Chapter 79

This matter cannot be delayed. Shen Guanglin wanted to find Zhang Nan, but naturally he couldn't find it.

Just ask the monitor and other students in the class to find it, where else can he hide.

Li Li took the girl to Shen Guanglin's dormitory to take a bath, while Shen Guanglin was writing a lesson plan in the office.

Zhang Nan came in.

Tall and thin, he can't be called handsome, but he will definitely be a bad old man with good looks after many years.

Of course, Teacher Shen did not condemn him from the moral high ground.

After all, life is lived by oneself, outsiders have no right to interfere, and Zhang Nan is older than Teacher Shen.

However, since Li Li took this hot potato, he couldn't ignore it: "Student Zhang Nan, what do you think about Lai Hongmei?"

"Mr. Shen, she has found the academy? You... don't worry about this matter, I can't go back. It's not my human face and beastly heart, but during the time I arrived in the capital, I feel more and more that the former me is not the real me, that's not me. The life I want."

Zhang Nan really didn't want to be with that illiterate woman, and there was no common language at all.

She studied at Beijing University and wrote romantic poems; she farmed sheep every day, and said the words of "Sao Hu" breeding.

"Then what do you think? You hide in this way, and if you pass it on to the school, you will be punished. I don't think it will be included in the file, which will affect the assignment of work."

What Shen Guanglin said was not to scare him, but it was really so serious.

Zhang Nan was really scared.

"I'm a little sorry for her, but I can't help it. I only have 25 yuan with me. I can give it all to her. Can you let her go back?"

"I don't care what I said. I'm not your master. If you have something to say, tell her directly." Teacher Shen felt that this was his respect for the students, and he did not interfere with his family life.

"I just hide from her because I can't face her. If I want to give her money every month, I can't get it, so I can't help it."

Teacher Shen was a little angry, "What about the child with your attitude?"

"Everyone speaks to the children. It was a mistake to have children in the first place. I am still studying, so I definitely can't bring the children with me."

Shen Guanglin felt that he was just watching a movie, watching how a scumbag defended himself. Even, he felt that he was not a scumbag, but a scumbag.

"What exactly do you want?"

"I want a divorce, does she agree?"

"How do I know, it's up to you to talk about it yourself! But if you do this, let alone now, even in ancient times, it violated the ancient moral code of "seven out and three out"."

Shen Guanglin is currently studying Tang Law, and he is very interested in this.

According to Tang law, "seven out" are the seven reasons for divorce.

In order, they are: one childless, two promiscuous, three unrelated uncles and aunts, four tongue-tied, five stealing, six jealousy, and seven evil diseases.

The corresponding "three not to go" are the three major reasons for not divorce.

It can be expressed as: first, after the funeral of Chi Chi's uncle and aunt; second, when the marriage is cheap, but later expensive; third, there is nothing to return to.

In Zhang Nan's situation, it can be considered that "the time of marriage is cheap and then expensive", and there is another word called "stop wife and marry again".

Of course, in the Tang Dynasty, there were also many romantic things about breaking up, such as the divorce agreement:

"I hope that after the separation of the wife and wife, I will re-comb the temples, sweep the Emei beautifully, show my slender posture, choose the master of high-ranking officials, play the shadow in front of the court, and follow the melody of the piano and the melody. Explain the grievances and knots, and don't look at each other. Hate; one is different and the other is wide, and each is happy."

I don't know if they are happy or not, but Lai Hongmei's eyes were red and swollen from crying when she arrived at Shen Guanglin's office.

Li Li was playing outside with the little girl, the husband and wife were talking, and Shen Guanglin was the witness.

Zhang Nan said he wanted a divorce, and she agreed calmly without asking him for the 25 yuan.

The process is simple and surprising.

She was so determined to come from the countryside, and what she wanted was such a simple sentence.

What she was after was a "report" he gave.

Now that "theory" came, she gave up.

