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Chapter 817 Attitude

Chapter 817 Attitude (2)

In the plot design of novel writing, there is such a cool point, that is, if you snatch something that others have but you don't, it will make readers feel very cool.

Now, Boss Shen encountered this situation.

However, the money clearly belonged to Boss Shen, but they controlled it for no reason and transferred it away.

Therefore, cool is indeed cool, but not cool to people.

As the protagonist, Shen Guanglin became the one who was robbed of things.

Private property is sacred and inviolable. This is a foreign legal clause, which is not universal in China.

You can read the legal handbook, there is no such description in China.

For the needs of the public interest, citizens' private property can be expropriated or requisitioned in accordance with the law, and compensation should be paid. This is the actual domestic clause.

Now, for the needs of the public interest, Yuedong has confiscated and requisitioned the private property of the Great Wall Group. They said, we can compensate you in RMB, and give you according to the exchange rate, and you can give more.


To what extent can a person be angry?

Numb all over and dizzy from being angry?

Angry enough to vomit blood?

It was impossible for Shen Guanglin not to be angry when he learned that the foreign exchange in his account had been embezzled.

But being angry doesn't help. At this time, we still have to think about countermeasures.

Many people feel that in the face of this situation, the Great Wall Group may be powerless to fight.

Not to mention others, at least Alec Su didn't know what to do next?

Moreover, in order to show their innocence and helplessness, the Shencheng government still did their work. They persuaded them well and expressed their willingness to pay compensation to express their apology.

After all, foreign exchange is really important to Guangdong East. This is the fund in the plan and it is really indispensable.

However, reports by southern newspapers and misappropriation of funds are two different things. Please don't misunderstand or confuse them with the Great Wall Group.

It's just that, in this way, everyone in the Great Wall Group feels that they have been violated.

This means that I forced you to sleep with me, but don't feel that you have suffered a disadvantage. It is the same reason that I will give you money.

Is Great Wall Group a company that lacks this compensation?
Of course, Shen Guanglin didn't want to die, but he still had to show some attitude.

After all, in the future, Shencheng still has several decades of development, not to mention anything else, as long as their land is worth a lot of money, there is really no need to worry about the future.

However, if the Great Wall Group doesn't show a little attitude, then everyone will bully them in the future, which is not advisable.

Su Youpeng asked Shen Guanglin what we should do next, and Shen Guanglin had a solution.

Because next year is a very special year, and the export-oriented economy may encounter unprecedented difficulties, and many foreign trade processing enterprises are here.

In order to help the Great Wall Group overcome this not-so-difficult difficulty, Shen Guanglin still thought of many countermeasures.

However, due to the vision of the times, he couldn't make it too obvious.

Otherwise, how did I know that next year's economy would have twists and turns?This prophet is too exaggerated.

It is better to follow the trend.

Now, they actually took over the foreign exchange funds in the account of the Great Wall Group forcibly, which inspired Shen Guanglin.

Take this opportunity to express your attitude and take advantage of the trend to make industrial adjustments.

So, on the third day after Great Wall Group's account funds were embezzled, Great Wall Group announced a measure that shocked the world: they were going to lay off employees!
The first round of layoffs is the Great Wall Garment Group. Their layoff plan is 5 people, all of them in Shencheng.

You know, the Great Wall Garment Group has a total of more than 6 people, and is currently the largest and most economically profitable clothing group in the country.

They have factories in Hangzhou and Jinling, but the enterprises in Shencheng are the largest because they are close to the Xiangjiang River and have the convenience of exporting.

The Great Wall Group announced that all the layoffs this time are employees of Shencheng Company, and 5 people will be laid off in one go.

How to lay off staff is handed over to Wang Yang to deal with it in detail. After all, he is the CEO of Great Wall Group.

Even if it is something that offends others, Wang Yang still readily accepts it.

A company without layoffs is not a great company.

In the media, Wang Yang announced with a heavy tone:

"Great Wall Group is a caring company. We have made some strategic adjustments due to the impact and changes of the business environment. Up to now, Great Wall Garment Group is no longer in line with the overall development strategy of Great Wall Group. Therefore, we tearfully parted ways. Get rid of this part of the business.

All employees of Great Wall Garment will be subsidized in the form of N+1 according to their working years.In other words, if you have worked in the Great Wall Garment Group for five years, we will pay you an additional six months' salary as your future transition expenses."

The conditions for layoffs are very high, which is the first of its kind in the Chinese world for layoff compensation.

What does it mean to stir up a thousand waves with one stone, this is it.

What is Great Wall Group doing?
Many people are speculating on the reasons for their layoffs.

Is this going to kill the fish?
The Shencheng government rushed to the door to ask the specific reason. They were really scared.

When Wang Yang was not there, Su Youpeng led the crowd to shout haha.

"What are we going to do? You should be able to think of it."

"In fact, it's nothing. President Wang has taken office, and the group's strategy has undergone some adjustments. From now on, the garment processing and manufacturing industry will no longer be the key industry of the Great Wall Group. Even the business of processing and exporting supplied materials will be included in this business adjustment. Cut off."

"Don't worry, it has nothing to do with the business environment. Really, the business environment in eastern Guangdong is very good, and we are very satisfied."

Su Youpeng gave the above answer while directing the workers to dismantle the machine.

He secretly said that it was because of your disrespect for us, so we stopped doing it, and the business environment here is too bad.

Killing and punishing, the staff can't make the decision in the face of such a big matter, so they can only go back and report.

Workers are still very reluctant to leave their jobs, but the salary of N+1 is indeed very attractive.

So, everyone left the company that had worked for several years with tears in their eyes, turned around and boarded the train to Sioux City, Hangzhou City and Jinling.

It is said that the factory over there is recruiting people, but the length of service will be recalculated.

Seeing that the Great Wall Group is serious, it is impossible to say that the government is not panicking.

"Is it true that Great Wall Group no longer conducts garment processing business? According to your report, you made a lot of profits last year."

"Yes, this is just the beginning. Immediately, the Great Wall Toy Company and other low-value-added industries will be shut down and turned around.

Now, the manufacturing factory of Great Wall Electric has been unable to use it, and the factory area of ​​Great Wall Garment has been vacated, which just happens to be used by Great Wall Electric.

Of course, Great Wall Electric has just reached some cooperation agreements with Sioux City. We will also build a series of factories in Kunshan, which will probably be used as a supplement to the Shencheng base. "

Kunshan?what is that place
It is a thousand-year-old town and the hometown of Kunqu Opera. The Great Wall Group chose Qiandeng and Luzhi as sites, and approved a large piece of land in each of these two places for their use. The area of ​​each piece of land is no less than [-] mu.

As for Shencheng, it only gave 5000 mu of land and began to claim that there was no land.

"We can continue to give land, Yantian, Nanshan, take your pick."

"Now it's not about the land, nor about the business environment. It's about the strategic adjustment of the group. We are a responsible company with an attitude. Now, we also need an attitude from the outside world."

What attitude do you want?

It is said that during the Seven Kings Rebellion, Emperor Han Jing had a minister named Chao Cuo, who was very capable, and later became a great success.

(End of this chapter)

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