Chapter 816 Coping
It is impossible to write honest and good stories in the pen of literati.

For example, Huanghuang Daming did not have a good emperor.Not to mention Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Di, there are always some stains, but even Ming Xuanzong was just an emperor who promoted weaving, and the emperor who studied abroad, the emperor of Taoism, and the emperor of carpenters were bad one after another.

Literati have played ignominious roles in any period.

Now, some literati have started to target Shen Guanglin and his Great Wall Group. This well-written and well-written article is hard to disagree with.

The right to speak is indeed a good thing. For a long period of time, even before the rise of Weibo, ordinary people did not have the right to speak.

The right to speak has always been in the hands of a few people. Even in the Internet age, how many big Vs carry private goods, hot searches can be bought with money, and they can also be withdrawn with money.

All of the above are right and wrong, and people are at ease.

Let alone 1988 in the age of print media.

It is said that this year was also the year with the most freedom of speech.

However, when some people have the power to write articles, they also have the right to speak. In this world, there is nothing they dare not do.

It was because Shen Guanglin was "highly respected" among the people that they couldn't directly scold them, so they aimed the contradiction at the Great Wall Group, and then adopted devious tactics.

However, the Great Wall Group also has a special department to collect public opinion. Shen Guanglin is a well-known person, and he attaches great importance to the construction of this aspect.

Therefore, as soon as similar articles were reported in the southern newspapers, someone immediately collected them and sent them to Boss Shen's desk.

Just as the labor and management wanted to do something, you were trying to tear things apart behind your back, right?

These people are hateful. At first they pretended not to know about the relationship between Shen Guanglin and the Great Wall Group, but they clearly pointed out in the article that Professor Shen is the chief scientist of the Great Wall Group, and that someone Shen is doing something for the tiger.

After reading the article, it is impossible to say that Shen Guanglin will not be annoyed. What you are doing is trying to force someone Shen to get mad.

Moreover, the Great Wall Group also analyzed the specific reasons internally, and it was probably because of leukemia treatment drugs.

Shen Guanglin's rectification of Great Wall Pharmaceuticals was too thorough, cutting off the possibility of drug resale transactions, offending a large number of second-hand dealers in Yangcheng and Xiangjiang.

The media in Yangcheng said that the Great Wall Group is turning back the wheel of history. Now the national ticket is coming to an end. This is a sign of the development of the times and social progress. It is good for you to repeat the same mistakes deliberately. This is hindering the development of society.

In fact, Shen Guanglin's move was not inspired by the current ticket system. He actually learned from the tobacco monopoly of later generations.

In future generations, which is the most profitable company in the world?

It's not Huawei, Ali or a certain central enterprise. The most profitable enterprise is Huaxia Tobacco Corporation, whose annual profit exceeds one trillion yuan.

This income ranks first even in the world. Huaxia Tobacco Corporation's annual profit is twice that of Saudi Aramco, making it proud of itself.

Moreover, in later generations, tobacco cannot be sold across regions, nor can it be sold at will. Everything must go through special channels and special institutions.

Although Shen Guanglin doesn't smoke, he still has the ability to learn, and he has heard about the awesomeness of this monopoly enterprise.

Therefore, when formulating drug policies, Shen Guanglin imitated the model of tobacco monopoly.

The policy implemented by Shen Guanglin is just a small test, but it still offends people, and there are quite a few people offended. Among these people are patients, the medical system, and even the distribution field.

He offended everyone, Shen, and no one spoke well of him.

From this point of view, someone Shen really did something wrong.

You must know that these people are not ordinary businessmen. They have deep backgrounds, great powers, and extensive connections.

These people mobilized the southern newspapers to do this, and the ultimate goal was still for profit, just to make the Great Wall Group soft.

This is coercion in disguise.

Therefore, they were waiting for the Great Wall Group to come to negotiate, and some people even sent word to Su Youpeng that the Great Wall Group needed to express it, otherwise there would be more unfavorable articles spread later.

Su Youpeng also asked, what more unfavorable articles can be spread?

Humph, that's too much. For example, although our chief scientist, Professor Shen, has great scientific research ability, but he has bad conduct. He keeps an actress in Shanghai, and I heard that he has made other people's stomachs big. He is waiting to give birth in Xiangjiang.

I go!
Shen Guanglin broke out in a cold sweat when he heard the report.

Hong Kong's media wouldn't really report that, would they?

For this reason, Hu Xuyong issued a hunting order in the Xiangjiang media. Anyone who dares to report negative things about the Great Wall Group indiscriminately must be prepared to feed sharks in Victoria Bay.

Moreover, it is really not a joke, everyone can try it.

Just try it.

Sure enough, some leading tabloids really reported on the Great Wall Group. Although it was just side news, and it was about the personnel change of the Great Wall Group, their legs were still interrupted.

However, Xiangjiang has no control over the mainland newspapers, and everyone has been thinking a lot about how to deal with the nonsense of the southern newspapers.

Use the relationship of the old man of the Li family?

This is the last resort.

Shen Guanglin decided to start with what he could do first.

In recent years, all parts of the country have been in charge of the economy, and they have given top priority to attracting investment.

The Great Wall Group's domestic investment is very large, and naturally it has been warmly welcomed by all parts of the country, especially Suzhou Province. When they learned that Great Wall Motors had settled in Shanghai, they coveted it very much.

For this reason, the leaders of Sioux City visited the Great Wall Group several times, and even expressed their willingness to allocate half of a county called Kunshan near Shanghai to the Great Wall Group as a development zone.

In short, I can give you whatever you want.

Of course, the Great Wall Group is the largest and the most profitable company in Shencheng. It has also developed into a super-large industrial park, not to mention the garment factory, with 6 female workers working together, singing and dancing every day.

Great Wall Electric's company in Shencheng is also very large in scale. Various electrical appliance manufacturers compete directly with companies in Jinmen and Jizhou, and the two sides are fighting evenly.

It can be said that half of Great Wall Group's assets are in Shencheng, and several percentage points of Shencheng's GDP are created by Great Wall. This is a win-win opportunity for everyone.

Therefore, the Great Wall Group took the lead in protesting to Shenzhen City, saying that a certain newspaper in the south was talking nonsense and ruining the reputation of the Great Wall Group.

Then, the Great Wall Group put forward a series of demands: a certain newspaper in the south should stop such false reports and expel the person involved, so as to set the record straight.

That's right, what they want is to expel the parties involved, such as the reporter who wrote the article, the editor-in-chief of the review, the editor-in-chief, and the person behind the scenes.

You are not stupid, you do these things, the purpose is not pure.

Knowing the appeal of the Great Wall Group, the Shenzhen City Government also attached great importance to it, especially the leader of the publicity department, and immediately started a connection with the publicity department in Yangcheng.

Then they were told one answer: freedom of speech.

(End of this chapter)

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