Start with a college teacher

Chapter 78 Chapter 77

Chapter 78 No.70
"Oh, it's finally time for you, dear teacher Shen."

Shen Guanglin went to the Friendship Store to pick up the things he had checked in from Citi, but was blocked by Chai Jing.

"I didn't avoid you, I just came to find you." Shen Guanglin didn't have much disgust for Chai Jing, and people who thought of changing their fate with their own efforts were respectable.

At least it shouldn't be laughed at.

"Let's go sit over there, I also have something to talk to you about." Shen Guanglin and Chai Jing sat on the marble beside the flower bed outside the Friendship Store. There are many people looking forward.

In summer, sitting on it is quite comfortable.

Shen Guanglin came to her not only to get back the big-ticket items he bought, but also to discuss something with her.

Su Youpeng called. The garment factory was on the right track. He felt that it was inappropriate for him to manage these female workers. He asked Shen Guanglin if there was a suitable candidate, preferably a lesbian.

Who was suitable in the past?

Where is the talent in Teacher Shen's pocket?

He could only come to Chai Jing to see if she was in the mood to reunite with the "adulter".

Chai Jing was very happy to hear it. After all, Shencheng was the closest place to Xiangjiang. It was much more interesting to go directly to manage a large factory than to go to work.

"No regrets?"

"No regrets!"

Su Youpeng has been to Shencheng for a long time, and he has no time to come back. Now the phone bill is also expensive.

Chai Jing said that the two of them haven't communicated much recently. She wrote to him, maybe he was too busy and didn't reply much.

What is the real situation?

Where does Boss Su have time to come back to this, he is busy.

The spring breeze of reform and opening up brings hope, as well as flies and mosquitoes.

Some men go to sea to make money; some women go to sea to make money.

Su Youpeng and Erlen should not be too excited to play in the sea, they have long forgotten that they have a "friendship" in the capital.

The new factory in Shencheng is being constructed in an orderly manner, and the old factory has not been demolished, and production is still being maintained.

Su Youpeng manages three things by himself, and he really can't get it out.

After all, making money from supply sources cannot be given up, and factory construction must also be watched.

Let Chai Jing manage production in the past. She is learning foreign languages. If she is engaged in clothing, she can communicate even if she goes to Hong Kong, and she can also do external sales in the future.

Not sure, she will become a strong woman in the future.

In fact, Shen Guanglin wanted Su Youpeng to come back a little bit, because he lacked a useful dog's leg beside him.

Su Youpeng had been away from the capital for a long time, and Shunzi gradually became the number one person. Shen Guanglin felt a little uneasy.

Shunzi is too hostile, and his methods are ruthless, far less steady than Su Youpeng.

According to Sunja's character, something will happen sooner or later.

They have been making a lot of money recently, and Shunzi feels that he has become the No. [-] figure. He has a group of younger brothers, and he has a lot of money in his hands.

As various materials and resources were continuously transported from Shencheng and Yangcheng, their bulk cargo channels became stronger and stronger, and the money in their hands became more and more, and Shen Guanglin became more and more uneasy.

In this era, being rich is really an original sin. If you don't have a foundation, you might be caught and given to Tutu.

Moreover, there are too many "dirty people" under Shunzi. Street gangsters, second-rate children, unemployed youths, and all kinds of people are all working for him.

Now the business is getting bigger and bigger, and even, in order to grab the territory, he also raised a gang of thugs.

Shen Guanglin felt more and more that he couldn't subdue him anymore. If he really couldn't, let's call Su Youpeng back. Shunzi is too good at socializing, and he won't be able to jump around for a few years.

Chai Jing really decided to resign without any hesitation.

In this day and age, very few people have the courage to resign.

Especially in such a good state-owned unit as Friendship Store, that is the dream job of many people. Chai Jing resigned when she resigned.

Come on, let's go to Deep City!There is a wider world there.

Chai Jing received Teacher Shen's decree, bought the ticket and set off without anyone sending it or picking it up.

She just needs a chance to prove herself.

When watching movies or novels, when narrating the plot, I like to use a word, called: "One wave has not settled and another has risen."

