Start with a college teacher

Chapter 810 Acquaintances

Chapter 810 Acquaintances (2)

Li Li naturally wouldn't carry something as heavy as the big brother.

Relying on this thing to pretend to be a scene is something that only men can do. Women can conquer the world as long as they conquer men.

When the legs are opened and closed, everything is there.

There was a phone in the mother and baby store, and she borrowed it to call Boss Shen.

Of course, Shen Guanglin was not happy that his younger sister wanted to go to dinner with her classmates. A pregnant woman, what a waste of time.

However, after all, this was my sister's social interaction, and Shen Guanglin didn't want to take it too far, so after thinking about it, he agreed and said that he would pick her up later.

Of course, long-distance follow-up by bodyguards is indispensable, and there is no need to explain this.

It's just that the place where Lan Lan invites her to dinner is not in Central, but in Kowloon. She has a party and wants to bring Li Li to attend.

This distance is actually a bit far, but since it is to save face, it is natural to take a taxi, otherwise it would be embarrassing to take the bus.

On the way, Lan Lan also asked Li Li why she came to Xiangjiang, and Li Li just said, "It's because she is pregnant."

She didn't want to say more, after all, being pregnant with her brother-in-law's child was not a very glorious thing.

In front of people she doesn't know, everything is indifferent. She can act as a loving couple with Boss Shen, and even attend the king's banquet with him.

However, in front of acquaintances, it is really embarrassing to ask her to lie again. What if she is exposed.

"I went to the mall today to buy maternal and baby products. After all, I'm going to give birth in a few months. He doesn't have time to accompany me, so I came by myself."

Lan Lan gave Li Li a disdainful look, and thought to herself, with your simplicity, it probably took half a year's savings to come to Xiangjiang, so she teased her and said, "Li Li, you look so good-looking." , have you ever thought about changing to a powerful husband? Everyone in Xiangjiang is very rich, and with your conditions, how can you find a disrespectful Xiaokai?"

The younger sister smiled, "What are you doing? I'm pregnant, and I'll be a mother in a few months. I've got an appointment." She touched her belly with a happy and sweet expression on her face.

Lan Lan was a little angry, but she couldn't stop a mother-to-be who fell in love.

What my sister thinks about every day is her child and his future, and she doesn't think about anything else at all.

Along the way, we didn't talk much about each other. After all, we haven't seen each other for many years, and we are not that familiar with each other.

Soon, Lan Lan's agreed meeting place arrived. It wasn't a food stall, but it seemed to be a bit high-end.

She took her younger sister into the lobby and found a box that had been booked in advance, and there were several women waiting for her, all of them seemed to be of the same age and in the same attire.

People are really different.

Li Li and Yang Chunlan are high school classmates. If the younger sister is not pregnant, some people would believe that she just graduated from high school.

As for Yang Chunlan, probably because she put on too much makeup, she felt that she was already 30 years old.

"Lanlan, is such a beautiful little sister a member of our Xiasha sister group?"

Seeing Yang Chunlan bring Li Li in, one of the pretty good-looking women greeted her warmly.

Xiasha is a place name, and it is relatively famous in Shencheng, especially here because there are many beautiful girls.

When Li Li came in, the women's eyes were all on her younger sister. This little girl's physical condition is really good. This looks, this temperament, tsk tsk, how many salty and wet people are fascinated by it, what a good land, what a good girl Han, which man is willing to let her get pregnant?

Lan Lan was taken aback when she heard the women's questions, and then thought about asking: "Li Li, where did you live when you were in the mainland? Did your husband buy you a house in Xiasha too?"

"Where is Xiasha? Is it from Shencheng? I have never lived in Shencheng."

My sister answered honestly and told the truth.She went to Fusang to study abroad before graduating from university. After leaving Fusang, she traveled to various European countries, and finally came to Xiangjiang. She has not been to Shencheng yet.

Lan Lan suddenly felt that he had grasped the truth, so he took the initiative to end and said:
"Don't ask me about it. Li Li is my high school classmate. Her husband is from Jinling. She is one of the veteran cadres. She is here to travel in Xiangjiang this time, and has nothing to do with Shencheng."

Lan Lan took the initiative to help Li Li answer, and also extended some of her own understanding.

"From Jinling? What a coincidence, the former boss of mine is also from Jinling. It is said that he is a bullshit professor from Beijing University. , he has worked tirelessly to help him so much, and in the end, he crossed the river and demolished the bridge, unloaded the mill and killed the donkey.”

Women are really like a group of ducks when they get together, and just the word "Jinling" can lead to so many topics.

It's just that the people and things mentioned in these words are so familiar to Li Li.

The younger sister is not her elder sister Li Rong. She doesn't have much contact with Zhang Peng, but she vaguely knows that this is her father's cheap brother and has no blood relationship with the Li family.

Moreover, recently Shen Guanglin was rectifying the Great Wall Group, and he was dealing with Zhang Peng.

Speaking of which, she was the one who encouraged the rectification of the company.

After all, when I have a child in the future, if the business cannot get on the right track, when will it go.

It's just that the world is really small.

It was almost time, so everyone stopped talking and started ordering.

Today is a seafood dinner.

In Xiangjiang, seafood is not rare, so there are many opportunities to eat seafood. My sister has been studying in Fusang for a long time, and there is also a tradition of eating seafood there.

However, she is a native of the capital after all, so she doesn't like to eat these. Instead, she prefers the noodles with mixed sauce and donkey meat from the capital.

So, when I heard that everyone wants to eat seafood, my sister didn't want to eat these, but only ordered a preserved egg and lean meat porridge according to her own needs.

Seeing her sister's cautious appearance, Lan Lan couldn't help but started to chatter again: "Li Li, you don't need to be so economical, I won't ask you to pay for today's meal."

She could tell that Li Li really didn't have much money, but she was afraid of being told.

"In terms of diet and nutrition, pregnant women should not eat and drink too much, especially seafood, and they need to pay special attention." The younger sister cherishes her body very much. She is not alone now, and she still has a new life. .

However, I can't stand Li Li's serious look that can say anything.

Lan Lan couldn't help making flamboyant complaints to the women around her: "You don't know, Li Li graduated from Beijing University. She is a talented girl, comparable to Lin Huiyin and Lu Xiaoman."

Everyone was very supportive, and they were also very surprised that such a good-looking girl could still study well. It was because they were thin and beautiful but their academic performance was not good that they became one of the Shusha.

"Beijing University? Then why do you want to find a husband from Jinling? Why don't you study abroad? If it were me, I would study in Fusang. .” One of the women was full of longing and longing for Fusang.

At this time, another woman expressed dissatisfaction, "Why do you want to study in Fusang? Isn't Citigroup better? It's a lighthouse and has the Statue of Liberty."

"That won't work. Foreigners in Europe and the United States are not suitable for us. I tried it once when my wife was away, and it was too supportive."

(End of this chapter)

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