Chapter 703 Lecture (1)

To hold a lecture, Shen Guanglin is already familiar with it.

However, standing on the podium rashly like today, facing the crowd, Shen Guanglin still felt a little uncomfortable.

Not for anything else, because all the comrades in uniform were sitting under the stage.

Whether students or teachers, everyone is wearing military uniforms. It is the first time for Shen to experience this kind of scene.

This is an auditorium for holding conferences, with many seats, but when Shen Guanglin came, the audience was already full, and everyone was sitting upright with serious faces.

Shen Guanglin looked at his watch. It wasn't time for the lecture to start yet, but everyone was silent.

Facing this kind of scene, Shen was still nervous, but helplessly, he sorted out his lesson plans and water glasses to relieve his emotions.

However, with so many people, there was no sound in the auditorium, not even whispers, and no one stepped forward to ask Professor Shen questions or challenge his authority.

Everything was very quiet.

This is too uncomfortable.

He has been a teacher for so many years and has given so many lectures. Shen Guanglin has never seen any scene. He has seen more people than this, higher standards than this, and more complicated scenes than this.

Only it was the first time that it was so quiet like today.

When giving lectures in some world-class prestigious schools, their students have their nostrils upturned, and they often show an expression of: Come on, please come and convince me.

Moreover, there are schools in some countries that have extremely poor discipline in the venue. No matter who comes, they will have a small meeting chattering in the audience.

Shen Guanglin slowly built up his prestige among all kinds of people, improved his style, and made a lot of money along the way.

However, facing the teachers and students of the National University of Defense Technology today, they are too quiet and self-disciplined. Everyone sits upright, and there are not many opportunities to shake their heads.

In such lectures, the classroom discipline is excellent, but what should be done about the classroom atmosphere, how can we break the ice?
Unconsciously, Shen Guanglin also adjusted his stance, and became more formal in his attitude: "Now, let's start my lecture today."

Moreover, Shen Guanglin did not first introduce his past achievements as usual. Before gaining a wave of vanity, he got straight to the point and started speaking directly: "Today, the topic I want to talk about is the Human Genome Project."

At this time, several professors in the audience who had communicated with Shen Guanglin in advance couldn't help being surprised. Before the lecture started, he said that he would talk about aerospace, and the meaning revealed in the words was to teach everyone a lesson.

They are all ready, and they are going to have a good discussion later. I didn't expect you to feint.

Moreover, the National University of Defense Technology has no biology class at all. If you talk about this, no one can question you.

However, Shen Guanglin didn't mean that at all:
"Originally, I planned to discuss some insights about aerospace with you. Now, I temporarily changed my mind. What I want to talk about today is the Human Genome Project, a topic I am currently researching."

Afterwards, Shen Guanglin wrote the words Human Genome Project on the blackboard behind, and attached the English words.

Afraid everyone would not understand, Shen Guanglin explained in detail, taking into consideration that some people in the audience might not have heard of the Human Genome Project.

Speaking of which, the Human Genome Project was proposed by Nobel Prize winner Dalbecco. The purpose is to sequence and rank all human genes, understand the expression and function of genes, and aim to completely conquer cancer and other genetic diseases. It can be described as ambitious.

Of course, even 40 years later, cancer is still not conquered.

However, it's not easy for Shen Guanglin to talk about this kind of thing now.

What Shen Guanglin can proudly say is that before the implementation of the Human Genome Project, his laboratory, the Shen Guanglin Laboratory of Beijing University, had taken the lead in completing the drug for the treatment of leukemia with gene-targeted therapy.Moreover, this drug is already on the market in China.

The audience burst into applause!

This is the pride of the Chinese people. This pride belongs not only to Shen, but to everyone.

The atmosphere is up!
This is what Shen Guanglin thinks lectures should look like. Lectures, that's how they are passionate.

Shen Guanglin went on to say: He said this not to brag or elevate himself, but to prove that some major diseases can be treated by mastering the distribution of human genes.

"During this time, the media has been saying that the Human Genome Project is like the Manhattan Project in the 40s, it is huge, but it is of great significance.

That's right. Watson, the head of Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, is in charge of the entire International Human Genome Project. We, Huaxia, are also one of the participants, responsible for about 1% of human gene sequencing.

