Start with a college teacher

Chapter 701 The Bank

Chapter 701 My Bank (1)

The industrial base also sometimes determines the superstructure.

It is also difficult to develop high-tech and cutting-edge technology without a qualified industrial foundation as support.

In some scientific and technological articles, as long as the protagonist has an idea, or even casually puts forward a theory and a formula, within three to five months, the mass production of new products can be realized and the progress of science and technology can be promoted.

However, in reality, this is completely impossible.

The promotion of technology takes a long time.

For example, in 1945, when World War II was coming to an end, Citigroup rebuilt its embassy in Moscow. In order to celebrate the friendship between the United States and the Soviet Union, CCCP gave them a bug in the shape of the national emblem. It took seven years until 7 was discovered.

The development source of this technology is no longer testable, but it is indeed very good and worth promoting.

However, it was not until the 21st century that this technology became popular.Meal card, bus card, access control card, all of them are used now.

For example, it is already 1987, and Beijing University is still using meal tickets and food tickets, and the use of meal cards is not known when it will be officially launched.

Technology is not something that can be achieved overnight, it needs to be promoted in all directions, and it will come naturally.

If any link is missing, it is its bottleneck.

Looking at such a "rudimentary" first-generation Galaxy computer, Shen Guanglin instantly felt that the development of domestic computers has a long way to go.

As for the computer company that Liu Lian wanted to develop into, what kind of technological progress could it bring?Nobody wants to know about him.

Fortunately, Shen Guanglin has his own "computer" factory, and he is also moving in this direction.

Although Shen Guanglin's computer factory mainly produces game consoles at this stage, because they are highly profitable, but in terms of naming, their cover also says home computers.

Moreover, in Shen Guanglin's foundry, all the electronic products produced are integrated circuits, and transistors have long been no longer used.

Even for refrigerators and washing machines, their control modules are all integrated. This is Shen Guanglin's requirement and it is also the trend of future development.

So far, except for the CPU of the computer, the Great Wall Group has not been able to produce other spare parts. There are no technical obstacles.

Moreover, regarding the CPU production line, the Great Wall Group has negotiated several rounds with Intel and Texas Instruments, but they have not yet reached an agreement.

When Shen Guanglin came to Shacheng this time, he actually came here with the mood of a pilgrimage.

In the past, it was always said in the media that the domestic computer level in the 80s and [-]s was no worse than that of foreign countries. If the media said so, he believed it.

He thought that since this computer is already an internationally advanced computer, it must have a sense of technology no matter what.

not at all!
At least not in Shen Guanglin's eyes.

Although this equipment is still new and well maintained, it is really primitive and simple!

The dense wiring, the huge power load, and the splicing of PCB boards one by one, it is really mysterious and tall to people who don't know how to do it.

However, in Shen Guanglin's opinion, can this guy work?
I'm afraid it will explode in half an hour.

How to work stably for a long time is probably not even thought of by the designers, because the air conditioner is not even equipped on site, and that thing is too expensive.

It can be said that this computer is a product that fills the gap in the country and can be used, but it is almost meaningless to work stably for a long time like a server, and commercialization is a bit difficult.

Shen Guanglin has seen all kinds of computers in later generations, and has also been to some server computer rooms, but everything in front of him is different from what he imagined.

Therefore, when Shen Guanglin saw a "supercomputer" that used a large number of transistors, he was completely stunned.

Such a computer is indeed a giant computer.

Shen Guanglin does not deny that its calculations can reach 1 million times per second. After all, a mobile phone in later generations can also perform more than 1 million calculations per second, but what is its continuous working time and is it guaranteed for long-term operation?

Shen Guanglin was a little discouraged.

Speaking of it, Shen Guanglin is still very concerned about the development of computers, and his laboratory is almost one of the earliest units in China to purchase computers.

Moreover, whenever an international advanced computer comes out, Shen Guanglin will spend money to buy it as soon as possible.

Shen Guanglin also thought about making computers by himself, and he has been working hard in this direction.

However, Shen Guanglin's thinking has always been on personal computers, and he has never thought about mainframes.

If it wasn't for the Human Genome Project this time, Shen Guanglin still wouldn't have thought of developing a large computer.

In fact, this is a wrong perception.

In the past, many people believed that personal computers were the future, and mainframes would eventually be eliminated by history.

For a long time in history, this statement has been true.