Li Li came in with the little girl, but she was very angry, "How can you do this, Zhang Nan? She is your wife, this is your child, how can you be so cruel?"

Zhang Nan did not answer and left silently.

Endure a moment of infamy and be happy forever.

The path is chosen by oneself.

What should I do next?
It was definitely not suitable for the mother and daughter to live in Shen Guanglin's dormitory. Teacher Shen and Li Li took Lai Hongmei's wife back to their Fuyuanmen's home.

Even if they were to send them back to their hometown, they had to settle down and deal with them for a few days.

Everyone went all the way and said that Shen Guanglin also knew more about Lai Hongmei's "beautiful" love story.

Any relationship is sweet at the beginning. As for what form it will end in at the end, it is hard to say.

Zhang Nan and Lai Hongmei tended sheep together in the production team, and gradually became familiar with each other.

Seeing that Zhang Nan was thin and thin, Lai Hongmei often brought slag cakes and yellow cakes for him to eat, which Zhang Nan had never eaten before.

The slag cake is a traditional snack, and the scientific name is actually the rice cake; the yellow cake is somewhat similar to the food such as glutinous rice cake.

As an educated youth, the daily food and drink is a fixed amount. If you want to improve your life, you can only ask your family for money or ask someone at home to bring it.

Nowadays, it is also a kind of happiness to be able to eat the complementary food brought by Lai Hongmei.

Cannibalism is short, and in return, Zhang Nan will also teach Lai Hongmei how to read and do arithmetic.

One to two to go, love for a long time.

On a sunny summer day, the two explored each other's secrets on a hillside.

Then the two were together.

Lai Hongmei may think this kind of life is good, but Zhang Nan has been thinking about going back.

For the educated youth who cut the queue, life in the countryside is really hard, everything has to be self-reliant, and many people cannot survive without the support of their families.

Therefore, whenever there is an opportunity to return to the city, everyone wants to seize it.

In those days, there were only two ways to go back to the city, one, to be a soldier, and two, to study.

Zhang Nan's health is not good, and he has not passed the conscription for several years, so he can only stop this idea.

And if he wants to continue his studies, he still needs someone to recommend him. The problem is that if he is recommended, he will not come to the countryside.

If time goes on like this, maybe the two of them will really live a lifetime.

In fact, at the beginning, Lai Hongmei's parents did not agree with them being together. After all, how can a weak chicken who can't lift his shoulders can support a family.

But the simple and kind Lai Hongmei must be with him. After all, she gave him all her body, not anyone.

To this end, she even split up with her family and earned work points to support her family.

In the last three years, Zhang Nan was studying, and she worked in the fields while taking care of her children.

Finally, the husband is "promising", and the wife is "handled".

"Mr. Shen, classmate Li Li, I know you are good people. To be honest, I already knew what he was thinking, so I wanted to come and see, otherwise I would feel uneasy. Now that I know the result, I will give up."

"You won't do stupid things, right?" Li Li obviously read a lot of romance novels, so she likes to read them.

"How is that possible? I still have a child. Look how cute she is and how big her eyes are. Her name is Zhang Xiaoyao, the name he gave. Now it's good to have my last name." Hongmei wiped it with a cotton sleeve Eyes: "I chose to be good with him at the beginning, but my parents disagreed. It's a good thing to leave now, and their wish has been fulfilled."

There is a sad taste to this.

"Then what are your plans next?" Li Li was not an enthusiastic person, but she still shed tears with her.

"I plan to stay in the capital and not go back!"

"Before I came out, I had already exchanged all the work points for the production team, and sold all the food at home. The exchange was for money and national food stamps. I didn't plan to go back when I came out. People said that there is a shortage of senior officials in the capital. Nanny, sleep with me for a few nights, maybe I can stay and be a mistress. I don't know much, but I'm good-looking, and now I only have the looks."

This simply shattered Li Li's three views.

Just now I thought she was a strong and unyielding woman, but in a blink of an eye she figured out her own way of making a living.

(End of this chapter)

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