Chapter 704 Dollars (2)

The subjugation of the country and the extermination of the species, what can everyone think of is not nuclear weapons?Isn't it Big Ivan?

Could it be that genetic weapons can also do it?
If it were an ordinary person, everyone would definitely stand up and oppose it. What are you talking about? This is too alarmist?
But it was Shen Guanglin who said this, and everyone had to believe it if they didn't believe it.

The name of a man, the shadow of a tree.

Shen Guanglin's illustrious prestige is not something to brag about, it's a result of fighting one by one.

It is not right to say that fighting is actually wrong. Shen Guanglin has no opponent since his debut, and his opponent is only himself.

So far, looking at the international scientific and technological circles, no one has said that they are qualified to be Shen Guanglin's opponent, and can be equal to him.

If he really said that, no one would admit it.

Just a clown.

Therefore, when Shen Guanglin said that he wanted to carry out the Human Genome Project independently, even Watson said conservatively that he was welcome to join, and even felt a little unconfident in his words.

This is also the same as Citigroup's Department of Energy wanting to bet $[-] million on Shen Guanglin alone.

What Shen Guanglin couldn't do, other scientists probably couldn't do either.

Unless you are a very closed person, anyone who wants to get to know someone Shen can see that he is different.

Any point of view of Shen Guanglin, even just a conjecture, they will publish it if they want to submit it to "Science".

As for Shen Guanglin's papers, some of the stepping stones, for example, papers on nanomaterials, the number of citations can no longer be counted. Even if it is based on a year, the number has exceeded 3.

For some scholars, the total number of paper citations in their lifetime may not exceed 3.

The number of citations of Shen Guanglin's papers is in the scientific research field, just like "Shaolin Temple" released in China, which has a poor box office.

Such a legend cannot be replicated.

Yes, Shen Guanglin has not yet won the Nobel Prize. However, in the international scientific community, everyone generally believes that if Shen does not win the award, it is not Shen’s loss, but the Nobel Prize’s loss, which can also reflect the awarding process. injustice.

In the past few years, the calls for Shen Guanglin to win the award have become more and more serious.

Everyone thought that another big cow who could win the award before the age of 30 appeared.

However, according to the official age, Shen Guanglin was born in 1957, and this year is already his thirties.

However, no matter what, the young Shen Guanglin was already at the top of the world's technology.

Not to mention his major in physics, but in biology, he is as powerful as Dabelko and Watson, and everyone in the world thinks that Shen Guanglin is even better.

In the past few years, in the fields of physics, chemistry, and biology, whenever there are major discoveries, it is rare that Shen Guanglin is not mentioned.

Even if this discovery has nothing to do with Shen Guanglin, people still habitually compare it with a certain scientific research achievement of Shen Guanglin.

For example, this achievement is very good, and it has a comparable status with a certain achievement of Dongfang Shen in a certain year.

That is to say, in China, with the current lifeless environment and the atmosphere of seniority, Shen Guanglin has not yet made a bloody breakthrough in the domestic academic circles.

Internationally, who would dare to question Dongfang Shen's authority?
Scholars go abroad for academic exchanges. What they hear most is Dongfang Shen from your country. He is really amazing. Why didn't he come?

How do I know why he didn't come?Did Lao Tzu come out for academic exchanges?It's for foreign exchange subsidies and Toyo TV. Why do you keep mentioning that person?

Shen Guanglin's lecture today was too important.

The teachers and students in the audience were thinking and taking notes quickly.

Everyone knows that they are witnessing a new war situation and a new method of warfare being established.

Perhaps, this may be related to the fate of mankind.

Daigo empowerment!

There is also a saying that if you hear the Tao in the morning, you can die in the evening.

Shen Guanglin's words really enlightened everyone. It turns out that genetic research plays such an important role in strategy. It is also the first time everyone has come into contact with genetic weapons.

However, this kind of weapon is terrible, and everyone's scalp tingles when they think about it.

