you work hard on, can you make money?
Probably can.

Shen Guanglin really didn't know what to do.

When scientists do research, they cannot consider making money or not. They must consider influence.

When doing academic research, in many cases, you can't consider whether it is useful or not, whether it makes money or not, but whether other people have studied this research and how much sensation it will have after it is discovered.

Did the Manhattan Project make money?But it was a hit, and it was a hit twice.

Mr. Chen Xianchun, a Chinese nuclear physicist, studied controlled nuclear fusion and successfully imitated Azimovich's Tokamak. Is this thing useful?Can you make money?

Even in 2020, human beings have not been able to make money from nuclear fusion. As for the sensation, Big Ivan does not count.

Is Shen Guanglin's research on the Human Genome Project really just to make money?He's doing it for fame.

Shen Guanglin also knows that even if his laboratory completes the human genome sequencing project, it will be almost useless within about 10 years;
The Tokamak studied by Chen Xianchun will be useless for about 100 years;
The black holes that Hawking and Lilly are working on won't be useful for about 1000 years.

Shen Guanglin came here this time with the idea of ​​investing. He wants to be an investor, and what he invests in is the future.

Now China and the Western world are still friendly, and Shen Guanglin's laboratory is not a non-Galaxy computer.

What Shen Guanglin thought was that if he spent money to buy this equipment, as long as it could indirectly promote the survival and development of domestic supercomputers, it would be useful.

It goes without saying how important computers will be in the future.

For the development of the country's computer industry, Shen Guanglin used this little money to invest, and it was not a loss.

After dinner, it's still early, and there are still business to do.

Shen Guanglin followed Sister Zhou to the National Defense School not far from the Martyrs Park, and met Lao Zhou and Mr. Ciyun smoothly.

Everyone in the National Defense University had heard about Shen Guanglin's name.

Professor Shen has made great achievements in physical chemistry and biology, and is a well-known figure in the domestic scientific and technological circles.

Moreover, some people in the industry know that in the past few years, Shen Guanglin also made some achievements in military technology, which well supported the development of military technology.

It's just that Professor Shen has been busy with mundane affairs these years, went astray, and no longer conducts weapon research and development, which is a pity.

You know, the weapons developed by Shen Guanglin played an important role in the battle of southern Xinjiang. In July this year, the famous 7 Songmaoling battle in Laoshan took place.

However, this is the final battle.

With the death of Le Duan, our neighbor in the south has also begun to be honest, and the ten-year border war is finally coming to an end.

Following the people of the national defense school, Shen Guanglin first visited the school's honor room, watched the classmates' reunion, and finally, he went to see the computer.

Entering the laboratory, Shen Guanglin was stunned.

I saw that there were 7 huge cylindrical computers in an extremely huge laboratory. If they didn't say that they were computers, Shen Guanglin wouldn't know what they were for.

Of course, for the supercomputer, Shen Guanglin also did some homework before he set off. He opened his mouth and asked like an expert: "Is this copied by modifying Cray-1?"

Yes, this 1976 million times per second computer is indeed not original, it is combined on the basis of Citigroup's [-] supercomputer.

The most amazing thing is that the CPU of the supercomputer is not manufactured by using large-scale integrated circuits, it is made up of 512 PC boards.

Looking at this computer, Shen Guanglin was deeply anxious.

(End of this chapter)

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