Start with a college teacher

Chapter 822 Strategic Adjustment

Chapter 822 Strategic Adjustment (2)

The renovation of the Great Wall Building can start. This is the second good news Shen Guanglin heard after arriving in Shanghai.

Up to now, the facade of the building has been completed, and the surrounding greenery has also been completed. Now it is necessary to decorate the internal public area, and then it can be delivered.

From the outside, the Great Wall Building has been completed!

Although the scene was still a mess, my sister went to visit the tallest building that belonged to her with great interest.

This is not only hers, but also the child's.

Li Rong is her own sister, but she can't believe it either, so it's more reliable to hold her in her hands.

My younger sister is a very complicated person. At first she yearned for the outside world. Under Shen Guanglin's education, she saw clearly the hypocrisy and darkness of the outside world.

At first she was aloof from the world, but under Shen Guanglin's education, she also changed.

All these are illusions, in the final analysis, she is still an ordinary person, an ordinary person with seven emotions and six desires.

For wealth, she is very important now. Although she still doesn't spend much money, her desire to control wealth is getting stronger and stronger.

Females are weak, but mothers are strong.

Since the top of the Great Wall Building was capped, many people have come to inquire about leasing or buying, many of them are multinational companies and institutions, and they also want to set up their offices in China on the new landmark of Shanghai.

Boss Shen made the final decision. It is fine to sell it, but it is possible to rent it out, and the price is not expensive, only half of the same place in Xiangjiang.

This is a strategy. The rent of office buildings is not expensive, which can increase the utilization rate and drive the surrounding housing prices.

Of course, the surrounding communities were also built by the Great Wall Group, and no company has such skill and courage.

Great Wall Group's land in the Pudong circle is more than a dozen one-square-meter kilometers, and the cost of land transfer is only a little.

This is the vision a traveler should have.

What is one building and two buildings, what is one hundred acres and two hundred acres.

Someone Shen didn't get a loan from the bank, and just relied on his own influence to get tens of thousands of acres of land from the Demon City government.

Even so, Shanghai is still very grateful to Professor Shen, thinking that he has driven the economic development of Shanghai.

In later generations, how much an acre of land would cost in Shanghai is beyond my imagination.

Even so, after the community around the Great Wall Building was built, Shen had no intention of selling it, and was planning to rent it out as well.

After all, in this era, in Pudong, on the banks of the Huangpu River, 1000 yuan per square meter is still a bit too expensive.

Let's talk later.

Just like where the emperor is, there is the capital, and where Boss Shen is, there is the headquarters of the Great Wall Group.

There will be no such mobile headquarters in the future, because they will be relocated to Shanghai soon.

The company has arranged a temporary office area with board houses near the Great Wall Building, and the residences are also simple, all of which are built by the company itself.

Everyone looked at the Great Wall Building under renovation, full of anticipation and enthusiasm.

In recent years, the Great Wall Group has developed by leaps and bounds, and every field has developed very smoothly, which makes Shen a little suspicious and unbelievable.

Even though these achievements and decisions were clearly made by someone Shen, he was still a little unconfident.

Now, the profits of the Great Wall Group for a year can build a building like the Great Wall Tower.

It is simply a business miracle that the Great Wall Group has not used a penny of loans from the outside world until now.

The more so, the more conservative the development strategy of Great Wall Group.

Even, they have to save half of the profits every year, so that the excess money can be used for research and development and expanded reproduction.

Probably, among all the fields of Great Wall Bank, Great Wall Bank is the most radical. They have a strong ability to acquire reserves, and their lending strategies are also particularly flexible, so the speed of development is the most astonishing.

Shen Guanglin asked, Great Wall Bank's current foreign exchange reserves and deposits exceed 100 billion US dollars, while Huaxia's current foreign exchange reserves are only 33 billion, which is simply an exaggeration.

In fact, the history of the Great Wall Group's fortune is also very simple, that is, the continuous replication of the processing mode of supplied materials.

Their beginnings are really inseparable from the fact that Liu sold his clothing processing machinery and turned to electric fans.

The Great Wall Group has also gradually developed from the OEM of clothing, shoes and hats to other fields, including fan manufacturing, of course, and some small hardware, small hydropower and so on.

