Start with a college teacher

Chapter 819 Precise Competition

Chapter 819 Precision Competition (2)

I voted for peach and reported it to Qiong Yao.

Bandit newspapers are also good!
What does this mean, you throw the wooden peach to me, and I will throw Qiongyao in return, not to thank you, but to see which one hurts more and which one heals faster.

The Qiongyao here is a kind of jade, not the pen name of the writer of the love triangle, but the writer of the love triangle has a famous saying, which can be explained similarly to this: "What you lost was only a leg, but what she lost was love."

This sentence is related before and after. The leg you lost is very important, and it affects her love, because it may be your third leg.

Shencheng reacted very quickly, and immediately took countermeasures that met the expectations of the Great Wall Group, and the relevant personnel were dealt with as they should.

The Great Wall Group can't be ambiguous, so it's time to show it next.

This is not anticlimactic, this is a way of survival under 404.

Now, it is easy for the Great Wall Group to do something in return. Although the Great Wall Clothing has indeed closed down, the Great Wall Group still has a lot of industries, so it is enough to allocate a part of it.

For example, the Great Wall Pharmaceutical Factory can be relocated to Shencheng.

Not for anything else, just because the business environment in Jizhou is really bad.

Speaking of the business environment, the business environment in the north is even worse, especially in this era of conservative and open and turbulent tides, anything can happen.

The business environment in the south is more friendly, and they are more pragmatic and more willing to accept new ideas.

In the north, the capital and Jinmen are also fine, at least they are reasonable.

But other places are not so good, really not.

They have an idea that they rely on mountains to eat mountains, and rely on water to eat water.

In Tangcheng, just because the economic benefits of Great Wall Pharmaceuticals are not bad, they gave all kinds of inexplicable demands to Great Wall Group.

It is easy to say that enterprises pay taxes in accordance with the law. After all, this is the due action of enterprises, and it is an inescapable responsibility and obligation.

However, a company, just because the local government thinks you are making a lot of money, asks you to search out the profits, it is not the case.

This is fishing out of water.

They said that all our enterprises and institutions are in great difficulty now, and the salaries of the faculty and staff have not been paid for three months. You Great Wall Pharmaceutical is so rich, please sponsor a little.

Can Great Wall Pharmaceutical not sponsor?
Water and power outages are both pediatrics and basic operations. It is not uncommon to encounter such a situation that the transport vehicle is inexplicably broken down on the road, raw materials cannot be brought in, and goods cannot be transported out.

In short, the road to business is difficult.

In particular, after Shen Guanglin imposed strict management on Great Wall Pharmaceutical Company, it became even more difficult for the factory to survive.

It seems that if an enterprise loses its small treasury, it will lose its vitality for development.

In the past, the entire medical system relied on the Great Wall Pharmaceutical Factory to survive. The company was also sensible, and everyone made money.

Now, as a production company, Great Wall Pharmaceutical Factory does not have much profit, and almost all of the profit remains in the hands of the sales company.

However, the autumn wind that should be fought in the local area still has to be fought, we don't care, anyway, your family has a big business, shouldn't it be appropriate to use some money to relieve difficulties.

Shen Guanglin just couldn't bear such grievances and bullying. Although he was not a character who would rather bend than bend, as long as he had the ability to resist, he would never want to suffer such a disadvantage.

That being the case, the relocation of the Great Wall Pharmaceutical Factory to coastal cities is also an inevitable trend to adapt to the development of the times.

After all, the pillar industry of Shencheng in the future will be high-tech, including a series of high-tech industries including biopharmaceuticals.

Therefore, the Great Wall Group should take the lead in improving the quality of Shenzhen's economic development.

It is easier to manage here in Shencheng than in Tangcheng, and there are more talents here.

Speaking of it, Jizhou obviously has such a good location advantage, and it is not without reason that the economic development is not good.

For example, there is also a very famous seaport city here, Qinhuang City, which is also the first batch of open cities in the country, and its status in later generations is probably similar to that of Beihai.

One is in the south, one is in the north, and the two are brothers.

Of course, the development is even worse in the Northeast.

You know, the Northeast's economy once accounted for 80% of the country's economy, and heavy industry accounted for 90%. Back then, the little devils in Fusang coveted this treasured land of geomantic omen, and even wanted to keep this place even if they didn't want to be native.

However, after the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, the Fusang people relied on poor resources and the harsh environment to develop in full swing on those small islands, while the Northeast of China was getting worse day by day after the reform and opening up.

Therefore, even though the center of gravity of Huaxia's heavy industry development in this era was in the Northeast, Boss Shen never thought about putting the automobile factory there at all.

That's the real no return.

Shen Guanglin is still moving between Shencheng and Xiangjiang, and the first car of Great Wall Motors is about to roll off the assembly line.

You must know that the cooperation between Shen Guanglin's laboratory and Xiangjiang University has not yet officially started, and the younger sister's child has not yet undergone Down syndrome screening and genetic screening, and everyone from Great Wall Motors is already urging the boss.

Didn't he say that he was going to come to Shanghai a long time ago, why didn't he come all the time.

Just like Volkswagen has not achieved localization, Great Wall Motor has not yet achieved localization.

However, Great Wall Motors is also a little different from Volkswagen, that is, after the joint venture, Modu Motors disappeared, and after Skoda Motors moved to China, they did not use the original name, but went with the market.

The relocation of the factory went smoothly, and industrial workers were easy to recruit, but there were some labor disputes.

After all, the Modu Automobile Factory has ready-made workers, and Great Wall Motors just goes in and poachs them.

Of course, the current Modu Automobile Factory is a state-owned enterprise, and workers will not give up their establishment and identity to join a private enterprise. However, Great Wall Motor also has a countermeasure, which is to recruit retired workers.

Don’t really think that retired workers are workers in their 50s and [-]s. In fact, it is not the case. Many workers in their [-]s and [-]s have retired without illness or disaster. They simply want to leave formal jobs to future generations.

The human resources department of Great Wall Group is very capable, and they are also very good at accurately recruiting talents. Some masters with strong technical skills, they also come to work, let them retire as soon as possible, let their children take over, so that they can go to Great Wall The group came to work.

Is 2 times the salary enough?

Not enough, plus 2 times the allowance.

There are always more ways than difficulties.

Therefore, in a short period of time, Great Wall Motors is finally going offline.

In the field of clothing manufacturing, some clothing foundries compete precisely with Great Wall Group. Now, in the field of automobile manufacturing, Great Wall Motors will also compete precisely with Shanghai Volkswagen.

(End of this chapter)

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