Chapter 808 Change
Shen Guanglin was finally going to attack his own people.

This is the first step of success.

An emperor who does not kill his own people is not a good emperor.

Don't you see that Zhao Kuangyin didn't kill his own people, but he was punished by his younger brother, the donkey chariot god of war.

Liu Bang killed Han Xin, Peng Yue, and Yingbu, and stabilized the country; Li Shimin killed Cheng Yaojin, Hou Junji, and Li Junxian, laying the foundation for his rule; Zhu Yuanzhang killed even more people, such as Sapphire and Li Shanchang , everything did not end well.

The emperor after Zhu Yuanzhang can't say that.

If Shen Guanglin had the mentality of being a little rich, or if he had no pursuit, maybe he would not attack his old brother who followed him to conquer the world.

However, he, Shen, is still young, he still has pursuits, he still wants to pursue wealth and fame, and Zhang Peng's appearance has already affected the Great Wall Group's chariot to move forward.

Therefore, Shen Guanglin beat the killer.

This matter was not fruitless, Wang Yang was moved so much that his nose was in tears, a daughter is easy to get, but a confidant is hard to find.

At this time, Wang Yang felt that Professor Shen was his confidant, and he knew himself best.

For this trust, I have to make achievements for everyone to see.

In fact, even if such means were not used, Wang Yang would have no way out. If he came out of his own family, it would be very difficult for him to have the opportunity to go back and inherit the family business.

After all, the Wang family's relationship is too complicated. His father does not own the business alone, and his uncle owns quite a few shares.

The shareholding of Great Wall Group is simple. Shen Guanglin owns more than 90% of the shares. Although there are so many people starting businesses with him, Shen Guanglin is willing to give money, but he does not give shares.

In a word, if you want to spend money, you can spend whatever you want. If you want equity, Shen Guanglin will start talking about other things, and he has no intention of giving it.

In the past, Shen Guanglin didn't care about spending some money, but it's different now.

In particular, Shen Guanglin was about to have a child, and his mood as a parent was different from before.

After my sister became pregnant, her mind changed quickly, and the goddess who had never eaten anything on earth became "pretentious".

In fact, Shen Guanglin is also like this. He has a child, and subtly wants to leave this family business to the child, feeling that he can no longer mess around.

In Shen Guanglin's view, these past entrepreneurial processes are just a game.

Having a vision beyond this era is effortless.

It's no longer possible now, and he has paid more attention to it. To leave a family business to future generations is what parents want to do most.

So, how many times did Shen Guanglin think about whether he should find a chicken to kill, and even, he obviously picked Da Liu, not for anything else, just because Da Liu was an outsider.

He really didn't expect that Zhang Peng would be so arrogant. He took the initiative to stand up and bear the anger.

With a big heart, Shen Guanglin naturally wouldn't let go of such an opportunity to come to his door.

Therefore, after Zhang Peng walked out of the hotel, he immediately ushered in a different world.

First of all, the company's vehicles must no longer be used by him.

Secondly, the company's office is no longer Zhang Peng's office, and the Great Wall Company has no connection with Zhang Peng.

Thanks to Shen Guanglin for not killing them all, Zhang Peng still had a lot of floating money such as savings and housing, so Shen Guanglin didn't pursue it.

Otherwise, the rest of the old brothers will also be chilled.

Zhang Peng was also considered stubborn, he was kicked out by Shen Guanglin, he didn't beg for mercy, he just walked away full of resentment, leaving behind a sentence like "Don't bully the young man, wait and see".

Of course, Zhang Peng is no longer a teenager.He feels that he has outstanding talents, and that this era is full of opportunities, and he will succeed no matter what he does.

Now that Shen Guanglin drove Zhang Peng away, he didn't regret it, he just felt empty.

Over the years, as Shen Guanglin's status has become higher and higher, his friends have become fewer and fewer.

I can't blame others for this matter, it's all his fault that Shen turned his friends into subordinates in his life.

As a result, until now, he, Shen, can only be friends with those old guys who are half buried in the earth, like Old Bao and Old Shao, old guys who can't touch and sing, these are Shen Guanglin's year-end friends.

As for the Xiangjiang Superman surnamed Li, Shen Guanglin didn't catch a cold at all.

Of course, Li Chaoren is also very powerful. He often went to the capital to clear up the relationship, which really deceived everyone's feelings.

And Shen Guanglin knew that he was good-looking, and always kept him at a respectful distance.

Therefore, there is hardly any business relationship between Great Wall Group and Li Chaoren's company.

At this stage, Shen Guanglin didn't care anymore.

What do you mean by multiple friends and multiple roads? If there is no road, just open up one by yourself.

He has reached the height he is now, and he is an existence that others look up to in both the business world and the academic world.

Not to mention the academic circles, what Shen Guanglin is doing now is waiting for the award. He has just given several fields of the Nobel Prize to the card owner.

Others are knockers, he is Carmen.

Shen Guanglin has firmly secured his position, and there are not many chances left for others to win.

Many people even commented that Professor Shen estimated that he could win the Nobel Prize within 10 years.

However, ten years is too long to seize the day and night.

Shen Guanglin even thought that he could win the award this year, but he didn't know that the jury would not give him face.

If you can't win an award this year, it will be even more difficult next year. It may really take ten years.

In the business world, Shen is a low-key person. Many people don't know that the Great Wall Group actually belongs to Shen Guanglin.

Shen Guanglin doesn't allow people to publicize, and everyone has no motivation to publicize.

People are vain. These people have been managers for a long time, and they really think that they are the owners of this company. Probably, Zhang Peng has this idea.

However, the company is owned by Shen Guanglin, all the investment is made by Shen Guanglin alone, the route and policy are also formulated by Shen Guanglin, and everyone is just the executor.

Standing on the tuyere, pigs can fly.

It's just that when the pig flies, it may not think of the strong wind, but the hardness of its own wings.

Therefore, Zhang Peng's path was unequivocal, and he probably went on the road of pursuing his dream.

The business circle in Xiangjiang is very small, there are four major families, and there are many celebrities, but Shen Guanglin has no intention of making friends. He is already very cultivated if he does not look down on people. possible!
Shen Guanglin even owed such a famous family as the Huo family, let alone other families with lesser reputations.

In Xiangjiang, some people invented shared sharing, but in the mainland, there is no such thing as sharing sharing in the real estate projects of Great Wall Group.

(End of this chapter)

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