Start with a college teacher

Chapter 803 Chapter 836 Ritual

Chapter 803 The eighth thirty-sixth ceremony (2)

Faced with Shen Guanglin's unceremonious rebuttal, the uncle and aunt did not speak.

What position can they have to criticize and accuse Shen Guanglin?
Go home and beat your own son!

Shen Houdao hasn't studied hard recently, and always steps on the right foot when going out, it's time to fight!

Over the years, under the arrangement of Shen Guanglin, Shen Houdao successfully entered the university to study.

What my uncle thinks is that after Shen Houdao graduates from university, he will really grow up, and it will be difficult for us to continue fighting like this.

Uncle and aunt were taken care of by Li Rong when they were in the capital, so they have a pretty good relationship with Li Rong.

But after all, blood is thicker than water, and the relationship between them and Shen Guanglin is actually closer and better. There can be many nieces and daughters-in-law, but there is only one nephew.

Besides, Shen Guanglin couldn't even say that his son made a "bad start" in the matter of inheriting the family. After all, they are all 30 years old, so they should have a child.

Over the years, his uncle and aunt often asked Shen Guanglin when he was going to have a child, wouldn't he have one now?

Especially after hearing that this is Li Rong's younger sister, and that she is her own younger sister, the uncle and aunt immediately felt relieved.

We are all one family, what is the difference between you, me, and him? Sisters and sisters who give birth to children are not born, and the family is not short of food.

After all, my sister-in-law is also my brother-in-law's butt, what's wrong with giving birth to a child for my brother-in-law, what's wrong.

What's more, the dirty things that his son Shen Houdao did is really embarrassing, which is also the reason why uncles and the others don't want to go back to Jinling.

What an outrageous thing it is to have children before marriage in this day and age.

Shen Hou said that this bastard could do it.

It's fine to give birth to a son, but it's still a girl.

Fortunately, unmarried childbearing is not considered a superbirth. This is Xiangjiang, so there is no need to accept social adjustments, and naturally there is no need to separate the flesh and blood.

However, although the child was born, the two were not together.

The immature feelings of minors really cannot stand the test of time.

With the help of Shen Guanglin, the girl had the chance to become a resident of Xiangjiang, which can be regarded as a change of fate.

She has gone to university and has other ideas, so she has no plan to marry Shen Houdao again.

And Shen Houdao didn't think about marrying that girl anymore. He probably thought that he would have more opportunities to choose in the future, and he didn't want to hang himself on a tree.

The two families finally broke up peacefully, and the only bond left was the child.

The reason why Shen Guanglin didn't want to contact his uncle when he came to Xiangjiang was because he couldn't face this child and their whole family. Fortunately, this was a girl, otherwise he wondered if there would be some paradoxes in the scientific world.

Now, Shen Guanglin was going to deal with family affairs, so he decided to hand over the Great Wall Group's affairs and retire.

During this period of time, Wang Yang did a good job and brought great changes to Great Wall Clothing. These changes are positive and operable.

Shen Guanglin really planned to hand over the management of the Great Wall Group to him, and he would retire now, earlier than Jack Ma.

So, Shen Guanglin decided to hold a reception to announce the matter.

The first choice is the Ritz-Carlton Hotel again, which is already an old friend of Shen Guanglin.

As mentioned earlier, the Ritz-Carlton Hotel is one of Marriott's hotel chains, and as a super VIP customer of Marriott, Shen Guanglin's first choice for traveling around the world is Marriott or Marriott's sub-brands.

After all, the experience of staying in this hotel is still good.

Shen Guanglin's favorite thing to do is: I not only want to stay in your hotel, but also complain about you, and after the complaint is over, I will continue to stay.

He can't live, he doesn't have much room to choose, and their hotel even compensated Shen Guanglin with some good things when he made a mistake last time.

Shen is not a grudge, he forgave us.

As one of the most high-end five-star hotels in Xiangjiang, the Ritz-Carlton has always been extremely lively, but not today.

Today's situation is very special, because the entire hotel has been contracted by someone, and the contractor is Shen Guanglin.

When traditional high-end customers of some hotels want to check in, they find that there is no room at all.

Cover the audience!
Shen Guanglin wanted to express the great wall company's importance to Wang Yang in such a heroic way.

This is a sense of ritual, which is the same as that of conferring marquis and worshiping generals in ancient times.

This is Wang Yang's coronation ceremony as the CEO of Great Wall Group, and it must be taken seriously.

To this end, Great Wall Group sent invitations to the world.

Even Great Wall Group sent an invitation to Wanwan Plastics: I sincerely invite Mr. Wang to attend the listing ceremony of Great Wall Group and the inauguration ceremony of the president and CEO.

Great Wall Group?

Mr. Wang said that he still doesn't know what this company does.

But they have many overseas customers of Wanwan Plastic, and their settlement channel is Great Wall Bank.

Moreover, due to the high credit line given to them by Great Wall Bank, they are planning to go to Great Wall Bank for a loan, because they have always wanted to build a new production base, and it is estimated that they will need a lot of money.

Great Wall Group appoints a new president?

then go for it!

In order to show its importance, Wanwan Plastic sent Wang Yang's cousin Wang Yuan to come. This cousin was once Wang Yang's biggest competitor on the road to succession, but now Wang Yang has withdrawn voluntarily, and he has a higher stage.

During the recent period, Wang Yuan was full of ambition, what more could he ask for in his life.

As for who the new president of the Great Wall Group is, the outside world is blank.

Great Wall Group has always been very mysterious. Most people don't know who its real shareholders are. They only know that the most famous of this company is their chief scientist, Professor Shen Guanglin.

However, it is impossible for Shen Guanglin to serve as the CEO of Great Wall Group by himself. He is too busy and needs to spend more time on scientific research, so he may not have time to manage the company.

In fact, Shen Guanglin didn't have the ability to manage a company, especially a super large group company.

Invitations to the reception were sent out soon.

The reception held by Great Wall Company is much larger than the reception held by Wang An Computer last time.

Grades and players are completely different.

At this reception, almost all the big names from the Xiangjiang business community came.

Faced with such a grand scene, the entire security team of the hotel felt like they were facing a big enemy and walked on eggshells.

Now, all the famous people in Xiangjiang are gathered here, and they are honored to be able to participate in the appointment ceremony of the CEO of Great Wall Group.

If Xiao Zhang, who likes to joke with the rich, sends a few men to do it at this time, it will definitely be very rewarding.

(End of this chapter)

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