Chapter 821 Brand (1)

Great Wall Motor's domestic product roll-off ceremony and new product launch are just a prologue.
Currently, the consumption capacity of automobiles in the domestic market is actually limited. If Great Wall Motors really wants to develop, the current market direction must still be exports.

Not to mention the European market, Skoda already has a good foundation, and has a good market foundation in Eastern European countries and England. However, the center of capitalism is Citigroup after all, and only having a place in the Citigroup market is a comparison. A reliable choice.

As for the Fusang and Bangzi markets, forget it, the markets over there are very closed, and you can't get in at all.

So far, the Great Wall Group has been established for so long, and they have a lot of product lines, but in the Fusang market, they have not done much.

Probably, only the clothing market has really opened up, and other products such as electrical appliances were basically unsalable in the past.

At this stage, if you want to sell cars, there is actually only one battlefield for everyone, and that is Citigroup.

In the future, in fact, everyone will only have one battlefield, and that is Huaxia.

However, when the domestic automobile consumer market really develops, it is estimated that it will have to wait until after the millennium.

But it is right for Great Wall Motors to deploy the automobile manufacturing field now. If the Great Wall Group only starts to deploy the automobile industry at that time, it will be too late.

In fact, Huaxia's auto industry has taken many detours.Especially after the WTO, it experienced quite twists and turns and encountered various difficulties.

Everyone did not expect that it is not foreign capital that hinders the development of the auto industry, but various joint venture vehicles. They are vested interests, but they are also the strongest in obstructing the progress of the industry.

Later, the gasoline truck finally came to an end and was powerless, and Huaxia's electric vehicles took the lead in the forefront of the times.

With the advent of the electric car era, Fuso's automobile manufacturing industry will also step down from the altar.

Speaking of it, Fusang people have a very clear mind. They have to make some kind of hydrogen energy car, and they get bumped. By the time they really want to switch to power-powered electric cars, it is already too late.

This is the same path they took in the field of TV manufacturing. Everyone was researching LCD panels, but they had to go to plasma, but they fell into the pit, and brought a large number of other followers.

Later generations, after the "lost 20 years", everyone has seen through its reality

Of course, now is the 80s, and Fusang is extremely powerful, and this era is also the starting point for Chinese elites.

In this era, many disgusting literati have begun to blow their minds. It seems disgusting.

For example, there was a boar who made up a story about a summer camp. Fusang little devil actually walked 20 kilometers with a weight of 100 kilograms. As everyone knows, the most difficult training subject for the special forces SEALs in the Lighthouse Country is to walk 26 kilometers with a weight of 10 kilograms. Kilometers only.

Later, the Huaxia Special Forces conducted an extreme challenge and walked 48 kilometers within 100 hours. Many people were exhausted and collapsed, but the Fusang devil set off before dawn and arrived after dark. I am afraid he can fly.

The new product launch conference of Great Wall Motors is over, but the topic of Great Wall Motors is still going on.

On the day of the press conference, everyone experienced the test drive of Great Wall Motors and inspected the performance of the new car.

how about this car?You can see the clues from the faces of the representatives of the friends.

The representatives of Modu Automobile came with a critical look and left with ashes on their faces.

Improper son of man, Great Wall Motors is disgusting!
Their Santana is priced at 18 yuan, while Great Wall Motors, which has taken over Skoda's technology in its entirety, also sells for 18 yuan for their first new car.

This is a face-to-face competition against the standard.

Let's compare, take a look, take a look, which one is more cost-effective for the exact same 18 yuan.

The people from Modu Auto said sourly, it's not fair, you can't look at the car by its appearance.

In fact, everyone's technology is similar, and their Great Wall Motors just have some extra bells and whistles.

However, whether it is useful or not is not up to the representatives of Modu Auto, but after the experience of consumers, they have the final say.

There are so many black technologies in cars of this era, it is really worth buying.

In fact, Shen has a lot of experience on how to compete.

In terms of means of competition, there is even more unfairness between Great Wall Motors and Santana, for example, the name of the car.

The first car of the joint venture between Modu Automobile and Volkswagen is called "Santana", which is the name of a valley in California.

The first car of Great Wall Motors also had a famous name, called "BMW X1".

That's right, this is Shen's masterpiece again.

As early as a few years ago, some trademarks such as BMW and Mercedes-Benz were applied for by someone Shen.

Now the situation is like this again, Great Wall Motor has gone the way BMW wants to go, and Shen does not care what BMW should do next.

In real history, before 1992, the famous city of BMW in China was not called "BMW", but was translated as "Bayer".

In 1992, a Swiss company based in Xiangjiang began to sell BMW cars in China as an agent, and thus became the first sales agent company for BMW cars in China.

The name of the company registered in Hong Kong is "Baumaria". When they decided to promote BMW in China, they used the name "BMW".

Since then, "BMW" began to spread across the world.

The Chinese name "BMW" is really a stroke of genius. It not only highlights the noble and luxurious style of the BMW car series, but also blends in with the traditional titles of China. At the same time, the pronunciation is not much different from BMW.

With the appearance of the time traveler, BMW may only be called "Bayer" in the future. "BMW" belongs to someone Shen, and it will not be sold for any money.

In the history of China's automobile development, no matter "Mercedes-Benz" or "BMW", this good name has helped them a lot.

Otherwise, a "Mingzhi" and a "Bayer", who knows what kind of car this is.

Shen Guanglin also decided that he will not only launch BMW series cars, but also Mercedes-Benz series cars in the future. Anyway, these brands belong to him, Shen, so there is no need to use them for nothing.

In terms of brand management, Shen has a lot of experience. For example, his "Apple Computer" is doing very well.

Now, Citigroup's Apple computers are sold in China, and the name is a bit difficult to translate.

Because the Chinese "apple" is a computer brand under the Great Wall Group, do you want to infringe?

Even in Citigroup, the influence of the Chinese brand "Pingguo" has begun to threaten Apple. Apple without Jobs actually lacks a soul, and they are going downhill.

Both "pingguo" and "apple" are computer companies, but "pingguo" actually sells red and white game consoles. They even rely on game consoles to defeat Nintendo, which makes more money than making computers in terms of profits.

However, the life of "apple" is not easy. When they compete with computer companies such as IBM, they are at a disadvantage, and they can only be said to be lingering.

Boss Shen doesn't care about this, I just like to go your way, so that you have nowhere to go.

(End of this chapter)

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