"In case, there is a disease that only spreads to Chinese people, while people in other places are safe and sound, have you ever thought about the consequences?"

This is the thinking question Shen Guanglin left for everyone at the end of the lecture.

As for how to carry out the Human Genome Project, it is indeed not a very deep content, and it is not difficult to understand. Human beings have 30 billion base pairs, and we just need to find out their positions.

To a large extent, this is just simple and repetitive labor, which costs money and computing power.

However, if you want to study a gene fragment and what kind of function it expresses, you need to do in-depth research and testing, and these are all money.

In short, as long as the money is in place, one day, what each gene represents can be clearly studied.

"So, it is for this reason that Professor Shen insisted on independently sequencing the human genome?"

During the break in the conference room, some teachers from the National University of Defense Technology asked Shen Guanglin about his original intention to study the Human Genome Project.

At this time, when everyone looks at this young man again, it already has some admiration.

"No, really not, at least not all, more for the sake of face. As you all know, I am a famous scientist all over the world, and I can't bear others' provocation to me. What others can do, I can do too do it.

What happened to Watson, what happened to Cold Spring Harbor? Back then, when Xiaomi added rifles, we were not afraid of American emperors, and we still dared to cross the Yalu River. Now I have the same mentality.Therefore, rather than losing money, I will complete the Human Genome Project first. "

Shen Guanglin started GLAG again.

In fact, compared with the international biology team, his laboratory still has a huge advantage. The domestic scientific and technological circles were blinded and thought that Shen Guanglin was not good, but the world is still optimistic that Shen Guanglin can win more.

The premise is that he can prepare money.

"Professor Shen's speech is great!" Everyone applauded.

During the lecture, I don't think Shen Guanglin felt a little embarrassed in front of everyone's applause in private.

At this time, Professor Ciyun said: "Professor Shen, you came here this time to see the supercomputer, right? Did it disappoint you?"

"I'm not disappointed, but I didn't expect this supercomputer to be so big." Shen Guanglin was also embarrassed to say that this computer was too rubbish, and he couldn't fall into the eyes of someone like him.

However, Professor Ciyun was also prepared, and he said soberly: "You know you don't like it, so you don't have to hide it. To be honest, we have been successful in researching this computer for many years, and we have not complacent. I am also thinking about how to achieve technological progress, but, as you know, even in the army these years, the finances are not abundant."

"If my laboratory pays, can we make better computers now?" Shen Guanglin understood what Professor Ciyun meant, and offered to give the steps, which was also his original intention for coming here.

"Of course, as long as there are enough funds, I am confident that with the current technological conditions, there will be no problem in making a computer with 10 billion operations per second."

Well, this is what I was waiting for!
Shen Guanglin felt that it was really worthwhile for him to come and hold this lecture, and he was thinking about going back if he couldn't do it, but he didn't expect that another village would be brightened.

In a lecture by myself, Professor Ciyun took the initiative to convince him.

Shen Guanglin said very generously, "My laboratory has nothing but money, but the ugly thing is above, what I want is not just a supercomputer, but a supercomputer that can run stably for a long time. We can also build Long-term and stable cooperative relationship, as long as I have the right to use the computer, the ownership still belongs to your school."

This relationship is good, and everyone has a better foundation for cooperation.

"At this stage, how much money can Professor Shen's laboratory allocate for computer research and development?"

Shen Guanglin didn't say too much, he had already asked IBM how much a mainframe computer cost, and he opened his mouth to say the price offered by IBM: "1000 million."

If this price cannot be achieved, he can add more, but not too much.

Support domestic production, but there must be a limit.

Professor Ciyun thought for a while, "That's enough. It's really not good. Some components can be removed from this Galaxy 1. But, can the 1 million be exchanged for foreign exchange? If it is exchanged according to the official exchange rate, it will be fine. Sure enough."

"The 1000 million cannot be exchanged for foreign exchange."


"I originally said dollars, $1000 million."

(End of this chapter)

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