Chapter 71
When Shen Guanglin came to the venue, Professor Charlie was already waiting for him.

There are not many experts and scholars attracted today. After all, no one knows the strength and level of scholars from mysterious eastern countries.

Seeing how fierce Professor Charlie boasted, everyone was still dubious.

They have always known that Citigroup people like to exaggerate their words, and they are always: "great", "amazing" and "Unbelievable".

There are quite a few friends and relatives who cheered Shen Guanglin today, led by Vice Principal Liu, and not a single member of the domestic exchange group.

Come on, Mr. Shen.

Whether they are sincere or fake, I don't know.

There are not many people in this theoretical physics exchange meeting, but in fact there are people from various countries.

There are also some Asian faces, looking at their walking posture, with a pair of round legs, you don't have to think about it, you know that they must be from the country, otherwise they will definitely not be so stylish.

It is also a scholar from Asia. The most indispensable thing for people in the country of feet is politeness. Every time they bend down and bow at 90 degrees, it really makes people sigh that they are really good at being human.

At present, the leader of a group of people in the field of physics in Jiaopan is called "Amarang", and he also came to the scene.

From 1955 to 1965, the Arimaran people carried out good and fruitful research on the magnetic moment, pseudospin, and group effect in the nucleus.

Moreover, he also proposed the interaction boson model theory.

In fact, this model theory is very similar to what Shen Guanglin is going to talk about today, but Shen Guang's point of view is more complete.

Those who study theoretical physics in later generations know that the interaction boson model theory is an important basis for the theory of nuclear structure, and the Marang people have also been nominated for the Nobel Prize twice by virtue of it.

Shen Guanglin reiterated that this is not groundbreaking work, it can only be continued research.

The theoretical physics of the foot basin country is also very powerful in the world. There are several Nobel Prizes. The last foot basin scientist who won the Nobel Prize in theoretical physics is called Tonaga Zhenichiro.

Now, Tonaga Zhenichiro has passed away, and the Marang people have become the physics leader of the Jiaopan country, and his international reputation and status are also very high.

The achievements made by a group of people at Jingcheng University are indeed inferior to others, which is also helpless.

Discrimination in academia is often blatant without any cover up.

"I heard that the first report was made by people on your side giving a speech. Who is the professor? What is the subject? Why?"

The Marang man did not ask questions, but his students did, and the representative's meaning was self-evident. It is disgraceful that you got the seat for this report, because none of the Marang man has won this seat.

The professors at Jingcheng University looked at each other, embarrassed to say that it was not him who gave the report but Mr. Shen Guanglin, who was just a doctoral student.

Shen Guanglin was waiting in the backstage at this time. No one from Jingcheng University helped him to answer, but Professor Charlie answered:

"It's Shen! Guanglin-Shen! He is the most outstanding and promising physicist of our time. He can match or even surpass Professor Feynman. No one can cover his brilliance. I just did a little work ahead of time. Just showing his talent to the world."

Professor Charlie has become Shen Guanglin's brainless fan.

These days, he often finds Shen Guanglin to exchange and chat with him about his learning experience.

Speaking of how the reports of those on the stage were, Shen Guanglin was also afraid of revealing his cowardice, and he said almost all the problems in their reports.

Professor Charlie felt that it was reasonable after checking, but he admired Shen Guanglin even more.

Why is Shen so talented?I love you to death!
"Who is Shen Guanglin?"

"Has China produced another genius physicist?"

The people of the footpan country obviously don't believe it. Their country has several physics Nobel Prizes, and the Huaxia country has not yet.

However, because Professor Charlie is playing at home, and his school, UCLA, is also a very good school, it is not easy to raise more excessive doubts in person, so he secretly decided to give Shen Guanglin a good look later.

A total of 100 copies of Shen Guanglin's papers were printed and placed at the entrance of the conference hall. Everyone just held them in their hands and hadn't read them seriously.

After a while, I will take a closer look and ask some good questions.

Shen Guanglin and the host have finished communicating in the background, and they are ready to appear.

Saw Professor Charlie arguing with a bunch of Asian-looking people and came over to say hi.

When he came over, he happened to hear a scholar from Footpan Country asking, "Who is Shen Guanglin?"

"it is me!"

Shen Guanglin was expressionless.

What a young reporter!
When everyone saw that Shen Guanglin, who was about to give a report, turned out to be such a young, handsome and handsome person, they felt a little incredible.

Shen Guanglin is not an "idol", and the scholars attending the conference are not the kind of brain-damaged fans who "looks like justice".

There is nothing wrong with being good-looking, but so young, still so good-looking, and able to give a keynote speech at such a high-level academic conference, is it common?
See more.

Every genius physicist became famous at such a young age.

Late bloomers are almost non-existent in physics.

That's a school ruffian.

"It is said that the relationship between China and the United States is very good now. Have you made any transactions?"

They still don't believe that there are such awesome characters in Huaxia Kingdom.

Charlie shouted angrily: "NO!"

