Chapter 809 Old Knowledge (1)

After killing Zhang Pengliwei, Wang Yang's work started much more smoothly.
Feeling Boss Shen's determination to block and kill gods and Buddhas, no one feels hindered anymore.

However, the relationship between Shen Guanglin and these old friends became more and more distant.

People can't have one head and one head, and if people don't do it for themselves, they will be destroyed by heaven and earth.

During this period, due to various social needs such as organizing meetings, Boss Shen and his sister rented the hotel for a long time.

To be honest, my younger sister was originally a gentle and simple girl who didn't ask too much. I really didn't expect that she would have so many inexplicable thoughts after pregnancy, which is simply the specific manifestation of post-pregnancy syndrome.

There is no way to rent a hotel. Both of them are masters who do not know how to do housework. The eldest sister has not come back after staying in London. Personally speaking, it is actually a better choice.

Otherwise, in a villa in Nuo Da, with only my sister at home, it is inevitable that I will be lonely and cold.

It’s better to be a hotel. There is a special laundry room for washing clothes. The staff of the hotel clean up regularly every day for hygiene. Even the quilt: you don’t have to spread it yourself.

As for the three meals a day, there are no heavy dishes, neither of them can cook, and the hotel has more tricks, which can also guarantee the nutrition of pregnant women.

As long as there is no economic pressure, it is more comfortable to live in the hotel's presidential suite.

Even so, the younger sister still has an opinion, "It's fine to stay in a hotel, but it doesn't feel like home."

It's all like this, how can I feel at home?
Could it be that you called your sister over and we all live together. Will you watch the battle when someone Shen joins the battle?
Shen Guanglin didn't dare to suggest that, and hurriedly said: "Isn't this where I am, and where I am, isn't this the same as having a home?"

What I said, my sister was really touched and had nothing else to say, she just lacked a sense of security, she didn't want to mess around: "You are not allowed to go to the film company in the future, there are so many vixens there, you"

The younger sister stared at Shen Guanglin and laughed.

In this regard, Shen has a clear conscience, and he has never cared about these Yingying and Yanyan, except for Teacher Yuanyuan in Shanghai.

The younger sister believed him, so she didn't ask any more questions, but sighed leisurely: "Brother Guanglin, I know that you are a very good person. We have known you for so many years, and I didn't bother you too much." In the past, I thought I didn't care about these things. Now that I'm pregnant, I don't want you to be with other women, even if that person is my sister. I think it's wrong to think so, but I can't help but feel like this mind."

Somebody Shen broke out in a cold sweat, and quickly stopped him: "Stop thinking about it, let's not bring up this topic, okay, this is postpartum depression."

Li Li stretched out her hand to hit Shen Guanglin, and smiled sweetly: "I've started to feel depressed before I gave birth?"

However, the younger sister, who was assured by Boss Shen's innocence, did not pursue further, she is not an unreasonable person.

During this time, Shen Guanglin was indeed a bit busy. In addition to dealing with the affairs of the Great Wall Company, he also had to deal with many laboratory affairs.

In particular, he still has to roam the rivers and lakes.

After all, it is inconvenient to work in a hotel, and sometimes Shen Guanglin has to go to his office in Xiangjiang.

Boss Shen went to work, and her younger sister was also bored. One day, she suddenly realized that she had been pregnant for so long and hadn't bought clothes for the child yet.

People still have to plan early so that they can stay on the spot.

According to the expected date of delivery, the baby will be born in October. What kind of climate is Xiangjiang at this time, what kind of small clothes need to be prepared, and what materials should be prepared for the delivery kit? It is estimated that Brother Guanglin has no time to worry about these things, so he should do it himself get ready.

When I think about it, I have to do it. There is a mother and baby store nearby, so my sister went out like this.

Some people are good-looking even in sacks, the fairy sister is like this, and the younger sister is also like this.

After she was pregnant, her clothes were very simple, and she paid attention to comfort and fit. Generally, the style of famous brand clothes is not too eye-catching, and even a little wrinkled.

Before I knew it, my sister bought a lot of things I needed and didn't need.

