Start with a college teacher

Chapter 804 Taking office

Chapter 804 Take office (1)

In some people's perception, the rabbit must be lazy, the rich second generation must be prodigal, the official second generation must exercise power, and the star second generation must sell meat.
It seems that as long as I am willing to work hard, I will be better and more successful than them.

However, the truth is often frustrating. Although this does not meet the expectations of the public, it is so cruel.

The dragon begets the dragon, the phoenix begets the phoenix, and the son of a mouse can make holes. In reality, most second generations are richer, smarter, and harder than you.

This is what Liu encountered. Wang Yang's family is richer than him, and Wang Yang is smarter and harder than him.

This also caused his current mood to be very complicated.

Speaking of it, it has been a long time since Da Liu helped Shen Guanglin and Zhang Luo set up the Great Wall Group, and Boss Shen has long said that he himself will not be the president of the group, he is boring and too tired.

Therefore, Shen Guanglin's attitude gave Da Liu an illusion that as long as he worked hard, the position of president of the Great Wall Group would be his.

Many people in history have had this illusion. For example, Zhu Gaoxu, who was made into a copper stove by his nephew, was fooled by Zhu Di in various ways on the way to Jingnan, and then went through life and death to turn the tide.

The revolution was victorious, the boss became the prince and Renzong, he didn't get anything in the end, but because of the iron head, he had already lost completely, and he had to find an opportunity to trip his nephew and fall a big somersault, but he was made by his nephew Roast suckling pig in a copper stove.

The Great Wall Group belongs to Shen Guanglin, not his fan Liu. Although the outside world has repeatedly speculated that Da Liu may hold a lot of shares, it is not the case.

Shen Guanglin almost single-handedly holds all the shares of Great Wall Company, and even the old buddies who started the business with him only own a small amount of management shares.

Split up?does not exist.

Shen Guanglin doesn't even plan to go public, let alone distribute a large amount of shares to entrepreneurs.

Therefore, all that Liu hoped for did not really happen. He himself thought that he was only one step away from the position of president, but he was not.

It's a thousand miles away.

Boss Shen randomly found someone from the outside and immediately put him in a high position, especially this person was a rich second generation.

In this way, Liu couldn't help but sigh, can the hard work of the day after tomorrow really not be able to compete with the family background?

Not necessarily, but it's hard to say.

In fact, when Shen Guanglin was considering candidates, Da Liu was never his first choice. Even though he worked hard, he was still very capable.

After all, there are still many people for Shen Guanglin to choose from.
It is even possible for Shen Guanglin to choose Su Youpeng, Zhang Peng to choose Huang Guangyi, and he would not choose Da Liu anyway.

Without him, Da Liu has his own property.

Da Liu didn't even understand his own situation. He is still working on his own real estate, and he looks like he is doing well.

When the Great Wall Group started construction on the skyscraper in Shanghai, the people in the management team of Daliu Company thought that the project belonged to them. Shen Guanglin was very dissatisfied with that kind of pretentiousness.

What's mine is mine, and I can't take it for granted that you can help me deal with it just because I'm familiar with you.

Therefore, from that time on, Da Liu had no hope of becoming Shen Guanglin's agent.

Originally, Xiao Huang had a chance to take the position. He has done a lot in Great Wall Electric over the years, and he can almost challenge Su Youpeng's position.

But the luck was bad, maybe it was because the foreign monk could recite scriptures. Shen Guanglin chose and chose, but did not choose Xiao Huang, but gave this opportunity to Wang Yang, whom he had never met before.

After all, everyone is a self-taught entrepreneur born and bred. They are the second generation of entrepreneurs, and they have a lot of good management experience, which is worth learning from Great Wall Company.

Therefore, Shen Guanglin also wanted to completely transform the Great Wall Group.

This reception is the largest reception ever organized by the Great Wall Group.

Not only the middle and high-level members of the Great Wall Group participated, but they also invited countless celebrities from all walks of life.

Nowadays, when talking about business, people pay attention to respecting clothes first and then people. It is rare for everyone to come to such a grand event, so naturally they must be full of style.

For example, Wang Yang's cousin, Wang Yuan, represents the demeanor of the richest family in Wanwan, so he is naturally full of glory and full of energy.

Yishui's white shirt and black suit, each holding a mobile phone, looks full of aura.

At the entrance of the Ritz-Carlton Hotel, the person in charge of welcoming guests was neither Shen Guanglin nor Wang Yang, but Da Liu.

Shen Guanglin is going to deliberately pretend to be low-key at such a high-profile moment, which is his usual style.

