Chapter 70 The Second Day

Not only did Shen Guanglin and Li Li not go to listen to the report, but also the rest of the exchange group did not go, and everyone went out to play together.

Li Li also wanted to go to play, Shen Guanglin said that we should not go.

It's not that he doesn't want to go, but that he knows that Bai Bing is about to "run away", so there is no need to talk about it by himself.

At least, they can't make low-level mistakes.

In this way, Shen Guanglin took Li Li to "listen" to the lecture and went with a camera.

They truthfully recorded which professors in which countries were talking about which topics.

And then, they slipped away.

In this way, they cannot be counted in the domestic review of the post-autumn accounts.

This is the responsibility of the head of the group, Vice President Liu. Bai Bing was brought over by him. She is not from Jingcheng University, why can she join the exchange group?

Shen Guanglin had never been to Los Angeles before. He mainly worked on the East Coast, and he went to New York a lot, and rarely came to the West Coast.

The Staples Center where they are located is not far from Macy's.

Then go there for a stroll.

Los Angeles is a tourist city, especially suitable for self-driving. It is not far from Hollywood and Las Vegas, but unfortunately their itinerary is fixed, and I am afraid there is no time to go to these places.

Today is a more mobile day, tomorrow is the keynote speech, and then the whole conference agenda is over.

The day after tomorrow, there is still half a day for shopping and play, and then it is withdrawn to the country.

In the afternoon of the day after tomorrow, I will transfer back to Beijing from Los Angeles via Budapest.

The time for Bai Bing to leave the group is about to be free time in the morning the day after tomorrow. She has already planned the route of leaving the group, and Shen Guanglin has no plans to dismantle her.

Shen Guanglin and Li Li didn't take a taxi either, so they walked slowly according to the guide of the map, looked at the scenery along the street, and discussed the customs.

Even though Shen Guanglin, a half-American, did a lot of popular science work for her, Li Li was still very shocked.

There are many cars on the road, and the cars drive very fast.

The girls are also very unrestrained, walking down the street in shorts and suspenders.

Shen Guanglin told her that they were called hot pants.

It was quite hot, and the pubic bone was exposed.

Shen Guanglin felt that ordinary things were inconceivable in Li Li's eyes.

You can't wear this in the country.

"Brother Guanglin, how is the income here?"

"The income of a legitimate occupation is not bad, and it is definitely more than that in China, but their life is not very good. It is estimated that their economic peak will be a few years away. In the 90s, it should be the peak of their economic development. "

It was only after Shen Guanglin came to this era that he realized that Citigroup in this era was not very strong.

The skyrocketing oil price has caused Citi's economy to go backwards; the Vietnam War has just ended, and their wounds have not healed; and the Tehran embassy hostage incident has brought Citi's international image to the bottom.

The CCCP was aggressive at this time.

Just invaded Afghanistan at the end of last year, and now it is in full swing;

In this day and age, no one thinks the CCCP will collapse within ten years.

You must know that their military is still dominant, and their economic strength is about 2/3 of that of Citi. Even an ordinary worker has the opportunity to go to the Mediterranean for vacation. The income and welfare of the people are no worse than that of Citi.

Over the years, militarily, the CCCP was on the offensive and Citigroup was on the defensive;

Economically, the foot basin countries are also making rapid progress, they are on the offensive, and Citigroup is also on the defensive.

Now this country can really be said to be in turmoil from internal and external troubles.

Walk and walk, and Macy's is here.

Citigroup's shopping malls haven't changed much for decades. It looked very advanced in 80, and in 2020, it has become a bit outdated.

However, it is also irritating to say that the price of those luxury goods is at least twice as expensive in China as abroad, no matter which era is the same.

Shen Guanglin and Li Li don't have much money, but fortunately neither of them are people who pursue material things. It's good to have a stroll around.

"What exactly do you want to buy? I've been shopping for a long time, and I haven't bought anything." Shen Guanglin was tired from walking, and Li Li still looked energetic.

No matter how quiet a girl is, she is alive and kicking when she goes shopping.

Li Li looked around and whispered, "I told you, don't tell anyone else."

"Then don't say it."


What she wanted to buy was underwear, but she was too embarrassed to take Shen Guanglin with her.

What's the matter? Teacher Shen used to go to these places alone.

In this era, there are very few bras in China. Li Li usually wears more clothes inside, or wears a small vest made by herself.

What a big deal this is.

Shen Guanglin walked into the underwear store first, and directly asked the waiter which underwear was more suitable for Li Li.

The size of Europeans and Americans does not meet the needs of Asians. If you want to buy a close-fitting, design-oriented one, it is estimated that you have to go to the foot basin country.

However, Shen Guanglin was still dazzled by the choices, and he even had an idea for a small inner with a hollow pattern, and he must buy it for sister Li Li.

Next is Teacher Shen's teaching time.

"An earlier title for ancient underwear was "smearing clothes", and in the Han Dynasty, it was called belly-holding and heart-clothing, which was characterized by a bare back.

In the Wei and Jin Dynasties, it developed into "two dang", the difference is that it has a back piece, which can be used as both the chest and the back.

In the Tang Dynasty, underwear was very powerful, and there was a kind of underwear without shoulder straps, called "Hezi", because they liked to wear half-breasted skirts.

After the Song Dynasty, it took a step back, and the name was changed to "tube top".

The Yuan Dynasty was amazing. They called underwear acacia lapel, which was tied from the back to the front, with buttons and straps on the front, a bit like an old man's shirt.

During the Ming Dynasty, the name was changed again, and it was called "the main waist".

In the Qing Dynasty, the apron was developed, generally in the shape of a rhombus, the top was wrapped around the neck, the bottom was tied around the waist, and the bottom tip covered the navel.

In modern times, not many girls wear apron. Most of them wear a small vest similar to a vest, which can cover up embarrassment, but cannot be shaped to look tall and straight. "

Li Li is wearing a vest.

Shen Guanglin helped Li Li to buy some small underwear. Although Shen Guanglin didn't see how she tried it on, she said it fit, so it should be considered a fit.

If Shen Guanglin followed into the fitting room at this time, then it would not be Macy's, but Uniqlo.

After walking around the street for a while, neither of them bought those bulky things, basically watches, clothes and jewelry.

Shen Guanglin still has a good conscience, and he also bought a lot of things for the young lady Li Rong, because he has no other acquaintances, except the embroidered sister who shouts every day that she wants to marry to help her raise her baby.

After returning to the hotel, it is still early, and you can go to the roof to watch the sunset.

In this day and age, the sunset in Citiland is really beautiful.

People who watch the sunset are more beautiful.

Shen Guanglin, who returned to the hotel room, took out his speech and did his homework again.

There are two versions in total, one is the public version for the audience to read, only the outline, without those fancy jokes and language;

The other is a version with a few humorous stories, which is more close to the people.

Shen Guangli decided to make a big change, so as to be aggressive. After all, it is not easy to come to Citiland, and it is even more difficult to make a blockbuster.

Shen Guanglin put down Wenrou Township and Hero Tomb, and prepared the lesson until midnight, and the lecture notes were almost recited.

The road to fame, here I come!

(End of this chapter)

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