Chapter 815 Reports
Hong Kong University has always been the best university in Hong Kong, and there is no other school in Hong Kong that can compete with it.

For quite a long time, its international ranking was higher than that of Beijing University and Wudaokou Technical School.

Especially in this era, domestic science and education are all in vain. In terms of international rankings and scientific research achievements, Capital University is really not enough.

Of course, in recent years, the rise of Capital University is also a fact. At least, in the field of high-end scientific research, Capital University has surpassed Xiangjiang University.

If only the number of contributions to high-end magazines such as "Science" is counted, Shen Guanglin's laboratory has already left behind most laboratories or universities around the world by its own strength.

However, these universities only recognize that Shen Guanglin's laboratory is as powerful, and they do not recognize that Beijing University is as powerful.

But in the Chinese world in Xiangjiang, they often look down on their own people the most, and what they admire most are those foreign devils.

Even after many years of Xiangjiang's return, this problem has not been corrected, and there is even a tendency to get worse.

Therefore, Shen Guanglin has made so many achievements, these universities in Xiangjiang recognize, but do not publicize.

Probably because of this, Shen Guanglin is also the most indifferent to these universities in Xiangjiang. He never accepts invitations from these universities in Xiangjiang to attend some inexplicable lectures.

Of course, these schools in Xiangjiang are also stingy.

They feel that they are second-class citizens of England, and they are richer, so they have a stronger sense of superiority. This is the main reason why Shen hates them.

In these years, he, Mr. Shen, has traveled to Xiangjiang so many times, and even bought more than one set of properties. He has never even given a speech on a university campus, which is very illustrative.

Of course, the universities in Xiangjiang also have arrogance. Although they know that Professor Shen is a world-renowned professor, they just bite the bullet and refuse to invite him, so as to show their backbone and belief in front of the whole world.

However, what they didn't expect was that Professor Shen would be so popular in their suzerain country, England.

Schools like Cambridge, Oxford, and Imperial College of Technology are crying and begging for cooperation, and Professor Shen Guanglin has become a gold medal that everyone is vying for over there.

Faced with this situation, what can they do? They can only pretend not to see it. They are broad-minded and willing to cooperate with scholars from the third world.

In short, no one can force me to watch something I don't want to watch.

Therefore, even though Shen Guanglin is already well-known in the world, his popularity in the Chinese world has always been mediocre, because he is young and born in the mainland, and many established schools look down on him.

However, in the face of Dr. Tang's request for cooperation, Shen Guanglin agreed for the sake of thousands of children, including his own.

According to his past temperament, he would definitely not think about it like this, at worst he would do it himself.

Now that Shen Guanglin has a child, he is also afraid that his research results will be wrong, so he still has to find a medical school with rich experience as a scientific reference, so that he dares to continue the research.

Both parties have a need for cooperation. It seems that the time for Shen Guanglin to go to Shanghai will be delayed again.

It's better to stay in Xiangjiang for the time being, and just develop one or two new medical technologies, which also realizes part of the value of life.

This time, it is not only the cooperation between Shen Guanglin's laboratory and Xiangjiang University, but also the cooperation between Capital University and Xiangjiang University, but the direct participant is Shen Guanglin.

That's what the school said, since Professor Shen doesn't want to return to Beijing for the time being, if he does things in the official name, everyone will be less criticized.

Shen Guanglin readily agreed.

The joint research team is not only doing the screening and investigation of Down's syndrome, but also planning to do the early prevention and treatment of various diseases, so as to really implement eugenics and postnatal care.

Hong Kong University is the first university in Hong Kong. It was established in 1887 on Hong Kong Island through the merger of Xiangjiang Western Medical College and Xiangjiang Government Technical College established in 1911.

Mr. Sun, the founding father of the Republic of China, was the first graduate of Xiangjiang Western Medical College. After graduation, he gave up studying medicine and started a career in selling revolution. This experience is exactly the same as that of Mr. Lu Xun.

Now, Capital University and Xiangjiang University have finally cooperated!
The Hong Kong media reported this grand event, and everyone rejoiced.

After all, who is Professor Shen Guanglin?

Now, Mr. Shen Guanglin, a well-known professor of Capital University, and Mr. Tang Zuozhong, a well-known professor of Xiangjiang University School of Medicine, will set up a joint research team, dedicated to the early screening and treatment of newborn congenital diseases.

This is indeed a grand event in the medical field, and it has indeed attracted a lot of praise and expectations.

Some of Shen Guanglin's students also made a special trip from the capital. Together with some medical students from Xiangjiang University, the two established a joint scientific research team, with the purpose of judging whether the newborn is healthy through some physiological indicators during pregnancy.

As for the funds, this matter was also simple, and it was raised without any effort at all.

The wealthy people in Xiangjiang are still willing to make contributions. They donated some funds very much, and they all hope that this scientific research group will produce results as soon as possible and benefit the people as soon as possible.

It's just that amidst the voices of praise for the good, there are also discordant voices.

This is to denounce Shen Guanglin, and the reason is still in the treatment of leukemia.

When Shen Guanglin saw it, it turned out to be an inland newspaper, from the south.

It is really difficult to trace when the southern newspapers started to rise.

However, their buttocks are sitting crookedly, but it has already started a few years ago.

Of course, they also hide it deeply, pretending to care about the suffering of the people, but in fact they are pursuing private goods.

For some unknown reason, they turned their attention to Shen Guanglin's Great Wall Pharmaceutical this time.

The title of the article is "When is the black-hearted drug dealer?"

The writing is very bold. At the beginning, Professor Shen Guanglin is a well-known professor. Shen Guanglin's laboratory is also a laboratory supported by the state and has grown into the best laboratory in the country.

The new drugs they developed are really good and have brought good news to leukemia patients all over the world.

However, the right to distribute this drug has fallen into the hands of a foreign-funded company. The price of the drug is frighteningly high. When the drug is released, it is criticized both domestically and abroad.

Such a good medicine, such a great invention, why can't it benefit the people.

Moreover, the article also implicitly stated that Shen Guanglin is the chief scientist of this foreign-funded company, and scientists should do scientific work, and when they develop new drugs, they should let the market go. To engage in exclusive drug supply is a reversal of history.

(End of this chapter)

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