Shen Guanglin also temporarily changed the title of the thesis, which seemed to be crazy: what is the most powerful standard model.

What an arrogant topic!Good topical argument.

This kind of topic is equivalent to: a black friend from Congo, Africa, tells the Chinese people how to play table tennis.

Not only that, but they also gave an example of the scientific basis for how table tennis should be played, and it looked pretty decent.

They specifically studied the mass, volume, and material of the table tennis ball, and then analyzed how to make the table tennis ball move to avoid the visual capture of the human eye according to the principles of aerodynamics.


For the standard model of quantum mechanics, does Huaxia also have strong researchers?

Probably yes, after all, they have also researched that atomic bombs and hydrogen bombs are not, let's see how Shen plays.

The international impression of Huaxia Kingdom is that everything is ancient.

It has an ancient history, and the leaders are of a very large grade. Even the researchers in the school are not young.

Suddenly such a young scholar jumped out, everyone was surprised and at the same time felt a little weird.

In fact, in the field of physics, there are not too many examples of young people becoming famous, and even many scholars can stand up and say that I was better than him back then.

It's time to speak!

Shen Guanglin first showed a confident smile, and then blew a kiss with Li Li, and then opened the handout unhurriedly.

Wow, so envious!

Shen Guanglin cleared his throat:

"I heard that when giving a speech at Citiland, no matter how serious the occasion is, as a rule, you will start by telling a joke. Do as the locals do, so let me tell you one."

Many people came to listen to Shen Guanglin's speech today, not only scholars, but also reporters and students.

In this theoretical physics academic exchange, Shen Guanglin is the youngest keynote speaker. If there is no support, the ghost will not believe it.

But he used such an arrogant topic, it should be somewhat level.

There are not many universities in Los Angeles. In addition to the University of California, Los Angeles, there are some famous universities such as California Institute of Technology and University of Southern California. They mobilized people and easily filled a small lecture hall.

"Hello everyone, My name is shen, But most of you, My name is known as 'who?'.

Shen Guanglin mentioned that the people in the footpan country were questioning who he was.

"oh, 'Hu' is actually my mother 's maiden name , Some chinese follow their mother's surname, I am! you are right!"

The audience finally burst into laughter.

The translation of Shen Guanglin's words is: Hello everyone, my surname is Shen, but to you, who am I? (In English, "Who" and "Hu" are the same pronunciation), and "Hu" happens to be my mother's maiden name, some Chinese people can follow their mother's surname, I am, you guessed it!

This joke told by Shen Guanglin can be understood by both China and the West, especially those who have some understanding of the cultural background of both sides, they will think it is a good joke.

Shen Guanglin expressed "who is he" in a self-deprecating form.

This also gives the audience with these ideas a basic concept, and really can't judge people by their appearance.

Next is the normal speech.

Shen Guanglin felt that if he wanted to be a blockbuster, the middle way was not advisable.

He left Li Li with him last night and was busy alone in the middle of the night, just to be able to further improve his thesis and speech.

At this moment, Shen Guanglin found the familiar feeling of working with the boss.

He was full of emotion, and when he stated his views, he also scolded other people's views for a while, and most of the arguments he chose were errors and omissions in the content of the speeches of those scholars in the past two days.

Really slaughtered everyone.

Shen Guanglin's behavior, in addition to making Professor Charlie and others happy, many other people who listened to the lecture felt like they were sitting on pins and needles.

The more advanced the scholar is, the more serious his expression becomes.

What a sharp speaker!
For them, Shen Guanglin's point of view may not be correct. He stepped on the top of the people, maybe just to pave the way to become famous in one fell swoop.

However, these scholars are still a little uncomfortable when they think that they are the stepping stones for others.

What's even more uncomfortable is that Shen's paper does not seem to have been written in a hurry.

Any argument has reason, reasoning, and calculation.

Everyone is knowledgeable, and once Shen Guanglin's point of view is released, at least everyone thinks it is very reasonable on the surface.

Next, it was time for Shen Guanglin to put forward his point of view. He scolded so many people and said that they were not good enough, and it was time to show his achievements.

Theoretical physicists basically live by predictions. No matter how good their reasoning is, they do not rely on facts as a basis, and everything is false.

Prediction is a major judgment made by scientists on the future development of science and technology.

Shen Guanglin also made many predictions in his thesis.For example, at the outset he predicted the prerequisites for the experimental discovery of the W and Z bosons.

He knew that this prophecy would soon be verified.

Because, even without him, the W and Z bosons would have been discovered by other laboratories in 1981.

In fact, as early as 1973, Salam and Weinberg proposed these two bosons, and they won last year's Nobel Prize for this.

However, the verification ideas and methods proposed by Shen Guanglin are indeed reasonable and very feasible under the existing experimental conditions.

It's just that, with such a creative idea, why didn't he verify it himself.

Shen Guanglin said, "I think so too, but unfortunately the conditions don't allow it.

He has no money.

(End of this chapter)

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