Therefore, the work of welcoming and sending off is given to Liu. Who told him that he is from Xiangjiang, he knows most of the visitors, and it is convenient to entertain guests.

Killing and killing people, that's all.

When Wang Yuan came over, his aura was naturally different from other people's. Someone introduced him, and Da Liu soon knew who it was.

Da Liu has a high status in Xiangjiang's business world. Wang Yuan is about the same age as Da Liu, but his business status is considered a generation behind. Therefore, Wang Yuan took the initiative to say hello:

"Liu Sheng, congratulations. Recently, there are two magpies in front of my house that are calling every day. I thought what happened. It should be on you."

Wang Yuan has been doing business with his family since he was a child, and his eloquence is good. He heard that this time he was going to appoint the president of the Great Wall Group, so he took it for granted that it was Liu.

But, never expected, the flattery fell on the horse's feet.

Da Liu probably welcomed too many guests, so his smile was a little stiff, but he still smiled politely and said, "Your Highness is welcome to come to watch the ceremony. It is worthwhile for His Highness to become the successor of the Wang Family without any effort." Congratulations."

This is a bit harsh, but it is also the voice of Da Liu on this matter.

So, the two could only exchange pleasantries again.


"you are welcome."

To be honest, the two of them were not in a very happy mood, and they couldn't help but secretly decided in their hearts: Labor and management have a chance to kill you, you bastard!

Da Liu stood at the door to welcome the guests, and Shen Guanglin was not unmoved. He met with his own people from the Great Wall Group who were coming one after another in the hotel conference room.

For his own people, for those who follow him to fight in the country, someone from him, Shen, still has to come forward to receive them.

As for those foreign visitors and guests, forget it, Professor Shen is a forceful person, he doesn't like to socialize, and he doesn't want to reveal his identity as a super rich man.

Knowing that Shen Guanglin is too rich will affect these people's donations to Shen Guanglin's laboratory.

Wang Yuanqiang smiled and sat in the seat they arranged for him.

The seats are not bad!After all, he represents the richest family in Wanwan, so the Great Wall Group certainly cannot be too negligent.

Wang Yuan's mood improved a lot when he saw Li Jiacheng, Chartered Ship King and other traditional Xiangjiang rich people sitting around him.

After sitting down, Wang Yuan felt that he was still valued, but the fan Liu's EQ was not enough.

Really, how can such a person be the president of the Great Wall Group? I am better than him.

Among these tycoons, Shen Guanglin has the best relationship with the Chartered Ship King. Of course, Lao Bao knows who the new president of the Great Wall Group is, and he is the boy's cousin.

Therefore, Lao Bao and Lao Li also attached a certain degree of importance to Wang Yuan.

"Xiao Wang, your family is really powerful. The older generation is good at running businesses, and the younger generation is even better than blue."

At this age, the charter king has long since lost his will to win and loses, and he still likes to support his juniors.

He was very curious that the eldest son of the Wang family did not work in his family. Of course, he was even more curious about why Shen Guanglin chose such a young man to help him manage the company.

In fact, Wang Yang is seven or eight years older than Shen Guanglin, so he really can't be considered young.

But, who can compare with Professor Shen?

Everyone here counts as one, no one would regard Shen Guanglin as a young man.

Even, many people of the older generation regard Shen Guanglin as their idol.

Shen Guanglin's scientific achievements are really inspiring. Every time he mentions it, everyone is full of pride.

Therefore, when Shen Guanglin came out, there was extremely warm applause from the audience.

Wang Yuan watched secretly, and seeing Professor Shen appearing, the wealthy people in Xiangjiang were also very excited, and all slaps were red.

Shen Guanglin clapped his hands in agreement, waiting for everyone to calm down.

"Thank you, everyone, for your support."

The scene gradually became quiet.

"Many of you are engaged in business management. You must have heard that there is such a company in Wanwan. There is such a word called "God of Management". The title of "God of Management" is very great. Entrepreneur Mr. Wang Qing’s exclusive vocabulary. After decades of development, Wanwan Plastics has managed quite well. They not only have older operators, but also younger successors. Next, I will introduce a young man"

He is not talking about me!
Wang Yuan's breathing suddenly became short. Professor Shen wouldn't introduce me on such an important occasion, we haven't officially known each other yet.

of course not!

Shen Guanglin continued: "As you all know, the main purpose of today's reception is to grandly introduce a person to everyone. He is the leader of the second generation of Wanwan Plastics and the future president of our Great Wall Group—Mr. Wang Yang!"

(End of this chapter)

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