Start with a college teacher

Chapter 820 Press Conference

Chapter 820 Conference (1)

"Great Wall Motors is a purely Chinese-funded brand. It took only one and a half years for relocation and debugging, and now it has the capacity to produce [-] units per year."

"In the future, whether it is high-end cars, economical cars, or heavy-duty trucks, we will have a complete production line and advanced technical reserves. What you don't know is that among all the car companies in the world, we have the most patents .

In particular, during the one and a half years since Great Wall Group acquired Skoda, the number of our patents has tripled, not only in terms of quantity, but also in quality.We believe that in the future, automobiles will be a comprehensive industrialized product integrating comfort, practicality and intelligence, and Great Wall Motors will bring you a different driving experience. "

In the hotter season, Boss Shen rushed back to Shanghai with his younger sister Li Li.

Looking at the bald old Zhang Cheng, the new general manager of Great Wall Motor who was talking on the stage, Boss Shen was very moved.

Lao Zhang performed very well. Although he doesn't have much hair, he has a lot of wisdom.

People are not born to be powerful, people need platforms and opportunities.

Why are Liu Bang's heroes Xiao He, Cao Can, Zhou Bo, Fan Kui, Guan Ying and others all his fellow villagers?Is Pei County really the land of dragon prosperity?They are nothing more than the platform given by Liu Bang.

This is also the case around Zhu Yuanzhang.Li Shanchang, Xu Da, Guo Ying, Tang He, and Geng Bingwen are also Zhu Yuanzhang's hometown or childhood playmates. Are they born generals?It was also Lao Zhu who gave them the opportunity to practice.

Great Wall Motors has finally rolled off the assembly line. Although there are many difficulties, it can not be said that its fate is ill-fated.

Since Yang Rong left, Boss Shen didn't plan to find another newcomer, so he directly appointed Zhang Cheng as the general manager.

Yang Rong, a historical celebrity, doesn't matter if he doesn't work for himself, maybe he will have a backstab sooner or later, so he might as well train his own people.

After all, Capital University is his home base, and all kinds of talents are emerging in an endless stream. Zhang Cheng helped Shen Guanglin manage the laboratory well, and he may not be able to manage the automobile sector.

At least, Boss Shen still has the general direction.

We already know the future, how can we develop well?
Although Zhang Cheng is a bald math genius, his management talent should not be buried.

In the years when Shen Guanglin was in power, Zhang Cheng and his colleagues worked hard and made great achievements.

In particular, Zhang Cheng's loyalty is something Boss Shen values ​​most.

At that time, Zhang Cheng resolutely gave up the opportunity to stay in West Germany with the woman who was a few years older than him, and insisted on sharing life and death with Boss Shen. This relationship deserves Boss Shen's special trust.

Sure enough, all men have the desire to seek fame, Zhang Cheng stood on the stage, and the more he talked, the more excited he became.

Although Zhang Cheng is a student of Shen Guanglin, although he is not yet 30 years old, but judging by his appearance, he is already in his forties. His child is still in kindergarten, and he does not pick up his children many times. He is often regarded as a grandfather picking up his grandson.

It's all about the hair.

Zhang Cheng said on the stage that most of the people in the audience were media reporters hired by them with money, but there were no southern newspapers here at all, and labor and management did not care about your reports at all.

Moreover, apart from the journalists, the rest of the audience were mostly dealers who had business dealings with the Great Wall Group. Most of them sold electrical appliances, and they were the only ones who had money.

Originally, these dealers were not interested in buying Great Wall Motors.

But now, it is impossible for them not to buy.

It's really not mandatory, it's just voluntary with mutual support.

This inspiration also comes from later generations.

In later generations, an air-conditioning manufacturing company suddenly wanted to make mobile phones across industries, and then it really did.

When selling mobile phones, they also went out of their way and sold all of them to their own people.

Moreover, they didn't force dealers to buy mobile phones, they just replaced the normal rebates with mobile phones.

Now, before everyone has seen what Great Wall Motors looks like, more than 3700 units have been ordered, which has greatly exceeded the sales of other companies.

Everyone is a car manufacturer from Shanghai, and everyone is from European car manufacturing technology.

In particular, in the 80s and before, Skoda was a more famous car manufacturer than Volkswagen, and there were many high-ranking officials from the socialist camp whose special cars were made by Skoda.