Especially after entering the 90s, the development speed of personal computers is indeed extremely fast, and it has indeed undergone rapid progress and changes, and has achieved a huge market share.

However, with the advent of the 2010s, the emergence and rapid popularization of smartphones, if personal computers are not used as mining machines, they have actually come to an end.

Just imagine, how much more advanced will the computer in 2022 be than the computer in 2017?
If it is used for office work, the computer in 2015 can also be used.

It's been so many years, and Moore's Law has long since ceased to work.

However, by 2020, the market share of servers and mainframe computers has not decreased, but is still increasing.

Every year, the new market share of mainframe computers is not a small number.

Companies like IBM have indeed experienced a period of pain, but after the storm, they still found spring in the server market and dominated it.

And a certain company that acquired IBM's notebook business later evolved into a mouse company that everyone shouted and beat.

After carefully looking at this honorable Galaxy computer and their demonstration, to be honest, Shen Guanglin was a little disappointed.

Mr. Cai Yun asked him how he was feeling, what else could Shen Guanglin say, he could only say it was good, very good.

As for the cooperation, Shen Guanglin didn't mention it.

It was too hasty, and he also had some doubts.

Let's move on to the next item.

What is the next scheduled visit?
The next arrangement is rocket and aerospace technology.

Now that the well-known Professor Shen has visited the school, the school is also very serious in receiving them. They welcome various types of leaders all the year round, and the procedures are ready-made and very familiar.

The National University of Defense Technology is not only good at the computer department, but their rocket and aerospace are also very good.

In later generations, it was not Qingbei that really supported half the sky of China's aerospace industry, but the National University of Defense Technology and some universities in the northwest and southwest.

Students in Qingbei do not like to engage in aerospace, they prefer to engage in finance and the Internet.

After all, although aerospace has a sense of honor and pride, it is not a profitable industry.

Moreover, domestic aerospace is a monopoly industry, and some companies are not so humane in management.

Some talents have not developed in the unit all year round, and they are not allowed to leave their jobs, which is why Shen keeps a respectful distance from such departments.

Any industry has its sunny side and its dark side.

The media has also reported that some units ignore talents.

Even, at a certain time in a certain unit, it was exaggerated to the point that if an "ordinary" person resigned, the entire department would be paralyzed.

However, this is a minority after all.

After all, the country is strong and rich, and it also gives these units plenty of room for trial and error.

With the blessing of money, Huaxia's aerospace industry has continued to develop, and the development is still very good, and there is a tendency to catch up with Russia and the United States.

However, it is only 1987. Although China's aerospace industry cannot be said to have just started, the progress is indeed slow.

It was not until 1985 that Huaxia considered accepting commercial satellite launches, which was also forced.

Huaxia's aerospace industry originated from the Soviet Union, and it is from two directions with Citigroup, but the source is the same, both from Mustache's rocket K2.

"Professor Shen is an expert in physics, how much does he know about aerospace?" A well-known professor of the school led Shen Guanglin to visit, but he didn't know that Shen Guanglin's major was aerospace.

"I understand a little, I understand a little." Shen Guanglin was very humble. He looked at the model of Dongfanghong No. [-] and the introduction with pictures and texts, and he was very moved.

The first satellite was equipped with batteries, but it didn't even have solar panels. It can also be seen that the start of that era was difficult.

However, in the era of Shen Guanglin, some people even started to call, let's launch a capture device and bring Dongfanghong No. [-] back.

Moreover, at that time, the technology had almost developed.

Shen Guanglin was thinking about what contribution he could make to China's aerospace industry, and then he was asked:
"Has Professor Shen ever thought about contributing to the country's aerospace industry?"

"Of course I have thought about it, and I probably can really help." Shen Guanglin was very confident about this.

"Really?" The professor was very surprised. It was just his own inadvertent words, but he didn't expect Shen Guanglin to be so confident.

"Well, the solar photovoltaic panels of our Great Wall Group have developed quite well, and the conversion efficiency is quite high. They can be donated to our satellites at a low price or even free of charge."

The first thing Shen Guanglin thought of was the mature technology of his own laboratory. It is really good to donate it to the satellite. This is another good advertisement.

Moreover, aerospace is Shen Guanglin's profession after all, and he really has some reserve technologies, so it's not a bad idea to use them in Huaxia's aerospace industry.

(End of this chapter)

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