Start with a college teacher

Chapter 818 Aftermath

Chapter 818 Aftermath (1)

I really didn't expect that there are really companies that can't get along with money.

Why, kill one thousand enemies and injure yourself ten thousand?

Many people, including those inside the Great Wall Group, expressed their incomprehension and dissatisfaction with this.

What are the top executives of the Great Wall Group doing?are you crazy.

"Meat eaters are despicable, and they can't plan far, so we young people should be allowed to do the company's planning and strategy!"

Many college students who have just graduated strongly expressed their views on the Great Wall Group's self-willedness.

Some people even said angrily, "How did such a company develop?"

In fact, this account is very easy to calculate.

How much can Great Wall Garment Group earn in one year's OEM fees?

Not to mention too much, but if these 5 workers earn an average of 500 yuan per month, the annual profit will be 3 million yuan.

After counting all over the country, which company dares to guarantee that its profit can exceed 3 million?

Even those state-owned enterprises and central enterprises cannot do it!
In this era, many state-owned enterprises are struggling to make ends meet. It would be good if they don’t lose money. Usually, the state needs to subsidize them. There are not many companies that really make a lot of money, otherwise the country would not be so poor.

Now, especially some companies engaged in import and export trade, most of them are operating at a loss, not for making any profits at all, but for exchanging some foreign exchange.

As long as you can earn foreign exchange, even if you lose money, the state will subsidize you. Tax exemption is only the lowest level of subsidy policy, and it will even reward you with more cash that you could not earn otherwise.

So, a company that can earn [-] million yuan in profits a year, just to get angry, if you don't want it, don't you want it?
Everyone can't figure it out.

However, Boss Shen's thoughts are not something you can guess, nor can you object to.

However, there were too many voices of opposition, so Shen Guanglin still summoned high-level officials for a meeting.

At the meeting, Boss Shen said that this is not a simple decision, it is a strategic adjustment for the group, and everyone should actively cooperate.

After all, the threshold for making clothing is too low, and the profit is not high enough, and what is earned is the hard-earned money of the workers, which is hard to say.

As far as the current Great Wall Group's overall revenue is concerned, OEM clothing is really not profitable, at least, the proportion within the Great Wall Group is already very low.

A PCR machine can easily sell for 2000 to [-] U.S. dollars, but the cost is only [-] yuan, or RMB, and almost all the rest is profit.

How many pieces of clothes can be made by this instrument according to the number of workers.

In particular, these years are no longer compared to previous years, and now there are more and more garment foundries.

Barriers to entry are too low.

Although the ability of these garment factories to receive orders is not so strong, and the scale is not as large as the Great Wall Garment Group, their bottom line is also lower than that of the Great Wall Group, and they often destroy the OEM market at lower prices.

Moreover, these people also euphemistically called: full market competition.

Some people lack the ability to develop customers, do nothing else every day, just stare at the customers of the Great Wall Group, and even send undercover agents in to copy the homework, to see which country and company the Great Wall Garment is helping to process the clothes. Competition is disgusting.

Although the Great Wall Clothing Company has also carried out many countermeasures, and their salesmen are indeed more capable, they are still inevitably affected.

Up to now, although the Great Wall Clothing Group is still profitable, it is no longer the original situation of collecting money with closed eyes.

For this small amount of money, it would be meaningless for this sweatshop to continue, especially if it will face a crisis in the future.

Knowing that there is a pit ahead, if you still jump into it, what's the point of crossing.

Shen Guanglin also explained that our Great Wall Clothing Group is not completely quitting, it is transforming, and we still have to launch our own brand and operation strategy in the future. We can no longer continue in the field of clothing OEM, and we will still focus on ourselves in the future.

For example, isn't the world-renowned little gymnastics prince about to retire? Wouldn't it be good for everyone to form a partnership to form a sports brand?

The Great Wall Clothing Group is here to contribute money, operations and brand promotion, let's all come together.

The little prince of gymnastics is not only very good at sports, he is also very smart in business.

When Shen Guanglin proposed to cooperate with the little prince of gymnastics to establish a sports brand, everyone was surprised again.

You know, this year's Olympic Games haven't even been held yet, how did you know that the little prince is going to retire?

This incident is really difficult to explain. You must know that in 84, the little prince won three golds, two silvers and one bronze. In 88, he encountered Waterloo and got nothing.

The entire Huaxia delegation only won 5 gold medals in Seoul.

Alas, being a prophet is such a trouble. Seeing everyone happily discussing how many gold medals they can win in this Olympic Games, Boss Shen remained silent.

If the little prince of gymnastics hadn't met Waterloo, would he have retired at this time?

Even, when the interest came, someone asked Boss Shen, will we continue to sponsor the Olympic Games?The national football team has entered the Olympic Games.

Sponsor a yarn! "The least aggressive team," that's what they're talking about.

Of course, there will be "less aggressive teams" in the future, and I'm talking about them too.

Shen Guanglin set the tone and said that our Great Wall Group will not participate in this Seoul Olympics.

In short, don't gossip, the historical mission of the Great Wall Garment Group has ended, we are not a sweat factory that exploits workers, we still need to transform as soon as possible and increase the technological content of the enterprise.

Also, companies should not make the last penny of the industry.

This sentence is very philosophical, and it seems very reasonable to everyone.

A professor is a professor, and his speech was very convincing. Everyone quickly accepted Professor Shen's theory, and really regarded disbanding the garment factory as a top priority.

However, the influence of this matter is so great that a 404 is required as a warning.

A bad business environment has as much impact on a region as the banning of the latest chapter has on authors.

Great Wall Group's resolute self-destructive actions immediately put many people on the back burner, and Great Wall also gave suggestions, it depends on whether you implement them or not.

What's next?
What else can I do? Kill Ma Su with tears.

The collective can no longer be harshly criticized, only the individual can have problems, and only the individual can be punished.

When the individual is separated from the collective, the influence is not so strong.

Therefore, it was not to take care of the Great Wall Group's emotions, but just because a certain newspaper needed to clean up its team, it dealt with some undisciplined people.

(End of this chapter)

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