In 1952, when their Minister of Culture visited China, he sent a VOS bulletproof car, and the Hongqi CA72 sedan of Huaxia was imitated from it.

Therefore, everyone is looking forward to the first new product of Great Wall Motors after the renaming of Skoda.

It's just that the press conference hosted by Zhang Cheng was somewhat boring. You are half bald, so what do you expect?
It wasn't until the curtain of the stage was slowly opened, and an exquisite woman accompanied by a brand-new Great Wall Motor made her official appearance, that it really caught everyone's attention.

As expected, a car needs to be equipped with a car model. Although there are no beasts in this era, there is no shortage of good-looking women.

In particular, this woman is no ordinary beauty, she is the well-known actress Wang Yuanyuan.

Zhang Cheng has completed his mission, and it is time for teacher Yuanyuan to perform.

Good-looking skins are the same, and interesting souls are one in a thousand.

Teacher Yuanyuan is not just a vase, she is an actor.

Therefore, as long as she has a good script, she can perform well.

"Hello everyone, I'm Wang Yuanyuan. Although my surname is not Chen, I also hope that someone will be angry for me. Can you?"

At this point, she paused, probably using a teaching technique or remembering someone or something.

However, these words were too provocative, and the men in the audience almost couldn't hold back, and wanted to answer: We can!
There is a reason for Yuanyuan beauty's resentment. After all, Boss Shen brought his pregnant wife to inspect the work, and this has already spread in a small area.

The press conference is still going on.

"Great Wall Motors. Lead the era and control the future. In the future, every successful man must have a car of his own. This is more a sign of a man than having a woman of his own. This is the symbol of success."

After saying this, the beauty Yuanyuan, who was wearing a traditional cheongsam, opened the car door gracefully, and slowly leaned against the side of the co-pilot, showing off her exquisite curves, allowing everyone to take pictures while swallowing their saliva.

Sure enough, this is the real new product launch conference!
When have you ever seen such a battle, one by one can't wait to pay for it now.

The BMW came to build a new chapter, but the Xiangche turned away from the road.

Do what you do and love what you do. Teacher Yuanyuan is not only good-looking, but also has real talents.

At least, she did enough homework.

With the explanation of the beautiful teacher Yuanyuan, everyone also saw what is called automatic transmission, what is called seat heating, and what is called reversing radar.

Needless to say, all of this must be Shen's idea again, and these are all patented.

In Shen's team, they may not be so professional in other things, but they are extremely good at writing papers and applying for patents, and their standards are beyond those of their peers.

Internationally, some companies have even begun to call Shen Guanglin's patent writing team "patent trolls" or "patent assassins".

In fact, Shen Guanglin's team did not necessarily master the real technology. They just made a forward-looking analysis based on other people's research characteristics, and then took the lead in applying for a patent.

After everyone has worked so hard to research the results, looking up, someone has already applied for a patent half a year ago.

In this regard, Shen Guanglin is the chief culprit. He has proposed many fantastic ideas, all of which have become patents, and they are all international patents.

Although everyone can't see its goodness now, it has finally filled the patent gap.

Therefore, the number of patents of Great Wall Motors has increased by leaps and bounds in the past year or so, which requires a certain level.

In the future, when the automobile industry develops further, we will know that these patents applied by Great Wall Motor are terrible.

For example, they applied for a patent for the reversing image.In fact, it means that the technology of closed-circuit television has been brought into the car. Although it has not been practically applied, the patent has already been preempted.

Speaking of which, the first car of Great Wall Motors is still amazing, much better than the cars of other manufacturers.

Before that, there were no cars in China, especially FAW Hongqi, which was a representative of high-end cars.

There are also low-end cars. For example, the Jeep 212 in Beijing has no air conditioning or heating. It is still covered with canvas. The price is very affordable and it has strong off-road capabilities.

Now, the first car of Great Wall Motors is too advanced compared with its peers. It cannot be made by the domestic industrial base at all, but their pricing is exactly the same as that of other manufacturers.

Everyone is a friendly business, but there must be competition. Great Wall Motors has never regarded its opponent as an opponent, but the friendly businessmen do not believe it.

"Next, everyone can take a test drive."

Amidst the humming and communication among everyone, Teacher Yuanyuan smiled intellectually and announced loudly: "There are 10 cars prepared outside. You can take a look at the real cars of our Great Wall Motors. This is for everyone to experience."

(End of this chapter)

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