Chapter 705 Harvest (1)

With the classmate relationship between Lao Li and Lao Zhou, everyone already has an honor to invite them. If they want to strengthen cooperation, it is not difficult.

There is no competitive relationship between everyone, and there is basically no conflict of interest.

Moreover, which school can refuse to cooperate with Capital University?

The National University of Defense Technology is very excited about cooperating with Shen Guanglin Laboratory of Beijing University. They not only want to cooperate in the field of computer science, but also want to participate in the field of biology.

For them, biological weapons are very powerful. This is a brand new subject. Professor Shen is probably the most insightful in this field.

Shen Guanglin suddenly had a feeling of shooting himself in the foot with a rock.

It is no problem to cooperate in the computer field, but in the biological field, Shen Guanglin has concerns.

After all, in the case of the Human Genome Project, where was it funded?
Citigroup's Department of Energy, Pfizer, Chartered Ship King, Shen Guanglin himself, Michael Jackson.

The National University of Defense Technology is the highest institution of military academies in China. In the future, it will be the only key military academy in the country with an outstanding status.

However, the funding structure of the Human Genome Project is so complicated. If the National University of Defense Technology joins in, it will be a honeymoon period between China and the West in the past few years, and everyone will not mind.

But what about in a few years?

What about 90 years later?

Shen Guanglin remembers that a foreign student going to a certain country was rejected because he had participated in military training in China.

Just imagine, which university in Huaxia has students who have not participated in military training?
However, if Shen Guanglin's laboratory wants to develop well at this stage, it is always good to have fewer excuses.

Shen Guanglin still wants to travel all over the world in the next few years, he doesn't want his freedom to be restricted by others.

However, hospitality is hard to come by, Shen Guanglin didn't pick up on biological cooperation, but said, since you want to know more about biological and genetic weapons, then Shen can stay here for a few more days.

After all, the food in Shacheng is delicious, and the beauties in Shacheng are also good-looking, so why go back in a hurry.

Things are basically settled here, and everyone has taken the lead in reaching a cooperation in the computer field.

Speaking of which, Yinhe No. [-] is the treasure of the National University of Defense Technology, as long as it is not touched, dismantled, or damaged, then there will be no big problem.

Since Shen Guanglin said that there is 1000 million US dollars that can be used at will, there is no shortage of money at all, not to mention building a new supercomputer, or building two supercomputers is enough.

Professor Cai Yun also said that their first-generation computers were assembled by themselves after buying components. This is not difficult, but how to program is difficult.

And programming is also the dominant major of the National University of Defense Technology, and even some weapon control systems are programmed by themselves, but if they talk too much, it will be classified.

Shen Guanglin has always kept a respectful distance from things involving secrets, which is why Shen Guanglin suddenly changed his mind and no longer mentioned aerospace.

Because, in this field, there are many secret-related things.

Even without Shen Guanglin, the domestic aerospace industry can still develop very well.

Shen Guanglin said one more word, saying that he might not be able to put himself in it. If he loses his personal freedom at that time, why bother, why bother.

Shen Guanglin is a bohemian and freedom-loving person. At the beginning, he rejected Lao Li and did not want to continue to develop modern weapons because he was afraid that he would fall into the circle of secrecy and would not be able to get out.

Moreover, Shen Guanglin has earned so much money, but he hasn't spent it yet.

Shen Guanglin has made money all these years in a secret way, and until now he dare not admit that the Great Wall Group belongs to someone like Shen.

Now, the country's policy is to allow some people to get rich first, and everyone is desperately pursuing wealth.

However, around 1990, there will be another wave of market fluctuations, and some of the people who got rich first will suffer additional blows at that time.

Be careful to make the ten thousand year ship.

Now, the physical distance has become the biggest obstacle to the cooperation between the two schools.

One school is in Beijing, and the other is in Shacheng. Although it is not too far away, it is still nearly [-] kilometers away.

It is impossible to relocate the project team of Shen Guanglin's laboratory to Shacheng. Although this is Shanshuizhou City, the hometown of great men, the capital is the best place after all, and its influence is even wider.

Therefore, the National University of Defense Technology can only accommodate the location of Shen Guanglin's laboratory.

Shen Guanglin also agreed to set up a brand new project team and find a place for the project team in Zhongguancun. In the future, it is impossible to say that computers will develop greatly in the capital.

In the next few days, Shen Guanglin continued to give lectures, all of which he talked about were genetic engineering and the Human Genome Project.

During this period, he also made a special trip to the Agricultural University, because there is a person he admires very much here, the father of hybrid rice - Mr. Yuan.

Don’t really think that there are no genetically modified rice in China, as “Huahui No. 1” and “Bt Shanyou 63” are among the domestically developed genetically modified rice varieties.

In fact, rice transgenic technology has made a breakthrough in the 20s. People introduced foreign genes into rice through the protoplast system, and developed direct transformation methods, PEG-mediated methods, electro-shock methods and liposome-mediated methods. Rice gene transformation methods such as the guide method.

Of course, the focus of Shen Guanglin's coming to the Agricultural University was not to promote genetically modified rice. He simply wanted to see this old man who had dedicated his life to the country.

Shen Guanglin also gave a class at the Agricultural University, not about insect-resistant cotton, but about the treatment of leukemia.

Talking about a major they are not familiar with in front of professional people will make you appear professional.

Moreover, Shen Guanglin also found that in the process of telling the story, his knowledge has also been broadened, and many new ideas have been generated, and the whole person has improved.

Once, an education expert advocated this kind of education method very much. Through lectures among students, learning efficiency can be improved and success rate can be increased.

Shen Guanglin's understanding of genetic technology is on the one hand, his assistants prepared materials and handouts for him on the other hand, and what he gained in the process of narrating is another.

Speaking of which, Shen Guanglin's lesson plans and lecture notes were not prepared by Shen Guanglin himself, but were provided by his students and his assistants for him. There are inevitably some fallacies in it. Shen Guanglin discovered these fallacies during the lecture. A whole new kind of learning.

With the deepening of the lectures, Shen Guanglin's understanding of biology and genes became clearer, and he even had more ideas about his future work arrangements.

It turns out that improvement is really mutual.

In this way, Shen Guanglin stayed in Shacheng for two full weeks.

In the past two weeks, he gave no less than 10 lectures, including 3 at the Agricultural University and 7 at the National University of Defense Technology. Both Shonan University and Xiangya Medical College invited him, but Shen Guanglin did not attend.

Free lectures for those who need to hear.

Lectures were held at the Agricultural University for the sake of Mr. Yuan's face, and lectures were held at the National University of Defense Technology to deepen their impression of genetic weapons.

Go to Xiangya Medical College to give lectures, for what, for young nurses?
Shen Guanglin's lectures were full. Students of this age don't really understand the pros and cons of the courses, but Shen Guanglin's courses always make it difficult for them to sleep.

In terms of teaching, Shen Guanglin is also a veteran. In an ordinary class, he can give a lively and humorous lecture, even comparable to a lecturer named Zhang Xuefeng in later generations.

Shen Guanglin is well-informed, and casually recounting a little bit of knowledge is a novelty that everyone has never seen.

Originally, Shen Guanglin's courses were not famous for their wit and humor, but with the increase of teaching experience, his ability to control the classroom has become stronger and stronger. In later generations, this ability is also called PUA.

However, some students were so engrossed in listening that they forgot to take notes. When they looked up, their teachers and teachers were writing and taking notes neatly. Then they were suddenly shocked and felt that they had wasted their time. .

(End of this chapter)

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