Fortunately, the maternity and baby store has door-to-door delivery service, and Li Li's hotel is not far from here, so it's not impossible to ask someone Shen to pick it up.

"Li Li? Li Li! So it's really you!"

The younger sister was paying when she suddenly felt someone pat her on the shoulder, and turned her head to see a coquettish but older woman.

"you are?"

People in Beijing speak like this, with a particularly strong Erhua sound, and they like to use "you".

The woman smiled charmingly, and the white skin on her face was frosted, "It's me, Lan Lan, don't you remember me? I sat behind you in high school, Hua Lanlan in the second class of our class. "

In Li Li's high school, there was no discussion about who the class flower was, but the second class flower candidate was still quite controversial. For this reason, some boys even fought.

"Lan Lan? You are Yang Chunlan?" Awakening a long memory, the younger sister finally remembered this person, but she remembered that this person's nickname was not Lan Lan.

"Yes, it's me. It's just that my name has been changed to Yang Lan now. The mountain wind blows and the water waves are calm." Lan Lan smiled charmingly again, and the corners of her eyes looked like foxes.

My younger sister finally remembered this person. After so many years, she has aged a lot. However, the smell of women has become stronger. This is because of the amount of perfume that has been sprinkled on.

"Why did you come to Xiangjiang?" The younger sister asked happily. Meeting a classmate from the capital here is like meeting an old acquaintance in a foreign land.

"What else can I do? I'm married. I'm not like you. I went to the Wudao Vocal School in college, and I went to Second Foreign Language School, learned English, and then met my current husband Pete in Shencheng." While talking, Lan Lan Showing off the shiny diamond ring on his finger: "My husband is from Xiangjiang, and he loves me very much. I just bought it last week. It's a waste of money."

To be honest, my younger sister is a little envious of this classmate. At least, she has a status, while she has nothing but money.

"That's great, I really envy you for having such a happy life." When she said this, my sister sincerely admired, the most beautiful is what I can't get.

Speaking of this, Lan Lan felt a little inexplicably proud, "What's the matter, Pete is engaged in logistics and transportation, and he can buy such a big diamond ring after three trips, and he can also bring some urgently needed supplies between Xiangjiang and the mainland. I just drove here with him."

"Are you smuggling?" The younger sister's eyes widened in surprise. She had heard about it all along, but hadn't seen it yet.

"What is smuggling, don't speak so harshly. It's a normal and abnormal customs clearance, but you just didn't go through the formalities. By the way, you are also married. What does your husband do? How much is it a month?"

Hearing Lan Lan's question, my sister was very ashamed for a while.

How could she be married? She was pregnant out of wedlock, and she was pregnant with her brother-in-law's child. It was as ugly as it was said.

The younger sister could only ponder over her vocabulary, and said, "He teaches, and also runs a small business. He can do everything, and he's not sure."

Hearing what Li Li said, Lan Lan was extremely proud, and immediately raised her voice, "Oh!", and there was an unconcealable contempt in her eyes: "Your husband is from the mainland? Going to sea to start a business?"

Lan Lan now feels that she is already half a Xiangjiang native, with a different background, so she is full of infinite discrimination against mainlanders, which is a bit like the old lady in the countryside of Shanghai discriminating against foreigners in Jiangbei.

The younger sister didn't notice Lan Lan's emotional change, but said, "He's from Jinling, so it's not a big deal to start a business in the sea. It's a part-time job outside."

My sister summed up Shen Guanglin very well. In Shen's heart, the teaching position and laboratory work at Capital University are the core of his career. As for making money, it is dispensable.

Lan Lan started to feel sorry for Li Li, how pitiful, she couldn't find any man with her good looks, but found a mainlander, how pitiful.

However, why did I feel so happy all of a sudden?

Since we are classmates, we definitely hope that our classmates will live well, but she had better not be better than me. .

There is no end to chatting with women. Since we met, we would not leave early. Since our old classmate's life is not as good as mine, it is also appropriate to treat her to a meal. Who would let me be magnanimous.

(End of this chapter)

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