Start with a college teacher

Chapter 77 Chapter Family

Chapter 77
This business trip, plus the delay on the road back and forth, is about a week before and after.

Returning to the capital again, Shen Guanglin always had a feeling as if he had passed away.

After leaving the airport, the group took the commuter bus back to the school.

The world is hot and the vice-principal Liu, whose face is gray, still can't affect everyone's elated mood.

I haven't seen Miss Li Rong for a long time, and there is also the cute but broken-mouthed sister Embroidery, the greedy but not annoying classmate Song Xiaoyu, and the black-bellied and capable Shunzi...

Eh, Su Youpeng also asked Shen Guanglin to take care of Chai Jing, but he never went to her.

My Hu Hansan is back with TMD again!
On the day Shen Guanglin returned to Beijing, Sister Embroidery went to work. The so-called advanced study was actually studying while working, and even the nature of work was heavier than study.

There is only Miss Li Rong left at home. She has completely quit her job and is preparing for the exam with all her strength.

There are not many days left before the college entrance examination, and more efforts are required.

Of course, as Teacher Shen said, learning should pay attention to the combination of work and rest.

Besides, there is also Mr. Li who is at home, and he can read no matter how bad he is in the test.

Li Rong loves to study, but also love to work.

How to sing a song:

I go to school and am not late every day.

Love to learn, love to work.

When you grow up, you have to do credit for the people.

So, when Shen Guanglin came back, Li Rong was working hard, she was watering the vegetables, she really deserved credit.

The vegetables in the vegetable garden are growing very well, and I can't finish eating eggplant and beans.

The pot water was used for watering the vegetables. In fact, the best water was the water produced by another creature, but she felt that the water was not clean, so she refused to use it.

Bang bang bang, someone knocked on the door outside.

Li Rong dropped the bucket and put down the scoop, stood up and went to open the door.

I go!

"Shen Guanglin, you are back!"

Shen Guanglin was standing at the gate, empty-handed, but full of energy.

With a toad mirror on his face, he was wearing a T-shirt and jeans, and he was dressed the same as when he left.

His clothes were originally bought in Xiangjiang, and they were already fashionable enough. They were definitely more foreign than the "really good" long white shirts that were uniformly sewn at the school.

This time I came back from Citi, I didn't buy anything, but I still packed a lot of small bags.

That's it, there are still a lot of things that I haven't picked up in the Friendship Store.

The benefit of those who go abroad is that they can put things in the Friendship Store, and as long as they have them, they can take them directly first.

Li Rong looked at Shen Guanglin, Shen Guanglin looked at Li Rong, and fell into speechless silence for a while.

There is a sentence how to write: "Holding hands and looking at tears, I was speechless and choked."

It seems that Liu Yong wrote the parting, we are reuniting.

"What are you still doing, don't hurry up and help me move things."

It turned out that Shen Guanglin still brought something back. He rode a bicycle, and the luggage on it was full of luggage.

"Also, I'm starving to death. I haven't had a serious meal for a long time. You can cook quickly. I want to eat braised pork. The meat should be thick and fine."

Shen Guanglin walked in while talking, without taking any luggage, he entered the door empty-handed.

At a glance, he saw his recliner sitting in the hallway, waiting to be summoned.

Seeing cucumbers growing on the melon stand along the way, Shen Guanglin didn't mind whether it was clean or not, so he picked a burr and stuffed it into his mouth, and then swayed on the reclining chair for a few more times, feeling comfortable.

Li Rong helped him to bring all his luggage into the door, and parked the bicycle again, and then washed his hands and prepared to help him cook: "What else do you want to eat, finish it in one breath, don't wait for me to finish it. You don't have enough food."

It took only a few words to enter the door, and the familiar feeling between the two returned.

"Garlic prawns, steamed hoofs." Shen Guanglin added two more hard vegetables.

"Isn't this Lily's favorite dish? She didn't come here again. What are you ordering this for?" Hoochi said, it's not easy to buy prawns.

"She's here. She's right behind her. She'll be there in a while. I came here with my luggage in advance." Shen Guanglin felt that he had worked hard, and left sister Li Li behind.

"Why don't you go with her?"

"There is too much luggage, and pushing it is more tiring than riding a bicycle."

"Then where is her luggage? You don't know how to get it for others." Li Rong scolded Shen Guanglin angrily. She had checked all the items at the port where she was carrying, except for a suitcase with a password. , the rest are gifts.

"Of course her luggage! It's also inside. I brought it with me." Shen Guanglin still didn't know what Li Rong meant by this.

"You said her luggage was in the pile of things just now?"


Li Rong felt a chill in her heart: "Isn't there only one suitcase? The other things don't seem to be luggage at all. That's a gift you bought."

"On a hot day, how much luggage can I have? Isn't it all packed together." Shen Guanglin looked indifferent. "Some of those gifts are also bought for you. I'll give them to you later. Anyway, I'll choose them closely."

Hearing this, Li Rong didn't feel very happy.

She didn't know what was going on, but her heart throbbed, like a myocardial infarction, or someone pulled her hard, it hurt!

But she still asked in a calm tone: "Did you live together when you went abroad for an inspection this time?"

"Of course, the funds are limited. This is not to save money and bring more things back. Don't talk about these useless things, hurry up and order the whole food, I'm starving to death."

Li Rong went out the door, holding back her breath, took a few steps, rushed into her room, closed the door, and burst into tears.

The soundproofing of the room is good enough. Shen Guanglin was changing clothes and taking a bath, but he didn't hear it.

Of course, he said these words to Li Rong on purpose, just to make her retreat.

Li Rong was originally a girl with an outgoing personality, but suddenly she felt that her things were taken away, and it was her sister who took it.

It's really sad.

Don't cry.

Wait for my sister to come too.

Let's go shopping.

Li Rong packed up her emotions, took out the bamboo basket for shopping, pushed the bicycle that Shen Guanglin was riding, and hurried out.

Garlic prawns, steamed hooves, you know how to eat them.

The sun is very strong outside, the sun is dazzling, the eyes can not adapt to the strong light outside, and tears flow out.

This wind is also annoying, a little sour nose.

When Shen Guanglin came out of the bathroom, Li Li and Li Rong were not at home, and they were a little bored by themselves, so they just lay down on the bed and squinted for a while, to avoid the jet lag by the way.

When I woke up again, the meal was ready, and the two sisters were whispering there.

The little sister's mood has obviously become good. She has learned from her sister that there is no indescribable relationship between the two, and the net will deceive.

The food is very rich, there are hoofs, but there are no prawns, there is also a big bowl of braised pork, plus scrambled eggs with chives, loofah soup, fried eggplant and beans with potatoes, eat it.

The next day, everyone who arrived at the school began to debrief, and Bai Bing's departure was really serious.

Everyone was called to have a talk, and there was no need for everyone to collude to confess. They agreed that it was Vice-Principal Liu who was showing favoritism and that he cooperated with Bai Bing to do all this.

Of course, the school is still friendly. Principal Liu can't do it, but it's still possible to be a teacher Liu. Ditan Middle School lacks a physics teacher, and Teacher Liu used to teach just right.

(End of this chapter)

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