However, some people know, some people don't know, it is I who challenged them to complete the sequencing of the human genome alone, and to complete this work before them. This is my Human Genome Project. "

Shen Guanglin paid homage passionately, explaining what he was doing now like an oath. He felt that this matter was great and meaningful, but there were only sparse applause from the audience, and not many people supported him.

Shen Guanglin anticipated this situation, and he continued to explain:
"People may ask: Since they are already doing this, why do I have to work hard and force myself to compete with them? Is it for the sake of face?"

Yes, everyone is also wondering, why, why did you do this.

Shen Guanglin asked and answered:
"To a certain extent, it is indeed for the sake of face, but not entirely. Here, I will share a point of view: people are different, and the genes of incompatible races are also the same. My purpose of doing this is to be the first to find Find out the genetic differences between us and other people, for example, yellow people and white people or black people.

Of course, my purpose of doing this is not to harm others, but to protect myself.

Because genes can not only cure diseases, but also kill them.Have you ever wondered, if someone develops a genetic weapon against different races through genes, how should we deal with it?

What if someone really develops this genetic weapon, and it is specifically aimed at us yellow races, or more specifically, at Chinese people, what should we do?How to prevent it?How to deal with it? "

Shen Guanglin raised such a question, which is very hot in the 21st century, and many people have raised this point of view.

And this kind of attack method?

All the people in the audience are military technicians, which are closely related to them, but genetic weapons are indeed a brand new topic for his mother, and they are all dumbfounded.

"Everyone is a teacher and student of the National University of Defense Technology. I feel that since I am here today, and since I am lucky to stand on this podium, it is necessary to instill this concept in everyone. This is the reason why I temporarily changed the subject."

Shen Guanglin spoke in a quiet tone, and everyone in the audience listened excitedly, exclaiming and breathing deeply from time to time, and finally everyone could no longer listen quietly.

"Professor Shen, will such a weapon really appear?" Someone finally couldn't help asking this question, which overturned their previous perception of weapons.

"There will be. I will give two examples, both of which are realistic examples. You can learn from them."

Sure enough, when Shen Guanglin said this, everyone immediately listened attentively with bated breath, wanting to see how Shen Guanglin would give an example.

"Some people may know that we have successfully researched a kind of cotton called insect-resistant cotton. It is specifically aimed at cotton bollworms. It uses genetically modified technology to allow cotton to produce a toxicity that is harmless to humans and animals. , but the cotton bollworm eats it, waiting for death. This insect-resistant cotton was successfully researched in my laboratory."

There was warm applause from the audience.

This Professor Shen is still a second person. The example he gave is probably for everyone to praise him. However, their achievement deserves applause.

"I'm not here to boast. I'm here to ask everyone to think about it. If we humans are cotton bollworms, our favorite food in the past has turned into poison, what should we do in the future?"

Finally someone began to meditate.

What Shen Guanglin said has some truth, but it can't be said that there are genetic weapons against the human race. At worst, everyone will die. Weapons with universal lethality are not uncommon.

The example Shen Guanglin gave was of course just to show off his strength, and then he gave a second example:

"There is a disease of wealth called gout. It is a metabolic disease caused by the body's own metabolism or excessive intake of purine in food. The reason is that the human body's uric acid is too high, and the solubility of uric acid is limited. Therefore, uric acid will be in the joints of the human body. The location is the first to crystallize, and when the body's immune system detects this crystallization, it will attack it, causing acute arthritis, which is the origin of gout.

For this disease, foreign countries have developed a drug to reduce uric acid called allopurinol.The effect of this drug on lowering uric acid is obvious. However, it has been found clinically that people of yellow race are very prone to allergies when taking this drug, while white people in Europe and America are less likely to be allergic to this drug.

This is the difference in the performance of the same drug in different races.It is the differences in human genes that lead to different side effects of this drug in different races, which is already the embryonic form of genetic weapons.

If, one day, some enemies invent a virus that is effective for some people but not for others, will those people in front of them be fatally threatened or even extinct? "

Everyone was frightened by Shen Guanglin's words.

(End of this chapter)

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