This sentence comes from Liu Yuxi's "Waves Washing the Sand": "The running water and the sand are not suspended, and the first wave is not extinguished and then the wave is born."

It is a metaphor for things to go through many twists and turns. One problem has not been solved, and another problem has occurred again.

This is not the end of Shunzi and Chai Jing's affairs, and something happened again in the class.

This time it was not someone else who had an accident, but the students in his class.

What can happen to students?

In addition to school is emotional.

There is a classmate named Zhang Nan in his class. He was born in an educated youth and has been in the countryside for several years. He has already married and started a family.

Later, in 1976, the country resumed the college entrance examination, and he also began to review his homework.

Because the previous years were really abandoned and the foundation was too poor, it was very stressful to review.

But he is smarter and more ruthless. In addition, his wife is more supportive. He won't let him do any work, just hope that his husband will become a dragon.

The people who fought against the water are really powerful. Zhang Nan insisted on starting from scratch in the first year of high school. By last year, he decisively was admitted to Jingcheng University.

In this era, there are not a few older married young people going to college, and Zhang Nan is one of them.

As mentioned earlier, Zhang Nan married a wife when he went to the countryside.

Of course, it's not accurate to say "marry", and I didn't get a marriage certificate, but this is a "de facto marriage", and they have children. After all, they have lived together for several years.

But since Zhang Nan went to study in Beijing last year, he has lost contact with his family.

My wife waited at home for a whole year without sending a dime or writing a letter.

Now, when his wife came to the school, Zhang Nan was hiding, saying that he wanted to pursue free love, and he no longer had a common language with the old country woman.

The year Zhang Nan was an educated youth was in 1971. He had just graduated from junior high school less than a year ago and was only 1 years old.

The place he went to was the poplar forest in Zhangjiakou area.

The capital at that time was underdeveloped, but when Zhang Nan came to Yangshulin, he clearly felt the gap between the city and the countryside.

He really wants to go back, but the policy is here, and he can't go back.

Later, when assigning work, because Zhang Nan was small and thin, his production team leader assigned him a light job of tending sheep.

But even herding sheep is very difficult because of the cold.

Although the winter in Beijing is also cold, it is not as cold as the cold wind in Zhangjiakou.

No wonder the Winter Olympics are being held. It's cold and the temperature is low.

When Zhang Nan was herding sheep, she met a little friend named Lai Hongmei, who was also a sheep herder in the production team.

Lai Hongmei is good-looking, and her smile seems to be as bright and flamboyant as spring, which is too eye-catching.

She also took away the eyes of Zhang Nan, who always wanted to go back to the city, but was barren and only accompanied by sheep every day.

The two were together, and then something happened.

Don't do too much of this kind of thing in the 80s.

The educated youth had no time to return to the city, so they had no choice but to marry wives in the countryside or in the village.

Later, when they were able to return to the city, they made a cut with the past.

Whether it is a young man or a young woman, there are many episodes of abandoning their wives and children or their husbands and children.

In order to have a better life, what if I did Chen Shimei.

Li Li told Shen Guanglin about this.

The girls are soft-hearted and can't see such a thing happening around them. They have already taken care of the mother and daughter for several meals.

When Shen Guanglin saw them, they were in the school cafeteria, and they were both young.

My mother is in her early twenties, with a beautiful face. If she is not holding a child, she will not be able to tell that she is a mother.

The child is a girl, about five or six years old, with big eyes, poor nutrition, short and yellow hair, and dirty body.

With just one glance, Teacher Shen's sympathy came, and it was definitely not because her mother and two were good-looking.

"Brother Guanglin, they are so pitiful. They have been laying floors at school for a few days. Fortunately, it is summer. If it is winter, something might happen." Although Li Li is usually cold-hearted, she is not a person without kindness.

"Then what do you say?" Shen Guanglin had no experience in dealing with such a situation for the first time.

"Can we let them live with us temporarily? I don't think it's convenient for them to take a bath. I don't think they have much to change clothes."

"Are you going to arrange for them?"

"Wrap it on me!" Li Li patted her chest, looking full of confidence.

"Don't take it, it's not big. Don't take it away."

(End of this chapter)

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