Shen Guanglin is a professor at Capital University, so he has the convenience of recruiting talents. Shen Guanglin's laboratory is also an opportunity for people to be famous, so talents are willing to come to him for work practice.

Therefore, one industry per year, one leap forward per year.

This is how the Great Wall Group got up.

Great Wall Clothing has developed from a small factory at the beginning to a large group with more than 6 people. Great Wall Group has also developed from the field of clothing OEM to the current super giant.

So far, the Great Wall Group has not yet been listed, otherwise, Shen would be the richest man in the new generation of Chinese.

Now the richest Chinese man is still the charter king, Shen Guanglin is not easy to usurp the throne.

Shen Guanglin has a good relationship with Chartered King, and Chartered King often joked, "Everyone says I am the richest Chinese, but I think I am still not as rich as you."

Shen Guanglin smiled lightly, "Money is something outside of me, I am not interested in money, my greatest pleasure is"

The ship tycoon was a little frustrated, "Get out! Stop, stop! You can give me your money if you can't spend it all, I don't think it's too much."

"It's simple, how much money do you always want, I just say hello to Great Wall Bank, within 100 billion, I won't even frown."

Anyway, Shen Guanglin didn't care if it wasn't his own money. Even if the Great Wall Bank went bankrupt, it wouldn't affect Shen. After all, Great Wall Bank is a limited liability company and only bears limited responsibilities.

This time the Great Wall Motors new product launch conference, the charter king came to join him. The magic city is not far from Yongcheng. He still remembers letting someone Shen be the principal of Bo University.

Shen Guanglin repeatedly shied away, Lao Bao had no choice but to rely on playing the emotional card to press hard: "Xiao Shen, just because I don't have much time, let me fulfill this one wish of mine."

Shen Guanglin asked in surprise, "What's wrong?"

What else could be wrong, the charter king has cancer and is undergoing conservative treatment. You know, he is only 70 years old, so young.

However, cancer is, after all, the most difficult disease to treat in the world, and Shen has no particularly good solution for this.

The Chartered Ship King did not blame him, but decided to donate 1 million US dollars to Professor Shen so that he could continue to do scientific research.

Shen Guanglin felt even more ashamed.

However, the son-in-law of the charter king himself is also a world cancer expert, and he is also helpless.

Let's not talk about this heavy topic.

"I think you've been acting a lot lately. What are you doing?" Chartered Ship King was one of the few people who cared about Shen Guanglin the most. He noticed Shen's actions in Shencheng.

"I want to make strategic adjustments for the Great Wall Group. What do you think of what I have done recently?" Shen Guanglin still respects the seniors in the business world. The charter king is the boss of eight Xiangjiang listed companies, and his strategic vision must be good.

Strategic adjustment is also Shen Guanglin's long-term plan. Although clothing OEM is very profitable, Shen Guanglin really doesn't want to do it again. After all, selling clothes can be profitable.

Even media reporters said that the amount of money squandered by someone can only be earned by how many shirts made by female textile workers.

This is annoying to hear.

"Do you want to put aside the foundry business and concentrate on other businesses?" The ship king saw Shen Guanglin's plan at a glance, and he supported it. "Go ahead and do it boldly. I think you will succeed."

Shen Guanglin smiled wryly, "Don't think highly of me, I have developed so fast because of opportunity, not ability."

For these, Shen Guanglin has always been unconfident.

Therefore, he has never dared to take big steps, always thinking that it is better to develop steadily, and he refuses to borrow a penny from others.

A few years ago, the stall was still small, and he dared to mortgage the equity he held in his hand to make a wave of quick money.

Nowadays, the older the world is, the less courageous it is. The Great Wall Group dare not even borrow money from the Great Wall Bank.

Therefore, Great Wall Bank has so many deposits, most of which are deposited by Great Wall Group itself, and it is impossible for Great Wall Group to borrow money.

Of course, this cannot be said to the outside world, and everyone will not believe it. They think that the Great Wall Group can develop so fast, and they don't know how much money has been embezzled from the Great Wall Bank.

Therefore, some international hot money, especially some hedge funds, have long set their sights on Great Wall Bank.

They just want to come up with a ruthless move, for example, to take advantage of the opportunity to run and reap wealth by the way.

It's just that Great Wall Bank is the third largest bank in Xiangjiang, and it hasn't been listed yet.

(End of this chapter)

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